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s$otJ: j Q&h . .M& ■yrv-syuO Uhi '■> 
~~pjJ [fjQrr^Li ' UJU*-*-*-** 

Ch\i,\ ' 

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b > - .. j. / 0 - 



tip*, tic 




ft- *L+io CJt<^y^<c 


Oi>" ■ n 1 aa 1 1 on . o r ■ ■ t i - ; e bn rd el e-me n t- 3 of the vt i t tg| o r*,c iiig f or ^ 
the acceptance of fascism and mobilization for race war. Per To at ex- 
amples of these tactics arc: the fascist control of our youth -through 
to kav i or ; iod i f i ca t on a nd o t *- p r sue h or or ra ms in t h e publ ic schools; 

Hanrahan''^ i;au-::au fantasy, Operation Zebra and other such fro re -ups- 
of members of the fat ion of Islam under the pig-iriicentea guise of seer 
Black death cults- 

■ - - * 

The imperialist .car pa ir:n to st iwulate ana strengthen attitudes 

of r:cist national chauvinism is growing rep idly. Rockefeller, his 

stoors Kiss Hirer ard all o^the biy oli^; want us to believe 
rj> t ha t oil si- ort o. ms a ■ cl^^r-iee — r-i - — off care t ho f a u 1 1 o f t e Arabs 

rather t h ■ n the cor id rn t e de c a vt i. on -asd- \rL nci i ctT i px'O fits the. 

a. CU^U^J^ 

monopolists •-■no- — — tbs — = >ec a- 

. . ' Pr-^rie fire , a be oh. b r £ t h a Jsat h r : *nde : r r o und , is r. beaut i _ ul 
le 33 on on ’the me - n 1 n y of rsvelut i onary in t e r na t i onal is m • Its h oula 
be ebudied . by a ' 1 rev ol- ti onaries , especially wh i t e s . v:h i t e rev ol- 
utiDnn.ries must see clearl-.* t'-at XKSKXXIK' , CX1£ it is suicidal to post 


pone the revolutionary mobilisation of &K1K£XX'£XX€£& the advanced 
elements of the white working class- The whole world is vr tching t 
see who will join the fight. ... - 

T|-,e a me r 1' fa n r nlinm clarw is a small group of f as c is t s w - . ■. o 
a r 3 repeat edly 1 e - : r n i nr t - 1 t.I ■ sir day s are numbs re u - The i r c di- 
ce t ivo e'-) i t r ph has a Ire -* dy b~ 2 r. wr i 1 1 en and s i m; icd ey rev ol : - 1 i on— 

- ■ ’ _ * x 

a r i - a t h o '.world over. ■ V/e h::. me be sn called to bottle and each pig'-: 
dsi ivs r a ;; c s will be sale omad v it the 3 r r.~ of people 1 3 j notice. 


IV 1 

■; ' „ 1 I 

£ t 

Clearly we are not at war /with the so-called 11 average person 
on the street," yet there are some misguided .elements from among -- 
the pi or and wording class who have been brainwashed into siding 
with the ruling class and against the revolutionaries. Vfe do 
not see these neople as our enemy; ra.thcr we want our actions to 
speak. to them, to expos- reality, to raise their consciousness and 
to awaken their sense of unity with other oppressed people. However 
during any tactical operation we must often deal harshly with reac- 

1 J I 

t i Dnary individuals who try to emulate John Vgtyne heroics. In 
these cases we don't have time to educate or debate; instead, we 
must stat& with force if necessary that no person will stand in 
the way of our comrades who fight for the freedom of all people.. 

. TL -V^ig n in fc ^ n nw b * . — fc hr . t T war r> p pn e n r ft d " p f "" r l^= 3 *a n 9 9 7 ^ lTVt*~ 

-Sfct-aad t. u f>-TTT'v^lp r-o.'', t.^r!T~T~^3-rf^y^Ja^ . 

RruAOCti-i/ pLXXvs OuiJz^ 

Feminists • • " ~ r<i y - I r ; r -ii - p t ~ rir~" t hr question; 

"rfhy don't poor 

(S ' 1 

1 or v:omen . espec ia~ ly Black and Hrpym women re la 

■ i$i£zuj , l / 

to the '‘I'omen's lavement'?" ’^~, T fall to understand -that i 
-■fcv fDCl i urtitex^M uttw^s-yJ / 

Is Impossible ^to relate to a 0 women's movement whose hard 

core membership of White .middle class/women doej^t make any 

attempt to understand the level of /oppression of . w omen and 

men in the lower classes who are/oppressed by their class 

position and -by racism as well/as sexism- A large part 

of the yji omen' s movement has lj4en coopted by reforms {8$ 

{ it cuJi trn eric 
1 la li xia , narrow a* 

fclLU ' U- ' . ' - J - 

snd^se issue or another w : ~ * ' 
the context of this society A')'' 

success on one ref ormisy Issue whether it be an equal right 


s-menament. equal oav*, ^ower orices in the grocery store or 

abort i 1 

ment, equal pay*, fower prices in the grocery stD 
CfaO OnX-y . Oojlyjj tlnu?iruvuj. w/*^<lwaU AlJufils 
ion, 1 at ^ s ' i ’ S t j tt Li l v . a - a a n j_ e.a vc o '.feag e in uh 



he live 

of people who are suffering from oppression on all levels *- 

. h 1 *-h i™ my- rAi r: 1 f rs v " * 

t-S=E2=t%— ev 

p o ^ pl.o t - h ey=^kx 

mple- opp o rttmit y ~ to -spend t-ime-w lth the 

- women s 

1 U 6 Ia. 

The /XSitIKIfiX movement in t&fcs country has opened the d 

omen more aware of their individual 


a -. aix»& :oyby ' making many w 

lives j.niL by stimulating them to- imagine bow their lives 
could be better. ' I see the 'women 1 s movement as a beginning 


but not^n end ° 1 ?r r "W^ jvT - 3 - it serves a progressive 

purpose *-*« stimulates women to see their struggle 

in lightfof the oppression of all people and allows them to 

■ ' ■ ■ Ajufcwr** V- — 

link themselves with the fight to collectively 

\ rrp , ■ 

agei=± capitalism^* Unfortunately the. feminist women s 

and cbnf 

■ . 

: >nfidence and in 
■can be successf 

demonstrating the vide range of ta.ctics. 
3' . ' ' 



that | can be successful in our revolutionary struggle. The 

t ^'\juu clc! k cJ\^> is A L 

^ V . f V . wr^V 

? *ia— 4= i=t*- ■»' ^ -u*. \l.n f >< v ■ ; c ■ ™ P£c e 

A'CU'SuX t-'U't’k^A c/}'<^.v%x\<./ 

I pLu4) vr^4 i yr."Wu>. M ^ -" &-±=r> /- rj 

v ^/w. dl\^Li no^yrMM^ 4^^ /p r ^i> 

■ r ^ "”*1 /■* * n .h- _ i > r fi . ■> i *i. v-i rr i ._ i 

*t#^i' r> HX h^ ■ <f?tcfe^L?£A .faUc^d 

_U! ‘Sf. \ 4 - > <' *- H^r L d^ c ^Hl H ,J i . ' 

laa*.^ \i\j^vA aJu^/v^ f. CA^^Xjls^) U^m r^ ±trrr zxrct- p*_ V'''-*-*^ vivVjl.'ul.^Cx 

3? i^dujicctcc-,^ JL 5 caaIXus^I i^idrX),^ . 

0fc- < g,),X u .nrcv 

r ; 'vV' 1 tir»w;S , f ... >Av) r; £rr . /■. 

73U £6-0^ (v^f .^l/W JymA'm; oi ^ 

7 t , . .* \ / 

d-h — TT^dxf idf^ ZH i b j ii* l r - L r-A — — -A. t 'i rs-dis y 'iC^vf 0-’ 


\ . 

■ jrn «r 


- . V I' fV, ’t 1 ■ 


TiT ve are fight- ing to-ether , then I thinly that the main . 
e spect of oui- solidarity is extremely simple: it i3- to 
light.... IT Ou must find the test means and the best 
i or ms of fighting again-: t our common enemy: -this la the 
lest form of solidarity. 

Cl«ndestin urban guerrilla warfare complementing and support- 
ing the 'work of the mass front in the communities, prisons schools 
and places Df work continues to build "the nucleus of the people* 3 

A viv i 

ariqy. r.ere in the U3, the home base a.nd headquarters of orat? enemy,. 

find that the number ana variety of potential targets are so 
extensive that the ag€»nts who guard imperialism can never protect 
every vulnerable area. * Guerrillas can use their adv&nt ages of 


mobility, creativity and surprise by striking hundreds of different 
places , a lway s w here we are least expected. However, the contin- 
ued success of the guerrilla forces ultimately depends dh our ability 
to represent the true interests 'and needs of the people and thereby 
win their support in the building of the people* s army. Guerrilla, 
warfare with the support and active, participation pf the masses 
can't be defeated. Even the Pentagon can't argue that point after 
the US defeat in Vietnam. Guerrilla warfare must be clandestine , 
but this does not imply isolation from the people. Rather it 
represents the desire of the guerrillas to survive by. living 
anonymously among the people where the eneny cannot locate and 
destroy them. In the US» guerrilla warfare must be urban. The- 
majority of poor and working people live in the cities where both 
the means of product i&n. and the offices of corporate power ere ;• ' : 

: concentrated.' The urban areas present the greatest contradiction 
between o pressor and • oppressed and as such have become the battle- 



movement has^ at tempted to eliminate v;omen s oppression "by 
finding, more places for them within the capitalist system an d 

f y trying to mate the capitalist system more responsive to;. 

he problems that have prevented women from being as succes3- 
^ JL cf&U-*' yfc/lAMA aXc *T(l£rU^Ll^£A!L£A& 

ful as men. jassfcrfcsm praises the success of a few women 

a .. , AhtfLcb,, XJu-ms 

who make it in the cut-throat business world and ocou them 

as an indication of good things to come for all women, 

largely ignoring the plight of poor and working class women 

whose lives are getting more desparate as the cost of living 

ujmfe ACOJiCJL } 

Jumps , g overnment spending is Blashed and capitalism declines 

into another one of its inevitably recurring stages of 

recession and depression. Feminism for too many middle, 


class women is a fad, a search for Self fulfillment, falling 

into the same category as trans-actional analysis, encounter 

group therapy and the Maharaj-^l — an escapist- attempt to 

find self in tktk isolation from the plight of the masses 

of poor and oopressed. ' „ . _ . 

- . 'IbL'rJi it ^-0 mut-nJ av4 cerm^ 

At this time-, I f4:i^i j ^ l rejeiy_dif-f-uelt--t thunder &tand-a-ny 

-fo fiksi.LQ'nb- /mctAiA. -fo djui t tAs. djLcV-^atc<t 

^ oru - ur - $ C ruggleMihat attempts to separate men from women. 

ttai docUnbULt Lftlu^L fb A£.CvJrt\<t£ -CA^Ja aJZrro . 

I see struggle as a* way of unifying people to with a 

common oppression and a common enemy. only 

d^the=enajsz^rr 2 CTk^when ^e^ddv-ide— ^e oole - along -& ex— linoa. . -i 
The ruling class a..J : {,» I^l 1 „j u Ll.. , tried to keep men and 
women ceoarated for decades so that the capitalists could .. 
exploit- women a£::£T£SK'-.I8Ki£3£ with lower clave wages, danger- 
ous &«d inhuman working -conditions , and greater feelings”. 

• > - • • ■ ■■ ■■ ' ■ ' '■ " • '■ 
of Job insecurity, than • theno 1 - same - ea - rltal lots use t - o - mako - 

h ugu ~ rhH 1 L i"K the i^v i.i *ih" ~ 1 - f '' hrivl . z d o ooc tho Im p o r- 
VyUan**)-^ ~jbfojve C.Ojuj*MjZ£a hjjlfuA 1 

Q. ‘ The media often presents groups libe t're SIA as "terrorists 
at war with society" and tofcies to imply that they are somehow at 
war with the average person on the' street. Perhaps the 3IA can 
dispel some of these misc once et ions b: clarifying who your targets 
are and what tactical and strategic guidelines you foil ovr in carry- 
ing out your revolutionary objectives. 

raft ^ 




* >>J 

J. fcj 




■ : <¥l 

A. Vie define our enemy as all members of the U3 ruling class 

and all those who administer and protect U3 corporate fascism and 

imperialism. The ruling class ha small elite group: of families 

end individuals who control the giant corporate monopolies and who 

use the power of their wealth and influence t'r control the U3 

government, the U3 military and police forces,’ the media, -tbs- educe. - 

i, fiU-1 Clw-A ifrvMZI iJlo'nsi 

t i onaT* cj* s t&m as well as countless governments throughout the world . 

- . ground, 

In ‘this initial stage of armed struggle,, urban guerrilla 'war- 
fare is the strategy employed by the' 3LS and the entire guerrilla 
front to. attach our enemy, to. mobilize poor and worlcing people and 
tD build unity. Struggling people often have not been able to wor’c 
and fight together in this country due to racism, sexism, sectar- 
ianism and national chauvinism. The SLA does not say that all pro- 
gressive forces must first achieve unity before XK25C we begin to 
combat oonres si on- because we have seen nr oof that armed struggle. 

Jtself can serve as the for bringing revolutionaries together. 

Msz.' x 'Vc^ab crm‘n\.*-T'ntf'\T • t h<L 

Unity can only be built orntru 3 1 .ha 3 -b e^^emrno-ttra. tod-byw- q, , . ^ '] 

- dlC 1P.VU.1 ctp-tHtii l, *\ , . (wcTvi , 

~t=otal' comfe i-U t ve al 1 forms otxstruggle.*' Amilcar Cabral, leader 

» C 4 <4 * tefl ** ii *■. A 

& t 

I want to Join, what do I have to do" things like this...**® 

n •&©« people who see u&a-i^iitayb e “the SLA zbxx h as ■ don e- -> oc e = 

f-.'hart-naybe the BLA. has done, the v-featber Underground the .. 

X ysli— otkOv 

Jhicano liberation Front, whoeve r , peple engaged in armed 

’struggle ,and who— re al! ? e— fr-on~s eeing-“fc-hi-s--kind- of- practice 

that they wshit to engage in KrjcEExstxHXgiH similar activity 

And that because of their understanding of how we 1 re P*-*^ 

organized, of h6w thase other groups are probably organized, i» ^ 

\ Sp-* 

that they will ge\ together with their close friends, 

people w h o hav e s inula r ideas to t h e ms e Ives , they will form 
cells, they will trattj thenselves, they willprepare them- , 
selves for actions thatv they init'encL- to carry out, and essen- 
tially at some time ther\ will be a- coming together , — --ffa keb 
-l- sn-M^r -n-ew . of all these different groups who we have ai^ee^tad 
fes- describs^as the Symbiones\ Liberation Army. In other 

words, Hke the ELA came into Existence, it was a largely 

5-^tn The -wcit.'. . racially 

Black group of people -^bhere^rtr^ people who v/ere not/part 

of thp Black nation who worked witfv the ELA., btt fe - fe t ^= e= moat-ly 
Blacks and tha t J s- a rr -imp or-t an t_aape c t\^f — t h e i r s t r uggle ~ t ha t 
had— t o- be -devcl oped -on "" t ha l - level ' be c a dee r o f t h e : f a c t- -that 
Blacks were in the forefront at the time and they were fight- 
ing .by thenselves mostly^ Ue see that because of their struggles 

the struggles ■ of \ . 

and because of/some other peoples x.trngxiEH idr=t^-ths3^=was™a- 

Wv3 . \ . Uu tJ? tW- 

basis of finity’ in terms of people fighting together, asd.we v ‘-i 

know that if we cone in contact with other combat forces tha t. 

need kHE help from us that we will helo them, and vieevea^a- 

±£ we expect help from them if we need it* and /\t some ..po'int 


in time it will 'be a lot more organized based on/conditions 


juii aMJW^ 

XU*jJ Ica AUrt 0*^ O-6-t* 

£J "T&m*! /Ul4f* rr>u £jtM 'fT*^J~ ycS^At/ £ 2 . 

{.</,• a& 

fcSgfiF^ - 

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t . 7 tx ! l)}^ 

«. G<&><*. aM***y /due 

l*44X AS~>>1*~* ijiJ*£~*/- ~‘f° / ^ ■ J&CA-****^ 

** ' \ v ''^ IX 1 ^O-'CX^ /i . , Lu/-/ / / * 

iijL '/* c \v 








struggle? ■' 

sort or people were 



an ex-member of Venoeremos ; had a lot of military experience 
because he spent 18 mrs. In . Vietnam as a rxEsxnaixxnns 
combat soldier on reconnaisance . teams; one of the. few white r 
people who went up to bounded Knee with the Intention of usi! 

arms to help t-e Souix. nat 1: n defend its right to self-deter:. 
t ion* 

Cdsi & 3o — *hen they were in S?.n Quentin . there were several oc- 
casions when the pigs. tried to set them up by attempting to 
escalate the racial tens?. ons and divisions by trying to get 
^le.cks to attach these brothers because they were white. But 
there was too much unity between these two brothers and the 

other prisoners; V7hen they hadn't even been a reigned , senter 
or convicted of a crime they " re put in the “hole 1 ' at San 
Q,uentin, a state prison, for "security reasons" , and while 
they were there thepigs rook thorn on a. tour of the gas cha.mbe 
. where nigs hurled insults 'at 'them -and said that they'd be sec 
that place again soon; They were beaten 'by the pi£s on the w:v 
to court one morning because the" pigs couldn't get the prison 
to do it 

Fahizah — name means Victorious; deep understanding of what it's 
•for bl. people to live in this country; married Gilbert. Perr 
and for a ''onr tfcme didn't have anything to do with white 
. people but was mostly ground bl.' people; spent 24 hrs". a day 
. making herself a rev. learning from -in and other' people and 
.'■} ; ■ . teaching by example ; incredible s elf -d ic ipl ine "-and; .det ermine 
toin to eliminate her weaknesses ; never wasted time; bshe. tr-u 
us to struggle with our comrades but to reserve our anger fbr 
the eneny - - v : * ; 

Zoya-- Her rev. consciousness grew out of her involvement in the ^ . 

women's struggle; Aggitated for tetter jot) opportunities, for ^ 
"■ * 
women at ther job at the library ; bid Cin out after he got-o£j 

. * 

pribson which riany peoole wouldn't do; She struggled with cin. ^ 
around his se:ci3m and Ci n struggled with Zoya around her racism, 


and she realized that there wore many things that s^e could 

^ » 1 

learn from hirnabbut" what tactics to use to bring this fucker . 

down . . # 

Gabi— She was a lesbian; She and Zoya wgrs lovers in toe past and'' 
Zoya really helped move her forward; like Zoya she realized 1 
that she couldn't struggle to free only women and broadened 

t ’ 

herher support of stria g.les to include all o pares ed groups ** 
etc. in this country; She was :rore tbgether than any one else 
around sexism; realized that she could learn alot from the men 

in the cell and was determined to do so 
Gellna — really maligned by the media ; really developed quickly . 

aft^er she got out* of a shitty marriage that fucked both her- and 
Gar-: up; Uhen she wanted to understand a question better she 
put Klinfxihs:rHnsr;c-c>:in.t;:±± all of her energy into it; .strong 
} convictions and not afraid to ask questions; she kept morale 
high* .among the corrodes; She changed her body from a weak., 
usele- o body into a body that a guerrilla soldier can use to 
defend themselves -with;, rea’ly used her own initiative tqg'_ 
learn things and s^.e learned from her mistakes' instead : of asking 

./ '.someone for answers. ...... .. .... 

Kah Job — name me." ns Unconquerable; r 1 1 c ip?, t i on In 3'3A ; developed 

an int oil© c t underct&ndlnf* of* rev* into prnc^lca.1 urosrstr.r.^*? 

atm * J l© to b© disciplined or tils l-^cb£Found of 

W * I^v(v b 

T/p. 1 YY\JLm.b-z-tf &£ tfcc Si~F| U^'k .AXt^LLsp- 

/ { t y^\ t u-u^va ?r n.'V'*' >^vin n , ^ vUl- dt-,^ 

$*• Q. . Ti l l j U M ■ TTr-^V- V THP ? I~ r « » t-oaS^-poynlntl-Y^^ , 

if <s,/ dA/) L^poyJr^-tL ^ rh^iJ 

hm-r I#i ri Jin f lT T-T n hr 'll IT‘ I j"M I . --- . - - ,£ K- - ynn nmOfl nt.r»r»t - , / M'^ x C_ 

r , „ ,. ,. v„ -i 1 - 1 *i-Ed&; °AJ Li^t ^a-a^-un^ . 

fcc dL&1 A^ %*•>** ? 

v<r rft ri 

f* , 

•pn 7n v^-y— sv&ved .. .. .' t® Indianapolis, Indiana* w-es-re I. grew up in 
• ^ irU . ' 

- a White working class neighborhood*. Ky father was e. salesman* 

n 1957) 4 L* ■ "~ 

/when I was twelve, ny family moved out of the city/ ^During 

<iLi *a Artuy ' 

^ Vi j_~ par i od A t he ft ex odus of whites from the city- to the suburbs , 

, a p&e4e4 white suburban community north of Indianapolis.- — ■ ; 

Ky father lea bought a lifetime mortgage on a new house next 
to a golf course. That was his idea of utDpla— he was a golf 
' Kd:tiiX5dx:i:jfi>C)Siissaiia;cKKSEKKd;CvHS 

X graduated from high school in relative obscurity and 

when I was* 18 I enrolled at Indiana University in Bloomington. 


At that time I wss a rebellious conservative, &/l&££j££ anarchist* 

I detested all forms of authority but politically I was very 
naive. Ky family was republican, 11 the flag and apple pie , iJiCe 
the rest of Indiana. b^^lThey aidn' t force-feed me their ideo- 
logy sort of picked It up ty osmosis. I was cynical, dis- 

trusted politicians, bated rich people, always sided with the 
underdog; but was mostly interested in drinking beer and 
watching Jocks run back and forth. Ky grades were horrible 
and after four semesters they threw me out. That was in 1965*. . 

I , t h inking it would all be easier in "the promised > 

land 11 * and ended up in San Francisco*. . I v/aa bavins £■ hard time _ 


looking for you on a much more systematic basis. How did 
you ioact to that? 

A* Telco — Again, wo had all trlkod about the potent ini prob- 
lem of be Inc; sops rated due to being jammed. Our first 
priority va ■ to deal with tha^hroo^of no?' & - 3Qur^ y y ’© 
had to make sure we'd lostapy tails* any pig activity in 
search of uo In particular, and then attoiapt to, te r a-vo^ y m % 

eecurarrriannors tt> ho ole up irith our conr.a&cs again. This is maAv*u/v 
what wo 'acre attempting to A o. . It turned out wo made a 

serious error in the course cf switching our cars at ono 

point th ! t patent tally the tigs flndi"” our cor-r^den* 

th at - v r a :' . 1 th -fr Ode JUM to* ei Ws-'Ek* 'VoWw-AtW uj-t. 

fttt&Av i - C jr 0 jt -t - j take o:vj. an i n ry la. cV e-' tlvt • o' d-l c-ft— i n 

t hp vnr. yhial^v."' 1 A nnnA to hi tlQ_- Q ’'r -TTLTj^M rie . g . j m ■—w g 

nor.t 01.1 tV- An-gr—i -g thnan . •-- - " p-*Mi. I ' l.'.T.'t 

th at wo yore s upponod to - Ujl3u. i . ■.. nan . Qf _c;: r .. flntln n- ^hat dry . 

‘ i r~ In.'- r - ] I --- — - 1 - - fy in rr nf *h*~ t l ""'Pt ' 

t he y found- o ut 1 f.lj^ a t* thU ’ lTO USU ‘th at wo 1 1 nt^j Ing — i n — 

a-1 1 - r l.pq — o - i uo bo - foio v . x ' ero ---- » sol it — “-4 — rrrfro— beans ■ Our 

comrades had split that house as soon as they had heard on 

the radio that wo had boon Jammed at the snorting good3 , 

store , vrhich was a natural security precaution that they 

would normally trice. •• but . there' s a. possibility that . 
t*L pi#Q t ^ tovM. k*M 

thatLU^y found out about that housed and learned some things,,-^ 

.about the vehicle- that -v;oulu be moving injl that Uiay cJLtii^ 

could have located them later. Mow we* re not really suro 


about th*s, but it's a serious error that/could have led to 
the shoot-out. It* c one of a number, of t-hlngo tha; honper.od 

PjjJm U4 jt> 6**ZfaJ* C* a> . h*o*ZU lb M. 

J^xA M**- dJxM . vitf- teo ^y>-^K h> 

6 >h^ ~3faP t**+^ ux ux** bfe w^ov-e, 

/d (>^a; \o-e £<-^i- ^ -*- "^"M ***v /v^k- 

'Lk&X (Lcrnk^-^A & jp^JkjLA^ ‘-^sb = ^ feC ^- / 

/s^t£>tAhexd — (&-ttt -fw *- /Vn^ioJ^o-^ ^<uEXt<M. # * lA/V 

■took whatever training or activity you’ve bociylnvolvcd In 
^tho past throe months* Could you toll ir= something about that 
and (some thine, about how you see the future? 

A* Toko— "ell, as 'wo said earlier, we had done some amount 

of work making contact- with progressive elements In the 

Log Angelo a area and ’.re weren't totally icol&tod as In clear 

by the fact that we* re- still hero* . ~ V/e’ro still froo, and we 

are still fighting. T hff> ■ t . I~ j rr t fi -Tlorn t . ■ i W— V o Even before 

the shoot OUt we considered ourselves to bo in a mrbVllaa- 

civ ^efu>> H 

tion period, n^d i'o still ■ 1 ' . :rsr: t*v j> ■-- In ~ -- -•LYTlr.-- 1 luvt 

• a o rlfttl . 

. mTTx-Vl 

L -■ J 



4L Wl 



aot ic'.TSi 7 or obvious reasons wo can’t g ica 1 ' about at we re 
-• ^ q ~ -j -•*-- - — 1 '* | |J ~' go l ng to do in the near 

future, or soecifi colly yha.t kinds of tactics wo afo going 
to cam 1 oy in the course of our participation in ■■ guerrilla 

warfare hero in t-~o United litotes* 
*■ ■ 

Yolanda — r. a inly we’re not locking back too rsuch*** one 

of the things that- Cln said to us before wo v:cnt out to the 

store tha.t day was, "Rember, a ay thine that happens is always 

for the' best" H- had no way o: being able to predict 

what would eventually hapeen that ho would die apd that 


v-r» • -'vOr" hvp ; , .nd eurrv on tko lk'*to of_ the <w , but we re 

\:e would live and carry on tho ■f£*w oo-rs of tho aij but we Ti 

determined to do that, r. u t i i. J i! ' <Sur wain emphasis tiEs . 

to te on looking forward to what wo can do next— whatwe-- 

can do after that, and training, proparing ourselves so 

uc can do it troll with- a high decree of success* (fk ’^ U>€ * 
OsrJt ^frVTwj vm KaJ 

ru_> ZUt tb U^^U^IL &{ fc£| 

^pLCdUj caX**K Etf~£to jp*^ 0 J ^ Vt\ dx*£l **4 

id fu^jri^jorj^i CoWtoAiO ^ JUaa/1^ £ ^UAJ >fluJ- 4o^tkt/y 


Mv pL**e . J/^_ ,_ ^ 

fax flf^tt^OJ^ , X^^XaIja^J J ^Vut^^h, CLyJ. &JLL(T<!JLjL6 
|lA>AX^ H*tau ^Moj£Uj<J t (jtJ't M**A. ft"**-*^ 
"VuioaA jpeopu'o (vii^B^ .<> 4^ ^$£5^ 

above ground on a regular or serious level# /. nd the sud fact ■ 
is thbt nest of t!v» above ground ’'.politicos" denounced the 


Vcs^ijbrpeoplQ as "acvchturisto" > ' ■ 

\he nr, in things to understand are that the effect of th o 
, anti-war movement was trucly h people’s victory-. The , big 
victory V::: that of tho Vic t- e people who accomplished . 
i i,*hat 3 one \ bought v. r ao impost- lble* And to truely understand 
The affect of the tiutirwar movement on tho successes of 
people’s ’./ar rV: Vietnam wo must give & lot of credit to tho 
i;orh of anti-warVId • Tt nay not "bo clear to a lot of the 
VcterariE of the ntWlont movement , but the CIs started to come 
borne when* It begun t\ bcco e> clear to the pentagon that it 
was gc tt irg incroaairgSy more difficult to force your- 3 Americana 
to give their live,- for sbrno greedy capitalist or fascist 
dictator- \ 

The demonstrations around the invasion of Cambodia 
wore tho ppalc of the maps student participation lifl the anti- . 


war struggle* It was incroasingl\ demoralizing after that* 

I thing a lot of up began to understand that there Just v;asn8t 
a whole lot that you could dp in the university, that if we 
wore going to effect change in this society we wore therefore 
going tD have to connect up somehow with rhe people in the 
community* ,'e students were a minority and\ho issues v;o 
rallied around on the canpuses oftentimes didirUi reflect the . . ; 
over all situation in the whole society. Alot o^. t ho po ople i-f’ 
in the community that surrounded the university that Yolanda, 
KKd‘<XX)5*Ot Gollna, add I wont to saw the student population 

p*'**y* ^ . ■ 

as there dlBoct enemy. Of course a lot of this focllng\ms 

i aIt -tkj t ^^iu .t £j-^ci ^Cfi~('-* Jz? t-/ v ^r u ' (NojJt- ^s* ^ 

3 ? 

hAtjX^«te& ~tU ga *tf . 

.{uwUl^ dA*lC*kkM^/> #* 

^^3 i«»f^ jh^- 

— ^ L /.c_ e . b(yjl,isi 

2 I&tSte-M* ecyr^r^^ 

’~jtquzff 'Jf*y -Si-Fj- J^i 


a& ;«rl 

^4 ' vfal 





frOr^the local peoples perspective was that students cared 

Eioroj'a^xiut cot tine drugged up and 11 causing trouble" than 

'the "rich kid" 

endijig Repression* They also felt that/students were re- 
spond i bl o\f or the high rent that the community had to pay 
to the greedy 'slum lords , or that students with part tlno 
-••-Job3 wero talcing away... their jobs or helping their bosses 
Iceop oppress ive\ci dingo on their 'wages bocauso the stud on ts 
worked for less* Vrhe so-called youth culture With its 
anarchistic einphaoro on individuality really played into the 
band s' of the pigs and made the division of progressive forces 
and their pS root potential allies a orippllrg reality* The 
"youth culture" was not \ totally negative stage, many of us 
graduated from it and continued to progress* Bourgeois ind- 
ividuality in still one of our rain energies, hovjevcr* and 
many aspects of the student experience' have reiflforcod this 
sickness to the point of ternina^. illness* 

^(previous page) About two... thirdsNpf ths pooplo in Blooming- 
ton wero vory poor, that^s out^ of a’o\it 35, COO people not 
connected with tho university. That tl\; students could bo 
thought of by the local people as their 'enony is to 

my way of thinking a rosult of tho movomon'&e failure to deal 

\ novoir.ont 

with a practical rov olut 1 chary reality* The Not ud out/ supposedly 

had its roots in tXd at- least the intolloctual\capaclty to 

undorstaM objective reality* J iieranamra r*e many" conur doo" 

didn’t understand that the "future administrators \f amorii■l^Ka ,, 

weron’t the only pooplo fucked ovor ty tho war in Vi&^nara. 

It. wasn’t Just young people, young raon* having a potential 

of being, drafted that woo the problem* The' problem- was that 

w A 





2 £Lor 



%CrvUduLC,' r AAtn^ 

<^*4 StrC^h^) (XnrX h*\ 

|u 3 £_ ^ t/y^d)rrx?^^ 

xrpJU^ lO^Me 0uJ^cO Lxsui )t>jtO i£&l<jlZZi^ (h <5L 

i 4^ A 71 ^ 7 ^ jt jP /Ke^o 

yLi iA-4%ksA 'CA-t. . uyt&uiA^XQ a ^ 3 -/-" _i 




■ otj dc jo 

Ca\ cjqtJCslc h 

l/Of 'W-ho Umaij &icL( 

OJ^rvyt aicuiA &u Wttf4LW/W ’djLaJt 

u . tX&J^ ^ 

(U-tuhCL^ Oj IX l 441 <Amaa> &V ~bU 
jywj^ K tk^QtusrJtJl M 

CU rn&. 


p^a M4£ 


il XulM^uJXu^ jL4^o~»^jlJ f$ 

iV^'Vrfv ' t/il C; 

+ U Uv*i ■ ^ 

«•«»• *rtsi " “■ ” rir — * — -- 

«•• » — ”*"”’ “”T« L(-«- ”S*““' 

of the worhlnc class IKSHalS ■ S • w/avK tS'fflS to 

i A to Stoo US' from carry ins oat an ifeera- 
snltoh on us or t® . „,. ln a state: of war a\d 

tion* We have a position tha . a.-« a iS 

■ .„ „ we can't 06 conduct ins theoretical trlal^ 

a3 we said before, we can to 

on oeonle’s bachgroundo ln the middle of a ■ 

, " . ■ . 1 / 

a . What will ha open to^s after the — lution7 


- ' ' ,ts' unlikely that after the revolutionary 

Teho m- I 6U0SS its unlike ^ ^ 

. _ An nwir 1 S 

. * . 1 4* 

^ */■ t%te er<j ^ 'jUvut' f h ^< 

yrret^JUaJU **»+ ^ ^ (jT~^ 

*f, **“ “*•**#&.;. * -04 

lfKoS'l ouh 4 /vosHN*-^! 

~ C^'*' 0 4^ c-hon 

#7 l/r\^&^< / >'o^ J A ’/o ip 

V StrJU P~* **»?£ 

& if. 

B- S 

^^7 /W^? 

as - |pyo 

Vj?«y» ? 

i. p^p > 

5 7 „ 

3 P^y^o ; 

J^ < '7 (T^ 


: §fe;MSii 


ri^ht from.ths beginning , *fo*d have pivcn It -Tree’: to' her. 
I ho^jo oho doesn't think tho 7 LA broke into her borp-o.arrd 
stole her ’.allot so ‘ hat ’.:e could *;ct a hunch or hot 
at her expense. . 

Q* I think it vjco - irithln r. fovr v/oekn of the bank robbery 

r ‘ ffi» th° . • 

that ';ou moved from S?.n- Ti’m-’choco to ion Anaolea e.roa . \-hy 

v/as this nave undertaken? 

v gJ -/Jvt Ci.vrulcU^>vj 

, Ii****' : * 'fXXi*. fcO- 

A. f oland.n — .'o felt whr.t in tho dsn "rs„nclsco area E&Mr 


v;o could not continue to fet r.r, fir h tors -- qur 


novro rnont had been restricted by the ruiabbr or ■'ire in the . . 
community^ to the nolnt v/bore be did not havo the flexibility 
andmobi li ty ■ no 0003;' ry t o hoop . on f Irht 3 n£ • din c o that .;n g 
the ono thine that -ms important to uc above all else 3 ~:o 

tT'— :7' 

decided e r.iove ’-'an necessary* ry e -tr 1 t v n th is-a- /. si 

PiV ■ ‘ 

Hnrf Teko pointed out In t he June 127^ coimur.ique 
** i- a pen ina oil a and it* 3 very dmall city* It * 0 very easy 
for tho 7T1T and r;7 city ;olico tD saturate the aren.«?=#r 
& oxfnaplo of this saturation '/as tho hunt for the no-called 

a _ /MLCJ 

o- lfre » 

Zebra killer,' ’..'hie h 'o - 'Helens tood to bo sssontlally a hunt 
for us p ad the Tiro t roves by tho sl/ac tc^br to proas ion 

on tho Pl.ack c ommunity* ■ ** ■ ■ o ra— ^Itra— 1-n t-o- the — HI sok c o m munity. 

* ~ont of ‘'o uould clt tn our house 

ondoldenfiato v. r hi eh in nop r the est ora / cl di t i on kbcbSaLH j „ . .2 

s ec 1 1 on of i» ? v;ha: 

r.ndsoo . ■ 

caravans of undercover Plr,s f,n by^ in tv:o or three car' chr.Ijja* 
It 'ms obvious' *o every one vho they more, 'ut as ono brother . 

will bo until wn kick thorn out of t ho 'community. So that it 

-j^,.,oniAuwiAA. ^ ®|5 

was really not bine now Tor thccDmaunlty, but -it -ot in the 
ua3r-jrf~Tpr i '' -li-i tr> continue the f ir;ht • » 

5'eko — Q were pretty concerned that because of tho~^? 


number of 1133 in the area — the FPI had supposedly 
commit tod a. a many an 1CC0 events* many of whom -ere opera- 
ting in tho HT areas for the number of military poraonnol 

-th at a r e -in- -the— area that they were waiting for uo to do 

VjJ Q_ 

another operation and once thry. did do sor.othihc they ,... 

v/ould seal the area off oo t v, at our robillty would be 

c omple t e ly ol^iml nr '.tod • . ■ ho v h trj;; - a - \. _ j.d oa - Mj 

CtO*\e./u*JL <S c*^i ~h* cXaa C,rv<,\ 

oIM- wk - o I fi e area o’# that \ic ml: 'lit be in* Ve -f-if7Ui'43d— that we 

v: ea-ld bo-ta-Ting t^o-iau eh— o f a o b^nc? by erntirntf 1 to 

operate-*- ■ th- at— o u r- ino’^i 3 i ty^.*iE__: ot en_t i QjJ3y_ United -wb ic h 

in -flometh^nn'^btnb'bn’vTOt be alTDWST on tho~TcveT*or ~ 

{Yi* &■'£<-"£«., i^c U-A W* J 

f^iwppil-la-rarf sre~ — i t 1 c n aspect of eur- t hat ha a 

OoS.'.-ltUii L‘J^Ajj -aAJL 
ihr- -eitfrl t hat v ha a 

to be totally to our advantage if woaro to survive* 

o* You ncntic-ned tho Zebra killers* i'ho I tbinl; v;ore a 
handful of. Blacks who accordin' to the oco bunts * read,* 
murdered whites India crircins to ly* unfortunately hoenuto 
of the timin3 of those killings in relation to ycvr fMcii 

^ f\ * 

y> operation a you bo came identified in a lot of people a 

rlnda more or ler.s alone side the Zebra killers ■ — Sort 
• of da another one of those ^rouna. In fact what do you 
fool about tho- Political offocts of tho Zebra killings ■ 
and the Zebra killers themselves* 

$v, i/C. 


fv. Toko t- :e dent know who thokobra killers «f or<r — v'o 
ionti know IT It \:&r. c. olot hate hod l.y tho C±A^&* the TKl 

)ti know 
Jhe yp 

nolice dept. or ?:ayor Alicto's office cr whether 

I vfU-SiL (.U^ip a ' va '' jW 'T v 

indeed it was a croup Oi’ nationalist lacks*’*' w ^9- fiTwrJiA Xf^r 

. ■ r ftJU- 

v reul d aco ^ne— t- h r t t ho > i 3 s-wo re * mixed ~u p— i n— it - c or.obcv; • ivi 

-^ald-you. -z^r. c^se^-that T~ 

VhCt X\M 
^ /Uu *ff>**-^ 
I „ i /VU}<-\dt *k 

A. Toko — IE id feu’ll n 

r^ru ac cXi^U-t^ 

otice that the rypou-^-of-saople _ 

' l - j siki Z 1 a . . V 

i ; b o h- ' .v e" be on“li like cl " tr t h“ t r c — Zc kra'ic tiler s-^-ha 

rLM— CdrotcL 

-of -- I — 

* ^ L lb4 J. j-v^ Jh — *> ^'1U 1 > * l 

A. XM °i ,'*'*■■ 

£h\A&E*&v\ ^ 

Yolaixky' 5 ^ -’.ncy the kill voc'S that it ho so-called suspects 

are ch^^sd/^tk^.rei^ co^allad^Zebpi k^^nco* 

They? iro ydo/r^od >?rtii otb^ ruadc/n fe^iot fcaoa/Gn^a 

^y/Vt'Giv, vfc^^/dvcn chc.vgs^^fQi so- 

c a 1 3 l vj horbx.' h i t c □ v^ero^o?TM, cto^n on the 

ot's^feto. i-/ 


TckO — -••- rs_ 1± - a £ n ft'? :‘,r, rlhi l_Lty— e- t— be-Hi ^ri 


All ot- o • :a g & 1 1 o^ot i 03 to r un for G ovorn or . 1 h -9- ro - eas a lot 

(jU* b 

o f or — catne-cut-— - t ho ro vac a’ moat a general 

otrlko in f.7 not too lone f '62 bo.foro tho Zebra thv 3 really 

balloor.od. ’lioto ia supposed to hays sc* rcuch support from 

the working class - he’s au nosed to to a anion sympathizer*,^ 

Oo^cc-K I * 

lie; helped trash -that ■ strike ■beeaa ^e- 1 a io fe=^~f-t involved city ; . oyocc. lie had to vjet-lssck— sned repair. 3cii:c of his support 
by keying In on. the i* sue of melon# by trying 

szoi ' : ::i"G ui.*^ 5* side 9 

to capital i-e on tho rnclr”. of ser.o of tho workers that ho"' 

V* ■ 

(X/r-cVhtK . 

a'tmcpt to bring about a race vmr In this 



serve-no -one— other than tho ruling 
yrbGra'stopr^ip Impede the revolution- 

ary processes that are taking place, fvfc-th-iG -time. ATrothcrr 

> my t.n pnl nt.-tbi-n— »n-^ rr— fc erratj— o P— our - suspicions- around 
Ailot o-l s -that tho same time that ^laa^/as campaigning 
for governor and utilizing Zebra for his political advan- 

tage, ho also made It look bike the SI_A was out to get 

him. There were rumors out in the media that Yolanda and 

myself i/ere identified as doing surveillance on some of 
hls grandchildren, "heroan oex^-feel. Inga -for Ali.oto are 

* ,*ii Ua! c.-cnii4 aV -&? £&iY**,'AJiXZa 

tbstshe is a pigp afe=fche=-trme we were niot planning 

operations against him and v;q felt that ho was trying to 

. . 2^ l rP^ . .. „ ./btfi-cJEccV 


M gain sympathy am ong some members— of- pa rt 1c ularlyi the bferte 

community v:ho would sympathise with a’poor politician whose 
|| life was being harrassed by crazy terrorists. Also rt that 

H .time a number of hi3 campaign off ices' wore bombed In Southern 

Calif, and wo had a suspicion that ho may have been respon- 

sible for tho bombings of, his own campaign headquarters. 

Alioto has not beon a very loved person in SF or the Bay Area 

ever sinco ho has boon involved in politics 

. lii^ 


owns most of SF it soorns like. Xt*s the Tafia of tho Vo3t 

Coast as far as mes&^iooplo are concerned. One— ether-inter- ; 

esting-aspo e t -la.' t h • *t - o -i eba ~c ou o i no fA 1 1 o to * s 


-think- that will play into, the hands -of the 

C-Qnsplr ley- -weirdos wh o - think wo are CIA agent s • 



Q. Well anyway you eventually moved to I oc Angeles and 
a majority of you at leant found yourself in h ldo outs or 
safenousos in the Bloc’: community. V'hy was it that a 
predominantly '.'hlte groue found Itself hiding out In a 
community whero comparatively fow ./bites v;ere normally 

A* -Tania — do fead^onfr-to-I^.-re.Hd-v;ero staying In a 

tormorary safobouso. 'fo^dgOltiicQ.- ^ to-otay-at-tbls-plr-oe- in -tho—r^iack 
beesuse** • - , . ^ 

Yolanda — ■-■ ' - a - lnl y- vhat \v/og wore in the proceu3 of dsfesg 

- 1 ** /!-- jy n r got n f.rrHyr* .U. T .B t O- 

a tt o w. p t ^t-e t ufi ^network. t4w*po that would support us as 

guerrilla fighters /M/V? k72^u_C.4 (L\JUr*i •fc. &-£ Ua'hjrttcK LvkitH tkf 

feuxcSa o^4 CXiLrl; C^-uvvjjLf^x^ . 

Toko — ^-woro-baaically attempt lng_to_e n1 r r go— a-^et- 

wrt rk that al roo.dy_-'b^d-Gome beginnings- altbo tboy wore small* , 

Tania — \'o wore ore paring to split up into threo teams* 

That v/fto one reason why we wore in a temporary pad* Consid- 
ering that we would only bo in the community living that way 

coc f-'ty It.. 

for a short timoj £fr./we a bettor to bo there IftStdJE&CtSEC uhero 

at worst the people In the community would think we were 

pigs or honk 'O than to bo in a community where the people 

might call the pigs bocauoe they wore wondering who we were* 

Telco — It woo a fact that poople. in the immediate ■ wh .* J:' 

CLuth-v^ th . ; ■ • 

- ' ■ -community ".there— wo— wero*- (not - wb QP3 the s h oot - out— wa a . ,on_54-tfa y r; t 4 

, S^-*i - this "iC“on- 84 th ot * - about"3 miles south) - had suspicions . 

/’•’ : \ * . /as ; ' " ■; 

that we wore undercovor nigs wo learned from out contacts 

in tho community. The-^liua^i-o^wpa-t ha t b/o were not about 




SLA because we rea-llze:’ that thor' was alot of money out for 
I , ■^tKjLvP 

uo smd thoro p=ee opportunist elements I n tho q oir - R gnlty that 

wo qouldn' t trust -- thore Is a lot of dope in the community . 

ivo didn't went It to bo common Imowlodgo that elements of 

the SLA were in tho community* .’e folt that it was better 

that tho people felt uo were under c over Tuhlch would mean 

that thoy wouldn't »eee»3ftri 3 y 50 to tho pics to say, 

"Listen you better c° c°t these undercover aconto out of 

our nGlchborhood." Blacks don’t generally have a whole lot 

of interest in working ’.ilth police in the samo capacity 

that Vf'hljtos might* .'0 folt that for a relatively short 
would - 

time we Sight be secure* As Tania pointed out, it was a 

temoorary thine* '® weren't going to be there for more 

than a couple of days* 

Yolanda -- Tt had become clear to us that it was not 

safe for U3 to continue to novo around as nine people or 

to live together as nine peoole 00 that was one of tho 

purposes of splitting into three teams of three people each* 

Tho splitting into teams was a military/nolitical decision 


that weighed tho military strengths and weaknesses of each 
of the comrados and then combined people to form tho best 
possible teams so that those teams could exist fairly 
autonomously and then come together around particular actions ' 
.or to Toarn particular skills r.s a unit. ”© weren't croat- 

" r V , _ r ’ ' _ t r . ’ _ -m ■ -H 

ing three new cells; wo were creating three teams that ' : • ; 

would live in different locationonswsd^'fho ideal place for 
ue since two of tho toaras were comosod of all ‘/h it o people 


'Q? i 


Whites, would bo multi-racial communities whore we would 
i v* cCitl w 

not 1st lc*: out as Vhlto people In the Blaci: community but 
whe| , 0 wo could have contact with pooplo of many different 

^ ’;o should criticize our so Ives for waiting 

Teho oiS>:tbl^5K6il itr.d:adVQl :of Cd£l?ildisia-af 
too long to nalto 

ks xsidxis t -Mdr :v^g'ct ad:;esat:i diia:i XK Ct-i£i5s:car>U£aitifig 

the actual novo to split up Into tho teams; ve wero too 

cautious* .’o woron’t convinced Individually that v;o were 

roady. Ve had felt so much security In being nlnc.tttJCt 

Vo fl^t^llltarlly spealcing that our firepower was roater 

and we ^et that cloud our reasoning In terms of our real 

abilities at the time. The three of us have proved that . c . t ~- 

, Jl ten -n- 

we* as throe neople, aro capable of exist ingr It’s some- 
thing we should have dons and could have, dono* to— should 

hava_dme_it_qulckor than .v;e did. If we had, there's a 
good chance that what ha ipon&d in LA nover would have 

Tania — Cr at least the pigs vrouldn’t have found so 
many of. our comrades In one place at one time. 

Q. At about thio^or^shortly thereafter, tho pollco became 
aware of yo ; >r presence lii LA because of an incidont at 
a sporting goods storo that tho three of yow were involved://;^ 
; ini/. Could you tell us the details of that action’. 

A. Teho — A lot of pooplo Lhow what the media has said. 
Tho line, was that I was. spotted shoplifting and that t/as 

tho rooson that wo 

rot Jammed and therefore had to shoot 





our way out of the situation, './hat happened in reality was 

that] wo had gone out that day to buy som^^hings-thst-tho 

c oll; no edsd— a«d-4Jo— £clt-a-t-tho--t4jBO-tKat-the"t h inga-thatr 

r tiuxt'.'tAjt ext C nxiibafl A^tiXu o.y 

uo-needed^rhteh-vfas cmnbat clot hing A t hat had to bo specific 

kinds of . 'e didn't fool that 

1:0 bad tiro to train oono of our contacts to go out and got 
tho^stuff for uo, and ve vantod tho stuff right away. Vo 
might have been too ir.patlent, Vo went out to Z.K do tho 
shopping and at ono store s^fer- wo had bought over ^30 
worth of items like heavy duty socks, wobl hats, sweat . 
shirts, ptc. ' wfe walked out ttsd one of the clerks out 
and told no I had to cone back In, Ho told be ho wanted 
to chock mo because he suspected that I had shoplifted, ^ 
p roblem r esuXtedr- at-tho— time— booauso— 5 f a k iad^of =-h e 9> ta- 
. t4^5fr-on-t4-e--pArt— ^ inStSfCd'CaX CKcddtDig 

XKOttM.ftktKaE I couldn't go back Into that store boenuso . 

If I went back In for a search, thoy would ho.vo seen that 
I v;as illegally carrying a concealed firearm and it v.-as 
likely that thon thoy would, find out who I 'was* 'o knew 
wo had to take control and Possibly fight our way out of 
tho situation by forco, but. na 1— on i d wo wero kind of dumb- 
founded for a second — wo wore amazed that wo woro being 
jammod around shoplifting whon tliero was no roason for it* 

. Instead of reacting very guickly a nd d o s. V ing- -wl th - 1 ha t fisc 

n - - thore Siae^two of us and one of him • | 

and v/e vore both amod and ho tfacn 1 1 — A ^ i> r; o»4r — a ik^v-Lci-v^ 

oJZ- ftjuuv £\£ f jfbXJUO Vc CUL^- n\hx 

physical st r ug g l e - I c|i^t h c on e dude got help from 5 

oovoral people in the stpro. and h -vo d out^of. 






sxcar and ono motherfucker even stopped his car and ru3hed 

over to pot In a few licks. Ty this time, there wore throe 

" hor > 3 " disarming and trying to handcuff mo and another grout 

fclg gorilla had Yolanda in a boar hug* So you can see th. tr 

the hesitation really fuchod us up. Fortunately Tania, by 

then realized ±l:at what wm happening and opened up with a 

machln e- gun. hi.e-4wsl.-pad— them-; r 9 a-Hae— t-ha t ^Liuul^ 

^h^y-^woulc^ bo^saf^r t^^re^easo^us and got bac!: into the storo. 

This gave us the tire wo nccdod to got bad: to the van and 

move out I rr T nr n I , r n r yn r to n r "nrti t r 1 ~ T ~ T 1 " t t hr ~j x fh~"R * 

„ ■ 

Cne authors firod on us with t ho band gun they d tnlicn from 
mo t ***d lucidly ho was a br.d shot bocauso it wa3 armed with 
cyanide bullets. 

Tania--- I had boon watching, on and off , from across 
the street in the van, loo’ ring to see whore they wore Ixs cause 
it was t airing a long time to do the chopping, n n d -^at t Vro - 

jfAJy 'VO! 

! -or-tv 

couldn't toll what war. h appen ing because 

otreot divider ft 1 come shrubbery 5 asd- 'then I sc.v; Teko's head 
pop up from undemoath plle^um that's whon I oponed 
up with tho machlno-gun. ft 1.1 our reactions wore too slow* 
Yolanda -- Yeah, wore all ha.d a bade problem around , 
tho hesitation fcnbwixxmcE. -o al30 came to real Iso thot 
■it is foolish to sond "hot” combat elements to do 'wort, 
that support e lemon ts can easily take of. Cur mistake 
wan getting Inpatient for much noedod supplies * Support 
elements cm usually -function above ground effect lvoly with-. 

•*« A s v— 1 

Ww UjjlP WVW- 




Ftjr m ov inf about heavily armed wo v:oro nblo to Insura our f I 

Vv\ tfLe t#<4& £-fj <x ^<vw\ ^ dJ&v u^-L^.yfirfCfeivJ p^t O-hes^cc <s>*\ C/W-U^. 
safety, (^rt ,, )?u.nlt Ives" shouldn't be taking those .ind of Q-4i 

I Tkt ^WA-ftTuiiv **.'£#- 

Otx\x> II Jt^Ti-u’ 

safety, /ru^ltivcs shouldn t be taking those kind of /’S vi P~*^ CMt 
, I XM ^ (jL 

Toko — Aside from the Initial hesitation, once v;o cot 


our shit together, ovorythinc wont irory. smoothly* - €nco - 

we-got— mov-tne-every 

— an d h e d rldn L trim zr,j - wkrTI 

c*irt h U w..vas . 

i o ~pnTl— 6u t — o f- t he— park ln^ - let .. 

*o wont about 

four blocks, turned Into a resldontlol area and pulled a 
switch, too’ui another car- -*d Itched ours and grabbed another 
one fron a couple of cooperatlvo poople* !o t-hoh wont anothor 


couple of blocks, this car broke down but we Just borrower, an- 
other ono fron some other very nice people* Than we split 
tho area. 

■ Yolanda — t?hr> -rnp-pn wo were— able— t &do—tjpis-p a r osily 

wuB-^that Ulo had previously discussed at longth what tro 'would 

•do In situations like-, this, switching cars and so forth. It 
* . 

vasn* t Just someth ins that we did off tho top of our heads- 
It all camo out of military preparedness- 

^ 'Tania -- Hesitation is a very serious problem and white 

middle ahd tipper class people have to really cuard against 
It- Oor-o times you cot the fooling that you can talk your 
way out of r. tight situation* In a police state, revolution- 
aries must realize tlrt to try to talk your way out of an£ 

. arrest is suicidal* 

Q, ”oll. It was at this tine and as a result of this Incident 
that things G 0 ^ very much hotter for you In Los Angelos at 


doalt with in a different f a s hi on > "a-. .C. ■ , > j L ui l 1 1. I !> Li l "jrob- 

lew xt s uldi . 1 L i /g t u. ? lunod . . . U r ty "t i . i at 1 l l B spiT ti r t ly th: u j y 

44 — o j - ~jno-|ti -e vr - u A 3 It's clear, ve maintained, our security, 

unfortunately our comrades 'weren't able to do ao .with theirs* ; . 

? exactly . ’ 

We don't really know/what happened. The nairo thin;: can bo 

aald for the events that brought about the capture of our 

other comrades, Osceola and Bo. 7hat I mean id, we'ro having 

to rely on the media to find out the particulars of those 

events. And looking at these fc*s=£rr. critically, vh> - onn oc e — 

& . . . 

pgo o 1 1 r 17 y , or mrko - o - a, ump t - i or . r 1 '.b j g r fc— cri tic i vr.a or - 1 * . A rr j 
t s- Icem 0 h ;4 * !~ oev ■ o it u". 1 1 o" r . CA/f^ Xto fa 'fc*^**^ 

Yolanda — *a4|he media ha so consistently lied about 

things that we'y- done, it's very bard to relyi on thon for 
information. I- ! ! there's some military errors though that 
we* ?, ; ; C , : ■ f-tjr? 1 1 c- a by reading betv;eon the lines of nows 

papers n::d listening to TV, and even if the so errors didn't 
actually occur wo* 11 take the lesson that : e learned 

-f-D X-*V 6 *AJLi- ... 

jj bn i c4- *r - * O- don't commit them. One of the potential 

problems was that the .six pSX^e^only went about three miles 

1 t*yv flTA. S* • 

avay from temporary cafe .house t . ! r ■ n - ve rvn -.tinned -J jo- 

foro, v.-.njTqr B) Lon Angeles . is so big they could have gone 

odl HffUlU VA 

milos and miles away to more outlying areas W-saf q Jiouaes 
% - ■ ,Tt -had . ..a-Tread y_-~ eurad^hr nneh ■ pur- no twr rk , But. , -•-=? t. 

tS any wer:t .-J;o^-t-b a n - o ^ao p > h g i><v rw 

■ Tania™ ^'^y <" t n her.r-- ~ho g ^„tak o r . t here . .... for 4^ar o 
rcf.san tlv.y decided to g<H • . 


.Toko — I . anbi r ■ ■ . a : r 1 1 ; . ■ t " 1: » ■ ; r a s t i 0: 1 the vehicles fr hwy 
" - ,; r 1 r TT I r ‘ had a lot of potential 

beat on thorn* end they may have felt that they, couldn't - 


i‘ V'-t L -- ■ 


bo driving too far ftn.tVoDg v «* hl e- >3 0» . aSL Lt.u tii.-a 

tr h o vv d? It appears that they nlcht have made, tie error of 

park Inc them too close to the place where tt:oy were at. If 
they Yfcro coin." to ditch then; they probably. should have ditch 
od then somewhere else, esss Accord Inc to some reports, ctafco 
■ • -- =^,, u „ . * - — i * ■ ■■-■ ‘ A . that t h e v 

■j - . ' kA , that they 

v;cro traced to the area he car' sc 
vehicles. >t^T j r r h — rrd "I t _ 


t hnnrM>-- ; ■ ■ fc ~ 

Yolanda — YSrtv'It came out in the paper that .throech 
ott the day e f) thefco'd been ee^i^ l- ii y - j?r p 1 o 

In nr;d out of the house to speak with Cinque and the other 

0-UA- COynA.a^-* 

numbers of 'the 7? A staying there, o.nd irb apparently somo amount 

of trust V* ' '- b? > ■ ? ■■=- 

■*r?- 1 ha t t h :: s e - peon 1 e ’.re re a ot c°- n C 

to go to the Pico. Jart-phe peoele apparently du.;; talking to 

soldi or 3 of the "LA. But then later it seems -that an older 

woman , a mother of one of the women who lived in the house, 

came and the SLA soldiers reacted to her in a similar way..# 

they felt that she should have the freed or; to cono and c° 

maybe / 

without real! sine t hat/bo cau30 of her ape, hr because of her 
mistrust of- white poonle In her daughters house, especially 
white nooolo who are armed, that she micht bo afraid, *«A^^4***- 

V-CUYs A5_-P0nX^J 

ftrct^^ttrrt shb Gt'llod tho plr>3 a "£ toai^th©?. © vjere whit© 

people with puns at her dauch tors house. 


Q. I cueess after tho debacle with your six comrades you 

i ■ | it (i t iltrf j i ih • * 

started to understand relationship between sc^^sm and class 
orvression. I realized that as much as I needed to Struggle with 

Teko or any other men on a personal level, my enemy was not all 

men as a i^rour. t!v oppression as a woman was the re si It of an 

economic lystem, U3 imperialism, and a society and# culture that 

are defined and controlled by men. Sexism like racism, functions 

as a tool of those in ro”:er and permeates all levels of society to 

feee r ' peorle divided, passive and confused. 

Both Tei:o ana I were heavily influenced by the events of the 

late 60’s. ' J eople were being beaten up in the streets of Chicago. 

Kart in Luther King was assassinated. Cambodia was invaded by the 

US government resulting in mass demonstrations on the campuses - 

and in the cities an C the ^urders at Kent State and Jackson State.. 

Black Panthers were murdered in Chi car-- o , Cakland . and 1A. . I was 

stiyH $MM 

genera 1 lv c on fused and ?e s s imi s 1 1 c be cau se i/had c u e s t i ons but 

.no answers. T could see that a lot of things were . fucked ' up about 

this society my personal way of living, bu.t change seemed 

like such an overwhelming process because the U3 government was 

totally opposed, to the people's desires for a better way of life. 

In the. Pall of 1971 Teko and I linked up with some progressive . 

people in Bloomington. ■ 7e al - *' studied and .talked about the struggles 

1 JvUi ct.-. r .1 U 

of the oe ople i - n ■■ t - fc e-y- lov let ■ V-iil u: i 1 ^ i na to destroy Imperialism 
and develop socialism. I really got high reading about the free- 
dom fighters in Vietnam,* the fat ass of U ' . imperialism. 

. But, ir.y intellectual notions of revolution and my bourgeois long- 
ings for peace and- ,a n easy v let ory held me ba ck fro m accenting; the. : 
h 1 s t or i cally - pr ov-e n f r c t t hr t t he ■ c and i t i 0113 for change in t hi s .f -V 

' jT . L - ■ ■ r -1 * - "h . 

* country ern be built only through armed .struggle.. I still had the 

unrealistic dream that revolution could occur through gradual change' 
in the consciousness of mill i ons . o£ Americans , v/ho would then ; 


Gel-MXi v;nr. a- saautifiji exaijjplfj^-of ueteri^irTT/ 1 ior.. first , 
s^be. 3 so Nhy o i ca 1 - l^\ a r ' : ^ last's c on l^oVi.y a s/w oXor t ! . 

vuwh-u os y^eutNshe yT^orkeuX y^u It eve ryCav untiVshs was c^ing bXco^Ts 

attacking problems '.:1th a uosioive att ituchv / \. \ J 

Zoya, 11!: o some oy the rest of us, didn't have much practice 
in being physically aggressive because she had always been a very 
gentle person, hut one day at the Concord s^fehouse, 3hK- proved 
she really had her shit together. The doorbell rang; Zoya lo cited 
out through the peel: hold and saw a boy of about 13 or 14, who she 
assumed was' the paperboy. .When she opened the door* she was -looking 
down the barrel of a .22 in the hands Df a o.mgy young kid. Zoya 
batted that bid's arm, forcing him to lose his grip on the gun; ■ 
then she spun the bid around and kicked him off the front porch. 

In fact, just to give you an idea of the strength and abilities 
of the sisters. in the SLA , I should tell you that the assault team 

for the Foster operation was made up of two women. Two righteous 

‘ (X,»>VWCr m&A ■ , r \ 

female soldiers Foster and -Blackburn i (ni'-fcaj 

Part of developing an aggressive attitude from develop- 
ing technical skills — knowing how tD gH be a good shot and to shoct 
first a-nd-ikist ; learning f eras of the martial art 3, how to use a kniiS 
how to crouch, roll and dive. \ f a had to aggre sive nervous 

reflexes. ’Ey - this, I mean the 3KCI ability to make good offensive 
decisions in a combo. t situation;, to react quickly and wisely. . . .. 

plan each combat . operation .as extensively and in as much detail as/ - 
we can, but v;e .premare for the unexpected by knowing that we must 
be ready to improvise and do -anything to insure our success and sur- 
vival. Cur lives deeend '“'OTT'ouG ability to think fast* remain 23UC 

^ •JiU j-tn tUn jv "3XJ ^ 

fo/'ULjJ JLh'fc., rt=Z=& »c/ /I^J A r.J^j. ^ 1 * .*■** i * ~u ~ t ^ I „ /%, 



^ ' ^ ~ <■ AftAQl ,X-t-«x3LJC-"U 

AUt|,u * ^4 pkit L^tr^)^ Co\x 

ft? ij’.i & - . 1 ■ fl t /> .A ■ ^ 

■j^J f x^Xsi 

P^d y"lc**m£ 

/>L-fi.CiJfctut, -/x> 

'V H M. 

l . v ■ 

Aicut^ fb <U o-Y^tfc, 

! ,-A /.+T-._* ; ^ 

i-7\*z-4j^j etcta^ j~V /Yb^fS^ 




r* r 

t f : l/ £ ■: .<. ' -“£■ *>■ O u - . , ■> V ' ^ f (A 1 ^ * 

/■/ C ^ ^ * ■ i Y ^ ’’’ ^ ■ y “ *7 ^ ■ £ '. >- , V ‘ H Y ■' * V W J ^ / * ' * ^ ^ 

. , r - > * f * ; '-' j ?'fy*:i' *, v' " ^ .<;.. t" . c'. -^:t *:'"C *■ ,1 C L 

SE 4 &%V 

js^t ■■».<■ Ji'-r 
r^;v- ■;. fr v ; 

sfr '*.£:>?■: 

I of the tape- 
neral Held 
t to Randolph 
t because of 
ecordlng/. It 
j getClhque*s 

gaily,” ' required to donate annual- 
ly 1 in order to maintain its foun- 
dation status. ■ 

The assets of the Hearst Corp* 
l-ve been stated many times. 
However, I will restate them again 
n some specific factors. As we 
ell know, the Hearst Gorp. is 
■ , - ; composed of a chain of magazines 

the hopes one newspapers. However, I wish 
w 0Ut nvo specific ones as 
camples. Cosmopolitan magazine 
reaps profits of million_to 
million per y “ 

House Beautiful, _ 

fits of $3 million to r A,, 
year. The HedrsLJCorp* )i. siflo 

Ee: the voices 
the words of 

^Ijeople, * com 
pothers, Gen 

East Palo Alia. Ttzx an adequate ■ 8, That this tap® ftI I? °J^T 
nuirijer of distribution oxers be script be published and printed 
made available to various com- In full, omitting nothing, in all 
muni ties In these dtlss. San foms of the media.. .... 

Fkandsco: Mission District, 9. That the . total amount of $6 
Oilnctown, Hunters' Point, the million ^ aHotted “ yo ^f 
Western Addition. Oakland: East noted ‘T-eopled In Need or 
aad West. Paln AIto: East Palo ^ charity organizations within 24 
Aim « W-l- hours of receipt of this order and 

3." That all foodr^S^Whuted be’ that the food be available to die 
of top qualltyi'Sici ;tiiat £3l canned people within, one week of receipt 
®ods an? drr foois be inatchdl * of this order. . • ■ - . t i 

** ■ - ; - - a Sould this -ort 'if rejected, all 

then defenseless 



tempt f be * Xsa&rz.&X ** 

bage, £r culls i r surplus Storage { terns. m u^ : lmernanOnal codes 


pl« # has just 
s and.hear- 

[ reports and 0WTiersoi p ;<H »*■ j s v.^**^?* 

the Hearst an(i _ fc p axni er3hip^ "In 'large Ttock- Coming to receive fooEL That is, 
wrest °* holifim*s in Gcticral MotorS/^as^-by [he eE.dx>{one mpnth's,fiinfe^ a 
3ear3L ns holcUnnjf in each jol cotaLof $70 df food will have b^cn 

goond . tape / r 7 ” * ; ^ where Jh c ; news paper t , g* ve& to c cii fa mi ly." Tbf3 i f* to 


people. j . 

In stating these facts we wish 
1 to say that the collective leader- 
ship of the SLA would not under 
any circumstances or under any 
i terms compromise our position 
or that of the peoples* freedom* 

.And no one should attempt to 
speak for us or assume that they, 
by word or action, can compro- 
mise any request made on behalf 
of the people by the SLA, 

At this time we wish to state 
that the organizations who wish to 
take part In feeding the people 
should also cry out for the thou- * 
sands of children of all colors 
who have been murdered and 

of war concerning prisoners .ui - ■ h - f^iered and 

war vvil! Curved by the enemy state. Theyu t\ 

stru'3 until such time ^ J.c ^ams i - should out for ^ m mi ons of 

of our cnpdvc 50.^-crs IS dinged. J all' races who are 

f Should anyatiempt be made to j d dying now and not 

frescue the Subject, pr. " iner * ■* 

1. ; • . 1 1 * . ti- >nr\f .■ .tUSl. cry 



-^operate; for example, own— be 1 iiciie during ihe first month of 
t ^ te ^ ersiJ^Vofwne square block in New ^opern.ilon of the vrogtCEi.' If this^ 

ilone^ mrXns jiircble^s of the. 

r\V? ' '^'V- ■ 

kj’c. Vix i.^> 
W.'.J' L h L ‘ ■ 

„_rins ; probes of the^ge eiP-?V% ^Uions an x d.' sav4 the emi 

ofjrSiod'c: ■J^rdin^“tion^®iere/vP»g«ra^ ve H^ e 1 ^^’’ d \*“v. j^ this actioityou will save 
■'S tfcbn jt r,i31 U a aecessiii- to have.-.- WBs,have previously^- st-»ted.Vwe * ^ df ont i w ho has never 

i : wit Amniia'iifit-'. af the huiuber/cd ’"Will \ i see ^ 11,2 tt)bb“d or knew that the 

your jj* v 



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- 3 /* 

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fj:u:i\£ .... .It: 


. sltcVtML. h Cxx ftv>^- /Vi^vi a^c 

<T r 

WV^X^Uj’j' . to C^‘Cc\ /vcf^JLct -j /lO^v^i 

._ . . KcOLf 6 

frl .. =>!i- 

S\v^il,vjI ^ .uX* £o£“t i cd . A-Cdi. . -^5-^- . . 


f- iiAB FILE 

WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 

To: San Francisco (7-855) October 24, 1975 

From: Director, FBI 


00: San Francisco 

FBI FILE NO, 7-15200 

LAB. NO. D-751001009 PF 

J c ■ 

' £ . ■ ■ '■ 

* f r-‘ 

Examination requested by: gan FranolSCO 

Reference: 1 

Examination requested: 

Airtel dated 9/29/75 
Document - Fingerprint 

Q2165 is being returned with the latent fingerprint 

For the information of recipient offices, K118 
consists of typewriting samples obtained from Royal portable 
typewriter serial number A-1362557 (288-A-FBR-10) . K119 

consists of typewriting samples obtained from Smith-Corona 
portable typewriter serial number 4C 250443 (401-BR-37) . 

Enclosures (18) (16 photocopies, 2 Lab report) 

2 - Los Angeles (7-1627) Enclosures (18) (16 photocopies, 

2 Lab report) 

2 - Sacramento (7-203) Enclosures (18) (16 photocopies, 

2 Lab report) 

2 - San Francisco (157-9806) Enclosures (2) (2 Lab report) 

Fage 1 (over) - 

1 - Bufile (157-30832) 

. : 1 - Bufile (.91-56075) 

BRG:rma (12) . “ — *. r - 


The typwriting on K118 does not contain sufficient 
“ individual identifying characteristics to permit identification.: 
-V fcn comparing this typwriting with the typewriting on Q2165, - 
‘ which was found to be the same sire. and style* no characteristics 
' , were observed in this comparison to indicate that any type-. - 
writer other than the K118 typewriter was used in preparation 
of the questioned items. 

Attached for the assistance of recipient offflces 
are photocopies of the questioned; pages on which writing 
identification were made. '• ’ * 

Tor the information of San Francisco the 
Laboratory does not have available sufficient known hand *' •’ c 

of the 




To: |AC, 

WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 

San Francisco (7-855) 

October ,24, 1975 

FBI FILE NO- 7-15200 D-751001009 PF 



Specimens received 10/1/75 


Q2165 Yellow spiral notebook containing written notations 
with- enclosed typewritten and written sheets of 
paper and photocopies o£ documents (#625-D-FBR-21) 

Result of examination: 

Q2165 * 

■ S 

The questioned typewriting on the page captioned 
"FASCISM" and page beginning "7. Supporters of ..." is 
the same size and style as the K118 typewriting; although, 
due to the lack of sufficient individual identifying 
characteristics a definite conclusion was not reached 
whether this questioned typewriting was prepared by the 
typewriter used in preparation of K118. 

The conclusion was' reached that the questioned 
typewriting on the pages beginning "A. To fully . 

"to each other *e "Because we still "Tania 

decided ...” and "Q. XXXXXXXX You stated ..." was prepared 
by the typewriter used in preparation of K119. -V; 

■■l Page 1 (over) 

BRG:rma (12) 

y; 1 .y' [y' ' '-“"y"-/"-' 

C .V l^i t_ i-J i 

> " ■* 

■iVr-.^ J ' 

V.'Jp a 

T jy- ; 

’ - ■ V **’ 

■ * J' 


, "fy ■ ’■* - , * - ' 

^ The conclusion was reached that the questioned y 
ndwriting, on the Q2165 itans, except the handwritten : 
rrections on the four typewritten pages and on the five 
otocopies of typewritten pages# was prepared by 


A definite conclusion v;as not reached whether 
the remaining unidentified questioned handwritina on 
Q2165 was prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL HFARST, K32 and 
K92j 'EMILY HARRIS, K5, K6, K8, K9, K20 and K37j WILLIAM 
K486, whose writing was previously submitted in this case# 
K3 j or WILLIAM KILGORE# K2 # whose writings were submitted 
in case captioned "UNSUBS (5 ) j CROCKER BANK# 5746 MARCONI 
AVENUE, CARMICHAEL, CALIFORNIA, 4/21/75; BR," due to the 
limited amount of s<mte written entries, the presence of 
unexplained handwriting characteristics and the lack of 
sufficiently comparable writing. However, similarities 
were observing in comparing the available writing of HEARST 
with portions of the script; hand printing on Q2165. 

Q2165, which has been photographed, i3 being 
returned separately. 

i .ftL'.K-/ 

V V‘ - 

■ 1 

'■V.P? ■ 'S. 

Page 2 

D-751001009 PF 


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_y\ \j^o o i ■ — ' ^ \Ay w y^/ LM^ VU>/l/u^ ^/vx_ - 

*. 0 ,, ^JlDc&am 7 ^^ vb »H citaixA 

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*U Gx Xrtn^iXX M > . . iaH \xrOU. '[ciLt'Li'. 
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Loborotory Trantmitfol Form 





WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 

>C, San Francisco (7-855) 

Lab File 

October 24,1975 

From: Director, FBI 



00: San Francisco 



!>■ 751001099 PF 

Examination requested .by: San FranCiSCO 


hirtol dated 9/29/75 

Examination requested: 

Document - Fingerprint - .Radio 'Engineering - 
Cryptanalysis - Firearms 

Tho evidence described in the attached report la 
being returned separately. You are separately being advised 
of the pertinent latent fingerprint, radio engineering, 
cryptanalysis and firearms examinations. 

* For the information of recipient Gfficea, KllB 
consists of typewriting samples obtained from Royal 
portable typewriter serial' number A-1362CS7 (288-7*- FHrt-10) , 
£119 consists of typewriting samples obtained from 
Smith-Corona portable typewriter serial number 4C 250443 
(4Q1-BR-37) . 

Enclosures (19) (17 photocopies, 2 Lab report) 

2 - Loe Anpoles (7-1627) Enclosures (10) (17 photocopies, 2 Lab 

report) ' ‘ 

2 - Sacramento (7-203) Enclosures (19) (17 photocopies, 2 Lab l 
; ‘ report)- ■ ' ■ . 7 - 

2 - Sftn Francisco (157- 9306) Enclosures (2) (2 Lab revert) . & 

li- Bufile (157-30832) 

1 - Bufile (91-56075) ' ’ . ■ • ••• V ' -i'--’;- 

BRG : sink 
( 12 ) 


■| The typewriting -..on SI 18 does not contain sufficient, 

individual identifying characteristics to identifi- 
cation. In eoreparing this typewriting -with typewriting cn 
the questioned iter..s , which were found to be the same size 
and style, no characteristics were observed in the cor.pariacn 
to indicate that any typewriter othor than the K116 type- 
writer -was used in preparation of these questioned iter. ; s.,. 

So significant original typewriting van found in 
the Items listed in the attached report to indicate 
that typewriters othor than the K118 or El IS typewriters 
ve re used in preparation of any of those questioned iters. 

Attached for the assistance of recipient offices 
are photocopies of the questioned pages on which writing 
identifications were made. ■ 1 

' ■ * r L . ' ' 

.notations on sene of the quertioned pages indicate 
that at least one other writer nay. have prepared soeo of tho ; 
entries on the. Bubal t ted items. The manner in which sor,c of 
these entries were made indicate that they could .be entries 
by 'WILLIAM. HAP.RI 3 . As tho Laboratory has previously 
advised, the available known writing of KILL! a f* karris was 
prepared in the early 19G0’s ant! not be re preset- tat 
of his current writing habita. Attempts should be wade to 
obtain and submit rcore contemporary known writing by HARRIS.- ■ 
Also, no adequate known hand printing is available for -. 

rage 2 

d- 7 51001039 T 

div ' 



WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 

To: SAC, San 

Francisco (7-855) 

October 24, 1975 





0-751001009 PF 

Specimens received 



The following described items 02081 through 02003 were contained 
in the gray natal file box (£288-B-34) s 

Manila envelope marked ’'OTHER .COMM." containing 
numerous documents (f288-B-34) 

Manila envelope marked "fi.R.L.F/ containing 
numerous documents (S288-B-34) 

Manila envelope marked ‘'FAIRCHILD® containing several 
documents ($288-B-34) 

Manila envelops marked "TRAHSAMErtlCA." containing 
several documents ($2S8-B**34) 

Manila envelope marked **BI*A" containing numerous 
documents ($ 288-B-34) 

Pago l (over) 

ERG : smk 

,( 12 ) 






i>v - . 

\ * 


Manila envelope, marked .*■ MlKItiG' containing- ^ 

/ . numerous r.mps and a publications bulletin . (52SS-B-34) ^ 

12037 Manila envelope marked *mgs , EY“ containing several 
documents (C283-B-34) 

52038 File folder captioned "SCUTE LAST ASIA'- VJI CAMBODIA 
KOPEft" containing several documents (£228-3-34) . ; 

22089 .-File folder captioned , ^0VE?*;KF;;T - TZT>. LOCAL STATE* 

'■ containing several newspaper clippings ami piece, of . _ : 
paper bearing written notation® (?288~3-34j 

22030 File Folder captioned "INPIAMS - AIM" containing , . 
several newspaper clippings (^288-3-34) 

□2091* .File folder captioned “MILITARY" containing three '... 

newspaper clippings (f 2fi8-B-34) . , 

□2092 Mle folder captioned "PRESS pt-LFAPES - OIL COS'* 

- containing numerous documents (* 203-3- 34) . : - 

Q2093 File folder captioned OIL CO’S." .containing 

uu/perous documents and newspaper .clipping® (.32&B-T5-.34) 

02094 ,. File folder captioned '0 000 INDUSTRY AO A I BUS.* ■;■ 

,:-v . ' ■ containing newspaper clippings and documents ' 

•; : V ; - . ’ (4288-B-34) , ,.'■■• ■ •••- . p -V - /;• .. 

02035 Vile folder captioned "OIL - PCS - FTC." containing .. 
numerous newspaper clippings- and tbroa notebook. 
pages bearing writing (S288-B-34) . 

02096 File folder captioned "1A.W ENFORCEMENT - F?;ifiOSlS ' ‘ 

justice DEPT . leaa folic?: fei Cl*." containing 

numerous documents ($2E3-B- 14) 

Page 2 (ever) 

P-751001009 PF ' 


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vy*£-;A; 1 .. 
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y^i-L> V ’ ■ r 

-M*- : 

>:■ : 

‘ STERILIZATION OHEMPLOYMEKT* ' containing several 

documents (5288-B-34) 

C209B Kanile envelope captioned ’'future ACTIONS - :-:isr." 
containing newspaper clippings and documents 

. (S288-B-34) , ' •.; . ' : , 7. '";.y.-/ 

.Result of examination: .. ’ ■ 



The conclusion was reached that the typewriting on 
the two-page typewritten document captioned ,! FAX ^CHIT.-tt" wan 
prepared by the typewriter used In preparation of X119. 

02034 . . ./ J : . | - - 

■■ ^ 



The conclusion was reached that the typewriting on 
the two -page typewritten document captioned r T F A : 4 S A >'tF P I c A “ was 
prepared fcy the typewriter used, in preparation of K13 9. 

02087 , - ' 

: v :_. -- - "V " , '*'-■■ ■ /- r ’ ' 

-.‘■Vi The conclusion was reached that the typewriting on- . 

■ the tworpagfr document ..captioned "BAKERY* was prepared .by the 
typewriter used in preparation of K119. 


-It was concluded that the. two pages c? typewriting v 
beginning '‘JfOPXD AIRWAYS ... *■ and *Tlyin« Tiger- Corp. ..." 
was prepared by the typewriter used to prepare XI IS. 

race 3 - (over) 

0-751001009 PF 

V/_ *v?v -. TV ^ ^ J '" 
J r ' r, ‘ 
..-;■!?£ \ .*/ *r r , ; 

, t 

•3|0SC . ' ' — •// 

*?ho questioned typewriting on the pagc-s beginning 
''FLAN "I. Cate opens 1 “Kay ..-■/■ "i V7 LLF J. YOlMiGM?; 

..."end “one electric . . . r van prepared by the typewriter used 
to prepare K119. 

02 057 . • . . ' • % *' 1 ' 

Ths conclusion was reached that the typewriting on 

the three' pages beginning h MOTES * HI7V , '■ *’ MOTES' - .FCtfiiDATIOSS 

. and “conduct pop : is the b awe size, anti style ns the* - 
typewriting cn FUG, previously submitted; however, due to the 
lack of sufficient individual identifying character! sties', a 
definite conclusion was rot reached whether these iteir.s were . 
prepared by the typewriter used to prepare K 1 1 3 . . The type-' ■ 
writing on those three pages was not prepared by the type- 
writer used to prepare K119. ~ .- 

.05.093 _ ’ ' ’ ' ; ' r • • 

The questioned typewriting on the typewritten paco 
beginning r *CTIOliS IW 5UFPOP.T , . . . ’ is the s-niae sine ard style 
as the E3.13 typevritin-.;; however, -due to the lack -of sufficient 
individual identifying characteristics, a definite conclusion 
was not reached whether this typewriting was prepared by the .. 
typewriter used to prepare Mil 3. Tj-.i? questioned typewriting,^' 
wao not prepared by. thu typewriter ' used . in preparation of K119. , , 

wriTiMC ,_cotsp ?.ni sons 

020 S 7 

The- conclusion vr.c reached that the questioned. ■ 
handwriting cr: both eiccs of the page with .writing 'beginning' 
'B of ‘A Marysville, ' tU'c^nt the two lin^« of writing a t chc 
bottom of the front ride beginning ’saw 7 c‘-.-u] . . p 
prepared by EMILY ITA3BIS, K>, K<> , X 8 , MS, l.h .nn: '07 . 

rage A 

.B- 7 5 10 03 009 ?F 


- v I'M 

BJ % 

HI gi,>- 


?;■ s'* 

> y. ^ ;J 


■- J-rariS 


■i-.i, ' • 

KiS^.V ■* J : % V j.:;^^:; .;-:; : ; •:••>> i\ ... - ■' 1 i , '-- ■ :■ 

j . >&■ 4 ," T v ■■ ^ ■'■■ The conclusion was re ached -the 

^ * *7? ■* --'^V S" I ■ v ■ - The conclusion was ached, that the questioned, ; V \v 

Handwriting consisting of the bottom two lines tog in nine > 
pfH-V.-- “3 aw 7 onployees ..." or* the above-mentioned pace was 
pT<V= -r prepared by FATEICIA CAMF3EI.L HEARS!, K32 and K92. 

; ‘The conclusion was reached that the. quo at toned 

• 7 ; writing on the page beginning "Savings* Lean .,.- e ,and the 

- ' VTL ^ - 


It was concluded that the majority of the questioned 
|ph:V; writing cn the two pages captioned “3 s p 1973 ,: was Prepared - 
EMILY HARRIS, X5, k(> , K3, K9, X2G and K37. ' ' 


, .'• .< • ■' Q2094 . , , . . . - - : r: . .. 

' . ■"' " '~ t; S “*'■■’> ■■"■' ■' ' ' 

'^?;V 7 -- The conclusion was reached that the quest ten eel 

writing on the tve sheets of paper beginning "Castle - Cooke 
‘ and IT Sa£ewcy . . . ‘ and the questioned writing on the 

. .enclosed yellow card was prepared by EMILY HA*;? is, ks, K6, 

- K8, :k&, K20 and K37. 

Q2095 f ; . - ■'■ ' . 

* v '■ ’ *' ■ The ■ conclua ion w 

'3§jjF$C% ' ’ v ‘ The conclua ion was reached that the- ?a Jority o? 

the . questioned writing on j the throe C209> sheets of parser 
w&'. ' WAS prepared by EMILY HARRIS , K5 , KS, K8, K9, K20 and X37 . 

» '3f 

- * 


itv .. . 

’ xf 1 J 

i ■ 

Q 2P96 .. 

The conclusion was reached that portions of the . 
questioned writing on the pages baginnlnu 'S ¥ Police 
"4000 people visit and "Evil Younger vers 

prepared by ?.MILY HARRIS, K5, KC, E8, V3 , S25 and i:37. .Msc, 

Fage S 

D-7310C1003 J.F 


'M-* --v 

■ , ' + * 1 :* t *■ -.V, ! . l - 

* 1 - l i l " r* - * 

similarities were, observed in comparing r tbe available writing: 
of HARRIS with portions of the questioned writing on other 
pieces of paper with writing beginning ' Criminal Tx search 
*£>cnald G. Paul lot . . - , " 'Tyrone Guyton....," "Hough Sketch 

the blue? and green ink entries on the page _ bog ir.nino 

The conclusion was reached that the black ink entry 
*L303-ERJ Robert Edvard ttierkey 1938 Westover Pr. Pleasant nill r :- 
on the above-mentioned page beginning 1 F. 996 / was 

prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL HC&KSn K32 and M2..' • '• “ ;1 

/}Cc\^< ■ ■ 

■A definite conclusion vc.n not reached whether the 
remaining unidentified^uostionec writing on the Items ■ 
described in this report was prepared by PATRICIA CAMVEELL 
REARS?,* 32 and K9 2 /EMILY HARRIS, , KS, K6, K3, K9, K20 and ■■ f V 

SC CARTE Y, 'Kiw, vheted writing vas previously submitted in 
this. case, ; or by JOSEPHINE 14., SOLI?.#, Eel and K4, KATHLEEN.^ , 

ANN SCLIMi , K3 , or VJILLIAM KILGORE , K2 , whose -wr i t ingR : ' 

were submitted in case captioned ’’UHSvBS (5) ; CROCKcTP. 'BANE, .. 

5746 SARCOS'I AVEUUE . CARMICHAEL , CALI FOR; J I /i , 4/21/75 ; BR, ** 
due to the lir- it ad amount of souse written entries, the 
prcscnca of unexplained handwriting characteristics or the . . 
lack of sufficiently comparable writing. • . :i - 

' - - V y V . 7 ---i ' ■ . h ■ . - - ' '■ " - £• r " ’ 

The documentary evidence ,d escribed in this report .. ' j . : ■. % 
• was compared insofar -as.- possible .with documentary material ' . 

previously submitted . to the Laboratory In bcmbir.g matter# ■■'-■dv ’y. ; ' - 
wherein the Weather Underground organization, the y-a\: world 
Liberation Front or the Red Guerrilla Families clained 
rooponsibi 1 i ty , but noth! no of particular si }T. i f i car.ce w as 
noted nor uer* any associations made. . 

The evidence described in this report, 
been photographed, in being returned separately.. 

Ifr- * . ■ . . 
- y! t • 

•si- ■ 

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<-V ,y .n . .• 

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Page 6 

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Check the Periodical 
holdings list to see If 
the library has the 
magazine you are requesting. 

^ 7^0 djrum ?% 

* (Magazine title) 

LCc >iXc a ctAXdiC h> 

(Voltii&e Number) 0 (Page) a 

A^ C 0 ‘p- 

Address f^*^ 

Phone Number ■ 


( ) City College Student : pH i 

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€aaa<i^ <d^&£'cl 7 

vryu^iM.CAU- 6 f\A . 

... < 2 / 6 / Cddfa thu 

6 k 



rJ'^UsS *? j' , ;.\i^ 2’ •** % ‘ /-^* 

tydl**-tjjC\J S&C faXsrrvuJv 6 S OxjfaX$~&§ rO^lj 


CJrnt o numum - '^shCcjL*. c A/£- Sf*- 

&auke Avac 
§ 4.<L/l 

QJrflJsJJi djf&cfe. i/w Wft<cn (3-JOo) ^t)<(V\ (4o?2j 


£<%C hasrr^uJv a 

A/e. S£ 

2. S' sfcrtcu VVoAjum a-LLit* 

6-tLv^fL (yyj jJUlA; 

iJtirMs — Ho^aihLC S<Ao^ ce (i>yj 
Arr^I. CMJLuca 2t4d* 
2" cdthn^^joiJ 

(Pkfyl ^5- s&loC$L dJoJ-o^. d-A-OK/vJI 

V 0 ^ o 

^o^^uAct: — • 

/ ? 7/ ^V^l/fr^v\ Ob~rCX^rZsY-i ~u£ 

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rn'T:z--/27 CbujoL 

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iox<{ ©cut 

5 / 7 - SPY ( ~ D ^ 'Se^U. 

jlf] &'L.L<3Sj^£,\Al 

/ 5 " 5 a 3 ^v^-Kt ^A- 

* ^^Aa~o 

^ J 3 S-.MT ; • , 

• \ i HirU^I' f<LiOcu<A. 7/^W. 




jCju, u*j" ,; v-{f. 10 *3 

O^i 3?, >-m .. 

Bi^-k,c^ r - a*^. 


1 r 

0>~PlT °~ 


7?^aU Jaa/ouj^ 

JlfasuLc. ^julaj^ ^/-V 

7 if 

? ~.n 


■> J$ r- 

F*X*jfr**.*r\h . 



(kjUaJ ft) 













>i \'' 

. 0 . 



^i 1 , 


■ 'y i > 




(Pa^cLu£&J \Jfa<L 
(^yxA^^lvO cj^o^ 


. --Wifi 


■■ ^Jl^LurU^CA^ } 'J^C . 

/ . / / Av'VM W« i {~t^Tl • 

*' ; 

Ia). j. V 

( {L 

9 f 064 

03065 . 


•^s<Vr*i :=, ri; 


'- .-■ ; ; :.w 

S'J' st£p' .'i' ■ J -V :, - ■' - 


. ■ ■: i '■■ . • \ .. ••••• r 

^^feS;' ; ;g 206 &:'; 

Or® file folder eh tit led "OPEC* containing nomnrouor. 
sheets of 

^ J , '>*■ ■■.. 4 ■' ■■ r V ; /T : 

M<mi la envelope iaa rked " Ta file - book* containing 
; typewritten ehaets‘~of paper captioned on first 
’’Tania Interview* (#288-8-1) 

\ '■ _ ":' ■-■ " ■■- - '. ; ; J '- J 

Manila envelope eonta ining nuner ouo sheets of paper t U\ : y\ 
1 photocopies, and : diagrams .{$288-8-18) '.'• y*- : - • .4^^; 

Manila envelope .label ©d “ EcoH " containing nvinarou b 4^?#. 
" photocopie b of . ty pewr i 1 1 en page# and two s beet a o f • 
paper . bearing writing . ( 1 28 8-B - 1 3) -; . ■. 

w , .. i ■ Blue portfolio containing numerous papers , pieces ‘ 

' of identification and newspaper clippings (#288-6-3); 

-.A - 7 ^ V / ■ /....•• ' •■■• •: . ■••••. " ; ; ' ■ >*.. "• •"{* " •• 

White envelope containing photocopies of varioxi3;4V& ; - 4, 

■ documents (<288 -B-9 ). .4 '. : ;■ _ ; : ~ = •• * "'■■ ?:*' 

* T - £.'■ 1 ' 

■- r *. 1 

02069 .» 

' ■ . ; > . ' .-'T V, 

,s. , ‘ 

k -vS?' •* ii! ‘ ‘r ■ ■ ■ ■ 

r " 1 

?j |g ^jg;gv ,^r ■ 0 2070 

-' v: " 0 2071 

awfi??'. : 

ESSsfS 02072 

Green stenographic inotebooX bearing writing (* 2 S 8 -B~ 16 ) . 

Manila envelope narked ‘TG&C containing photocopi cb ‘ . 
of various do cutaents and newspaper clippings (<238rBv.l5). 

yile folder containing periodicals of miscallaneoue ^ 

^;V VJ , . ■■ V; :V. i 

C2073 •■? ': White- envalODe contelnine nhotocooias of nup.flrona^:''- ^";^^ 

'te;^-V.Q 2074 

I P|Ws; : ; 

tev Q2076 . 

r^>X -V .^c-v -r. . _ 

Manila envelope containing handwritten and typo-' 
written pages, and photocopies of various docoments 
. « 288-8-7) ' •••■■•■'■ . '• ' 

File folder containing various periodicals (#289-E-3);; : \:. ; 

Section of Los Angelas Tinas for dune 15 # 1973 -4 : \ 

(I 288 -B- 8 ) . . • •. ' •' : 

(over) ’ 

^ ^ \ * - i . y- m ~ - ^ V r -;. i *: '■* + -v. - ” ■ ' ^ 4 ,' : ^ ■ ;■. % " + ^ 

.^vH: ^ 4 '’•;/• f ‘ ^ ■ -, ■■“-••■. ■ 44 - - 4 ;-' 

v’* . ■ /' 

■*; : [ V : " *'■ 



■-'• '-.f. -'■ . 

;-J , .; ,, 
/; : : - ;V Q; 

-vis ? ,-v - ■ ■■ 


, i _ „ , , ■ 

Q 20.7 9 

" lj '."*- lT ’.--' , ' j '■' 


Eepty file folder 'entitled “Book? .• 4 

Photocopies.; of various documents 
Spiral notefcooK bearing written entries ($2S3"»~6) 

One "Northwest Cherries* 1 box 

• The following described items 05031 through 02090 wore contained - 
4^-SV- | . . in the gray metal file box U288-6-34)i ' .- •••'•'. 

■ ■ V "■ ■ ■■' •• ; . •• v . - - - ' •• ■_ ■ ■'- 

' ^ r ' ■ v V ; ' - ■' « 9 ft # ^ ■■* Manila envelope marked ®p$HER C0*4&. contai n Ing. '. 

numerous documents (<2G8-i3-34) - "' 



$m §K: 




3 - ; 

■■■ L ^ -.^v 

* V 

02 086 

' *p - h 


1 ^. T ' '02089 

^■Jl vT : A , t 

Page 3 

Manila envelope marked "K.v? .L.F. “ containing 
numerous documents U28B-S-34) • ' .-...;.• •. 

Manila 'envelope marked ’'.FAIRCHILD". containing several : V _ ^ 
documents U288-B-34) . ‘ . ,. 

Manila envelope narked '’TRAySAMEIiXCA 1 ’ containing ■:£•■ - f .; 
several documents (42S8-B-34) T. . ’■ - • '. ' 

Manila envelope marked 'HlA* containing numerous - ■ V 

.documents (4288-B-34) . - 

Manila envelope marked "MIL'ISC HArs* .containing'.--'.' .--.r 
numerous maps and a publications bulletin {|2S^rB- 34) 

- Manila envelope marked -"MOSEY* containing severai ^i^ "4 
v ‘ documents-: (#2e8-B-34) ;- : VS; ' ' ' •- - . 

Pile folder captioned p SOUTHEAST MIA- - -V« CAMBOOTA;' ” ?V‘i 
KOREA ** containing several documents (42L ! 8-'B- 34) ^ 

File folder captioned *00Vr.RKMimT - FED. LOCAL STATB W . ,'T’ 
containing several newspaper clippim-s end piece o£..° - . 
paper hearing written notations (&283 -!j-34) 


. W 1 

' /* " ■ j.’ 

0-731001009 pp 

. ’ 7 ; ‘ /’ '/ '. • " 

1 r* , ^ 

- A." 

.... . 

: ^T- : - : 

'-■ -' -’ .' ■■■■■■■ * ■ ■■ ■■> ■ ■■' - ■’ ' /’ ■" '• . '■ ' ' ' ' ? 

File folder captioned "XHDXANB -Am" cpntaining^^.^;^ 
several newspaper clippings (1 288-B-34) -a y. . •. /.if Iff 

■ ■■■' ’■ ' v 

: •.;••• v ■ ; 

. 7 ; Q2092 


Pile folder captioned " MILITARY " ■ con to ini r,g - three;; 
newspaper clippings (#268-3- 34) . ‘ .?.;■' .- •%' • • " . T"- ' ^ " Vt 

File folder captioned “Pluses RELEASES - OIL COS* • . ; 
containing nu&erous documents (H23$~B~34) : ■ 

- * ■ ... > L -- - L r>_ / ■ A'. _■ ; - L - ,". A. .-■ ;/" T ' ■ - - \- , "■- Vt_Oi -'.\ - ' :" V ^ r ; “ ; V- '-fX* 

Pile folder captioned "OIL CC*S.* containing: '. v-, ;'; " ; 1.- 

02093 '. 

JliKW • 


TO * B , 4 rrl «a-‘ ’ . " ; .- : .V' 

02096' • . - • . File 'folder .captioned "LAW ENFORCEMENT - PRISONS ; --v. •• :-.'•.• 
JUSTICE DEFT. LEAA POLICE FBI- CIA" containing- :V?;''‘ r ?7 
' 4 ; r ;7 . numerous docussen ta ( 6 2 8 8 ~B - 3 4 ) .... -■ ■ ; ■ ■ : '■'■■ ■ 

• 02097 rile folder captioned “LEW - WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH . ' . 

■'. \r • .. STERILISATION UNEMPLOYMENT* containing .severely ' -.M 

•^|SprfA;£: ■ ' documents (62S8-8-34) ....' .-...• i 

Manila envelop© captlonedr '^FUTURE ■ ACTICKS 

r^nn nw . nhunnjt i>*» f. . /? 1 I ri n 4 « e* « Anri (? nr* n is a ri +• a V-iVi-5 is- S •'■. mi ;:i 

V*£iiy :.:. v.' ■• -y^-y 

One package of Miller® Fall** Eaeraee pa pare . . • j „/ 
(? 288-A-rB:l"14) ' ' ' . . ^ • ; ;.- ; y >• ■;. 

-'y- v- 

^ik-- • - ;-.. 

\: . 02 100 5 even* page handw r i t tea 1 e t tor on ye 1 low paper ; y ! r - ; . .. 

i^r-i ■ bagihnino "ocarcst Brother, It la very . . . “ • and 

tiffs':,, ' .'•• signed "wc" {K25-K-K- 19*F) \ '■ ff-' ,;J : 

. .^yv'f-"'. 02101 Eight-page handwritten latter on four sheets of 

5 • " • ' yoi low paper beginning * Be a roe t Brother, It is : ^ 

•. K j • ' , :. • ’ . . . Vf)r r (#425*C*RLB*1A) .... 


m-'-'t ' - ■ ■■■ 

: y ‘ . - : 

*' - r j f -■ "7 ■ ■ r 7 -'. a " ■’ . ' ; “■ f f '/ 1 ^^?:. ^ ■ y^;- 

V' V'. '<;— ’ ; /- ■ - ' J r i .-;■;. 

- ■-> L . 1 ,J .;' ■' M '. - r ■ ,^' .- ’J t r ■ ':r ■- "ji -- + ’-.^' L ■■ 7 " 

1 - k. ■ : '-""' i r , s _<? . .'_ > V W-' ■!■' ft ' 

■ f t?; ?! r +Jl >^£7 --Oj\ 

:-ii ■ 

L ■-.- r ■ '. ' . - ' " . 
pV^*jc^ .- '^’■-j^', ■. _ -' 1 . . r '. T ■ ■ L . \ ^ 

v^f ^9 . ^h i te' : cnve lopo containing two receipts ■ signed’-' -'- 1 
W® :: &*V A t ,8* ie * t C2U S -- p*-l TA> ? %$ 

■ ■ ^ $*1?.3 : ; ■ : ^ . ■ On* . base- rental ■ agreement • and dapoait receipt -•"• * 

'7; signed *»an Carswell/ <$2S8-D-17) 

"; -ft ^ .vf-j’r, ." ; 



.'y^- ^ 2 3.0 4 ■ , ‘ Piece of vhi te paper bearing written n ar*e' and w - :••' 
•: *<& & * V- ■ ?>'$ ; >- i, *.*» *’ *^wy,' •■B; Fa r ti swor t h -. 4 1 0 ... coronad ©‘■F&Vf 

. . 4 ,; ; Sacraaento City Col lege student idectlfi cation '* * 

s . .p ■ "»* • ‘ '• v ••'•' card; signed “Stephen N. ; Broudy* - ( 1 2S8-K-LR-7-B) 

'$ I; C»2106 Sacrastento City Collage registration and library 
'; :..' card signed "Stephan W . Srbudy " (i2S8~I5-LK-7-C) :■; 

ISfek /. ; S £■*■ Photocopy; of Birth 'certificate "in the naie-.t^i# 

01 ’"■■'■J .'-'- ; • •'-•».. , "Stephen jia than Broody* (i 288-£'LT?-7~r<) ■■ - >• '- 

$ j. ? < -; 1 -' V . ' ■ ■ - ' - l ■' „ T - ’, . ■ . _ ■ - ■ ' ' _ ' ' ■ ' . 1 - i- - 

W?--'- ... \ ■ Piece of white paper, bearing ..note t ion* * CAP* ' ... •.'•• 

;7 v £$2BS-E~BR-7-t3) - -x ' '' ■ ■' ■' ''• . ; vT- 

•'v.v 0210P . White piece of paper bearing written notations : 



■/ . 

H Seigal 929*- 1380" (f288"-»-LB-7*P) 

■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ P > ■ B ( ■ ■ , ■ : 1 ■ ■ ■ 

/.•giwv' 02110 . ; Piece of paper bearing written notations ' 

.SWV (f28|l-B-Idt-7-F) - 

p i«ce’of- '.paper bearing writing : bacimir.g 'ZOCC’.-C 

-■■ ; .(e288-B-LS-7-0) ■'• •••V :•• , ■' •'• .* . v : ' ••- 





■ ‘ r.’ ■ C i 

Pieco of paj.'or bearing writing Nnir.niho , 4 1 ." oAfi 

f isco of paper bearing writing beginning >00.1* v ; 
{4 28S-£*-LR-7“5) ■ 

Fioce of papor boaring writing beginning *h ood 
(UB8-K-LP-7-?) . ' 

Mecfi of paper bearing vritina bo^inning '^i/s , 
«288-E~X*R-7-U) . . , • . 

^ V>r‘ . - v - * ■-■ 

■' : i;;\ ^ 

. * h> 4 M 

PU:J"|51pO;109 jv. 

4;-;^ ' ^ F - ■/ 

*."?■ ’ & 

-• •:. (over) • ' 

Vy,-^. V \v %:i 

'/ -j ' ■J-Vi : \ ^ 1 ■'■■p* : .y^' ?j; * i ';" i, % <! : .Vr 


' . 


'^?y v" * 

-f. ^ - r _ t S ( : _ 

,'. y f '-T -?.-<■ 

pieces of 

•*•'.'•;••• v <?2 1X7. . Pi«co of paper bearing' writing ;beg i rining ■ ■* B LLC -.' 'i 

: - v ,=';■ I - x * ““r ’■- ... .; >.';■ yy yyy yy .-. *'-: • . -y- •.;;.' 

i 120,. : fy ’ : ■ ■ ¥ ellov / spiral ^notebook bearing nuc e rou 3 s ' 

'.y'yV-yi - ; :. : v ^^’ r - 

S ^%t^|^-Tho following described items; 02121’. through ; 02132 and r ; ylyy', :y ^ : ' 
^?fev.iv.'-''': v ALSO: SUBMITTED ■ itess, war® contained 'in .the green »etal-'^*4r'^ f ^V> 

' file, box -. U 2.88 -»t 35) »;'y ••;• y: V-'-;v ' ? .y --yyi-y •• 

^^^^^02121 '. ■ ,■ Eevcncaasett© recording', tapes {? 2 S 8 -B- 3 5 ) 

■ '-"- ? ' ,s ' : •• •’’ - : ■.-’ '•‘-■•f.." ■■:' •••..•--' .' " •• ••• y’~yy.y*y, V-:-.; y.y . - 

r : £ .w” l Ci2 122 ■■ Manila-' cnvalooG ea'o t ion'ad " Po life! c* 1 s h. n*Sv v -. ; . ■ ;-. i »»./- '- y y > ■: - 

. ; V v Manila envelope -captioned "Bock Info* • containing'; '. 

y y jy ,; ' : yy puma roue" documents. (f 288-B-35) ' y •• yy ;-'• y; : v ;:yy^y%'’ 

0212'S .■ ' - ; " : File folder- containing ; nucxsrcua cocunjanta ' ($2 $3 - 8 - 3 ^ypy . 
- -^2125 ■ Manila envelope containing' fiun«rous docutnonts,- '- - ' . ■ 

,jSi§5|ia?: ; -' : ' (*266-2*35 ).....;. ■:. 

' -S 2 1 2.7 - Manila' envelope with' obliterated capt ions ; T." v :f ■-, 't 

'.q : ;-- - . . containing numerous docojacnts ($288-8-3$)' t. 





■ ■ \ m h V ‘ " ■ ' ■ " '**• ’J* ' ~Z " 


■ -v?-_- -'■ *. : /;■*.;■. - . '.. . 

(ovar) ;/ .:^'. v:^r;' :; „ 

'/ ■ ^ , > -; v 1 ,- ■? 'fn -v t ■ ., v ’ 



■■" ■, . i \ ';. - r r L . 

:■ .■-, ■-: -vi 

;. ->'■>;-■■ 

. : v :: .-■ >; r - '-■: r 

x ^ c ' 

:■; -*■■• ‘ ^. t ■ * ;' r Tr. UJ ". L ; -i v- 

' • •'• •. /: y ’ • . >y "• 

^ : t 0 . . 

■'. ^ ''; ' r 


r- Manila envelope captioned " ciensra 1 Cell Info" . 

containing numerous documents and newspaper -y- - 
v clippings {< 288 -B- 3 S) ;i 


£2 iy*;':-—-' - ''y . 

- ■> " : : 

^|*:^,-', 02133 - 

bearing name so nd addresses ‘ U200-B-35) ■ • 

- r ' l + '■ " V * ♦; t - ,L ^ v ■ " r v v /V~ v -, ■ : . * ■; >i. wj ■ * ^ ^ . L -; ' > ■; ■ l. * S ;v>V^' >.. v-Vr£ 

■ '''-■ ' s ‘ : 1 : J r' " : _ r " j -. ■' ■ „ T ■ '■■ :' V -"■ ^ r -+ . hJ ■ * . -‘ t - - U\ -vr'y* * 5 ? 

Large brown envelope captioned "Birth Certiflcate^-^ : -^K ; 
contain ing two white envelopes wi th copi an of •• ^ : : "J ■ '^ 
birth certificates t f 2 8S-B- 35 ) ' .' <x‘ ^ /i£'' - C.-i- v /b 


. Brown file folder containing the following*' i tens : 
y.;' - r ''■■■■' - '" ' ■ Ka n 1 1* envelope containing ' pho tocopios of various ^ >. ■ ./ v. : 
V: ;;: v document®, box of checks on printed forwe ■•"Eathleen'^^f 

Sol iah r ;"-; : book- entitled , "Guerrilla Warfare,". book z-y 

receipt from Johnson and Johnson Leckswlth signed 

8 >^^v * — - "Steve Cosgrove," green spiral notebook containing •> - 

jggg!|^ writi n ge : H# 2 S 8 -B- 4 )^ 

* dr ~.-l‘"- r '' -. 1 y. rib- ^ » * 1 -1 , 

C2 134 ;-t ;. '-' ■ ;Scia 1 1 red spiral notebook . : con tainin-y save ral page & 

££:Vo : . T 

■, VT L . v ^- ^ - / '► L s l,'. 

, J V 1 ■ 'j 

Ipft 5 oap«. 

^SfosV*. ^ 1 - . : . .- V. r ■ -:■ : . . 

■t-.. ■■-■; • 5i : : a.'- 

Sera 11 black wallet con t hi ning s a cr anon to C ity--S !> ^ /■ 
College idontificat ion and copy of birth ■-■'.\}.J.-. t . r ' I 
certificate , in the name ■" Susonne Lanplioar t " ^ ^ V i- 
three pages of paper bearing random written 
notations and one piece of paper bearing typo- re- 
written notations (S288-B*21) v . v ■ 

V . S , Treasury check 151,536,006, payable to < 

"Bart R« « Helen Smith" .U288-P-HW-1) 

-,rA'r:. i.-. -; J ./ 

■ V r - 

j -v 






* ; _V - 

Pur pi « Spiral notebook containing sons written 
notations (6288-A-PBR-20) 

Benchmark Latter Ruled tablet containing some 
written, not otionc (f2B8-- ) £.r'FBrh-2Q.) .- 

■^■-■■'it r ■■ 7K- 


SKgEig;.^ C ; -~' : . : N 

>% ' 

- - ^saFSC J“ i't / - : r ' j 

4fe¥*?& : «“• ' 

Pad of kcCormick Air.bulnnc<a and Sick Soon ServlcB^V 
paper t one page tearinc written notations ■-■' 

/ (fl286-A~f?BH-20) ■ ' r - . j . . •' - ; ■ ■/ .,. 

Book entitled "Joy of Cooking" with the written ’ 
naiae "Kathleen Anr. Sol lab "on the inside cover' and .. ; 
containing several white cards With written recipes 

:~.(*2S8-D-18).~ -";• • '• . :* ,• 

Q2H1' One pack of X-FEET carbon paper of which sons - ; - 

.’ - -> ; .-• sheets have boon us ed { 4 2 8 8- B- S 3 ) .; . ., . : . / 

; r-'- ,:• •••:'. • . -y ; -- .; , V ...-•'/ ‘. ;. • .'•. ' 

”/ ■ Q2U2 

& - v .-‘f.-v, ^ r - - 

Whlte ahaotfi of paper;' bearing. txi ting beginning 
“Charlie Howard ..." and mie eel lentous itot?s _ . 

«iilt« piece Of paper . bearing written numerals . 
c 5 26.-S 604 ; 5 2 5- 9 058 * ( f 2 E S-A-FEUt- 7 ) ... 

m^ r 

S a^v, T he following described item, Q2 14 3 and ALSO. S 'J EMITTED ■ 
&/•'’'*•■ . itemb are cont&inod in Rogers# Texas’# Grapefruit box - 



■- J' 
w r - ■ -* ■• 

5&SV^«288-B-81>i. ■’ J 


Shell map of -Orange County bearing written * 
notation beginning *E all to Euclid . ..* 
(S23S-B-81) • . "; ' ' \-'$£ 

Manila envelope captioned 'Pigs" (5259-B7S3) 

■ I. 

One personal directory (telephone) bearing \ 
written notations, slip of £ftper, card and 
envelope and written message addressed to. 
r Mo. Bonn to Wilder -.."and blank personal 

‘ . direo tory ( te lo phono) ( , $ 2 8 8 - A- rB?> 2 7 ) - _ v : ; . 

8 ’■ y ■ \ ■- " ■ ■■ ■' '■ ^ . -■ ■' '• ; '.■ ■ ■'■ ■’ t nwri : -.^L^y-s j' 

(over):'--"/;::r >^;;r *■ 

> r * ^ 

c l ■■: ' u ’i' *-*> ^ \ 

- * . i . ^ - p ' , *■ 

*Zs V -J- rifc .HJ. A u| V' I K « 

^ \ ; t i + / % . 

Jlk lf'O . J -\-\ '1.- r 4 J , J * ■ 'i 1 -' , ,J I ' i ,T J ' V |\ _'-■>- S- '- 1 '~ -*. , fv'J __i ? ©~l£- ■© " '■ '• >- irr '*'' *1rA ■ < SV ■ r .K ..^ Ji!HJj^ Jlr - ■ i'iJjV i I ^ i;'- ~V-^- ‘.t\iil.'!-\v ^ i t it. . . ^i > l J' ■-. .. '' ^ -*■ "’ 

v- r \ :'■ - 
*©© ’: ' 


-;©© y* 

'< ' ,-J. 


•;VC I ' "• 

a^fcj-'.::-- • ’ • - ’:• •'■ 
$£©©/ .. 02148 ■ 

P© \- / " . •: 

-K-fi'W^'-*.: .-V 

$3£©© © ,© ■ © * 

v: -\ , l - ■ v ' ■ 
?1 © - 1 ©'- L ' - 


|^© ©?• 02150 

x^Vst©©©;© - J ’ : ‘- lr ‘‘ : 

1 V ■ © ? 

£^©?©! ■ ■ ■• 
l^i©,© ,02X31 

P1j£©©©©©© © * 

„ Ax-_i-' . ■_ . '---Vi- J 

’ V ‘ © J . - 

^.fe--..,;0U52 .: 

"?' - ' ; V- ‘ ■;. 

litS© : o ji53 ■ 

\ 02154 . 

flK M-: 4 f> - ■ i V >. r 

■WAiAT - :■ . - 

=©p©©-r' - ! -C: 


-gs&yfc •- ■ - r. 


» p*|©©; -.02157 

_ J§Sf fe.©f ■■ 

* • • 
!ift*fife.,:- 0215* 

||p©-©;;-;© © ■■ 

«&©©?© ■ ' 
*?• •:.: .-7- *i. 

U.S. Passport In the na&s “Bonnie dear. wilder©?-© ©©:.■©■ 
and international certificate o f vaca i nn tion ©- ; ©■ ;: ?■© 
, font ,(|288-A-FBn~26) .; .•..••• ? •...; V.' ■> . ' ?©V ?©©©•;' 

Manila envelope addressed to “Bonnie J. WilCer": ' ©! 

containing a sheet of paper bearing .Writing beginning V" 
■* ! 1*. A SQUARE - H0WESTY ...“ and H‘jBtro«is photographs 
{$238-A-FBIt-24) . - ■;" ;; 

- - ■■ '■' ■ .-. : ‘ . ' , ■- ■ ■ ;‘. .' . ., ’ . * - ’■ . ' ■ - :?■ . . “ ./-V- : ' 

Wells Fargo Bank Gold Account card signed * Edinond R # V?’^ 
Ergut" (#288-A-FBR-ll) . r © . .-. : : , ; © .. 

' Envelope addrosaod to "Miss B: Wilder . . . “ ■- '. 
containing written letter and nuit<*rouo photo-': \X ! - : Vi 
graphs U2Q8-A-FBR-25) ,. ^ ; : ? 

Red. tlieiae book containing various raqoo of hand- . .. 
waiting froiF. the black handbag viiich is d^aeribcd ■; 

-as an ABSO SUBMITtED itea (e2S8-A-FBB-<2) ,. i 

■ • . .• • t :: '■■ ■;■ -' . ■ • — : -••••■-- .•© 

Spiral bound index cards bearing writing (?2e8-A-FBR“13i 

File folder bearing photocopies of documents * - ; 
(§2H8-r-LR-4) . - \ 

. r Tno Korean War" publication i/oaiing written notations.. 

, (9 2SS-C-RBU-35 QQ) ■; ■ ,©. - . ' ^ i©’ 

■ 4 ^ ©, ^ ’■ .*■_ K ' . ., ■> .- . © :© V.^". \V 

' L j . W ' . L ' ' ‘‘i ■- -■ ^ ,* ' © F 

Photocopy of article and „docurcents bearing hand-. '??/';©^’* 
'writing -..and typewriting ( f 2 88 “C 7 P.BR- 24 R ) , : ..’ : ■' ? ? 

.Red spiral notebpok bearing, sci*g writing (120 8-B-31 ) ? ■?■. 

Book entitled “WiAT IS Tp BE DOSE?” by V. I. Benin / ©© - : 
bearing eoiae w T ritten notations ($625-D“FBti-l 3 +?16) ■■?.:..? 

Book entitled "The IALECTIC OF SEX" bearing sorse 
written notations (8623-D-FBR-13 + 16) ?". 

Book en tilted "F-XBLOS IVES AND HOMEMADE BO^S" bearing 
aoir,o written notations (#62S-t>HFBF-13 + 16) 

7510010C9 PF 

■■ (over) 

. ’ ! + '■>-/- ,1 " *,* i :r ’’ 

- ■■ , '©w;©©:- - ^ 

’ .rr A r .**'*. ■••'!>■- 

v ^ .ji.-> . ? -■ L ^ ■ 

. At.- © L V^ .'■-■■ 

JL .I ^ ^n^r; ■ M\- - “♦ + 

.. J ■ 1 . - . i +. * '< ^'t‘ " - 

-i :>r >* ' ■ : " '-'■ 

, ■© - '.■ . / ' ,, ;- 1 T . ■;*- 1 

■ '. ’>■ * - v; - ■© 

' lV - ' ’- 

5 ht; -.v- .’ 4 ' \ 

■ wj * ' ’ r 

* ■■ *i " " - 

.•/>:•• -■ 

’ ■ ■ ■ a- ‘ ' ' ‘/flwW'f 1 ?= 

J - - .. L ' - : 1 . ; 

ral note pad containing written notations i-jgr.L’SPfSm* 
j5-b-r-i?5>. •.. ".. . ..; 

: y :■ . -.1^ r-r. L n ^ " . ^ h " h ' 1 . 1 ’ - ^ / . ’ ' - ^ 1 ( ^ ‘ i ^ - j >J ! L p ' £ 

'Sj^SM'ivV-. \ ; - bearing written not- 

■ ■ ( 5 625-C-Ri!R-r.8 >. . ' ; 

"C-n-; •<.'- ■ w .- •, v ...... ; . ... • ■■ -■:■■■ -■ 

>-i02lii^v Sheet aoCv paper bearing yiritten notations ^{$ 6 25-C-|^8).^ 

:, l ' ' Spiral hot® paa containing written notations V/phgto^p 
u ; .■;' v- copies of documents and ■ Kleenex ■ wrapper . ( £ 6?S-rD^F3. , _1 ? 3) .. . 

($ 62 5 -n-FpR -21 

>"- copies 

V; v Q2164 ' ■ 1 red spiral 1 notebook. oon to iriing w it ten notat i ons-y. ■■ w r u _ 

- * - 

' ■'. : .■- 7 : 

’■ ■' ■■ ■ 


V yellow spiral notebook containing written hotat lions ‘/V 
.: . with enclosed, typewritten and . written aheeta r 

■ : ,“ paoor and photocopies o S document s ( S 6 2 j-D-FBft-21). iy. ••:;••; .- 

' r ’’ ; ■.' ■ ; ; y’; , . k^, t - ■ >. . ’J- r . -y ^ ■ i j , L •<- - < ^ '■ ■■ f-* ^ 

Carbcn copy of typovritten' 'rental a^roeRejt^for^^^^. : . 
625 i'orse f?t. signed “Charles ^ Admac (..625 i. * + ~. 

Carbon copy of Artson Answering System Business.' .' 

. Tjg re emon t 6 igned . T ® on , Adar-e " . { ? 6 2 S-l> ■ t BR - 2. *.) ■ ,j^- r 

Q2i68 ■ ' Two b t S Property Manageiaon t Co . check a . «l??^nd 

‘U/.'- 1 ’- « 217 -hoi* .payable to * Steven Soli oh, a piece^. pf^. 

■'. .•-r , 'V. » torn whito eh vs lope with., vr itten 

* 2 1 7 . low .payaHio w . » ** •• . . , . ’ 

torn whito envelope with.. written notations* ...white 
envelope addressoa to > Steven Soliah*' white envelop 
bearing written 'narac .‘■Stove" and torn pieces, of .- . ■;>.-= ■ 
foria {# 625 -D-i*BB- 13 ) : ) 

L . ■> ' . f. ’ T ■ . _ d i" j , + ",,"3-'. 

Cheot of paper bearing written notations beginning y 
“History Of Oil ...“ (5623-D-F3.^*21) ■ yy ;. 

‘Si'SSA’ 1 '. . 

., .07171 

02170 Three sheets of paper bearing writing 62S-0-P5ky21) : , ; 

Ssiall spiral notebook* two slips of ”° tC 

pad bearing written notations ( ! 6 25-D-FB^ 1.2) ^ 

‘ d * T ‘ ; ' - . rJ ' ■ , J \ ' ■ ' ,». . ■ . ' - ' ' ■/ V-- L ' r .V ' 4 ’: ' ' - 

, ■ L4 - h J ‘ ■ i - + * ■■ “ ' '. ' + x - , 4 r ' V' J A “ J . 4 . ' J . V ■" 

l^fefc?4 ; -:.vO r 7 51001009 PF - & -v ' ■•; -'s..:-, , - ' ■ ■■ ■ v . . ;■;■ ■ - :• 

; V' 

T ' A '/•••••- ‘ : ■ ; ■ ;r -V'-. r :>£ :v ' ‘t ■> ’ ;: . £ - ; T " :*V ■ ' ■■ -.v •> : > .. 

T > : ■' --*: "i " !' , / ' : ' r ” ■■ ^ ' > . , ' h . ; * ■ ■ ■ ■ _ . v 1 . / 4 . .//* > , 

. r . . .* . T . . 

r #i^, J - ^ , , ’. . . 

'^V 1 ' i' f 1 ' ■ " ' ■-. ■ . 

;Sfc £*■* ^ - 

-■ , * 

, -V . "■ .- ■ :■:■ 
"p-ty * w-* -*_ ■ . ,C ; : 

vA't/- f"? ;r-? ■ v/, " 

^£ 3 ( Ll #,V&*>i^. ;h: fi-j ' ■ . *.i - i ■’- 

*s*i-v* .-'-■* 

r; - : ‘ ':' ' note paper bearing writing beginning * (clean up . . "^--i 

^3|^l= : ^i ; v:- front ; ..v” (#625 -b-k~17)/;v 

r- • ••••-;••• -•»... ; :. ;■ :• ■ " ,7 ■ ;■■■■■: ., ■ _ ; ". ■„■- " -.-t--- -.'/>. - : '-'-rS- 

;^^|^^.:, ; 02175 -r; ;■ Red spiral notebook' containing writing ($ 625-C~BBR-ip7^ 

. '■,*.“ '■• .'. A -Sin/* ' ■'■■■'■ nl.._. A.'t '■ n » -I * 1 _" 'i _ \__ _ *. _ . . *. _ 3 1 * ■ _ ' ’> ^ 

spiral notebook containing writing ($62 5-C ~ RB R-i 0 5 

;■■■-, -■- ■ :'■ ■• ., v. ,•••,• .V-V - ^ 

,||!$p£' .' Q2179 , ' ■ • Carbon ’’copy of ran tie 1 agreement dated* 5/15/7 5 signed 

'-. *Chnrleo Barber" (I401-K-9) . , ; ; - , .• . V7 447 . 44 , ', 

■ Q2180 Several pages of typewriting with written notations : : : 

■ (S4Ql-K-r-m) . ■■-:.. .. -■ » ite> 

! ' ‘ V- :■■ . ■ ■ -c- • --'V V..' • •- - ’ -■ ' -■■: ■■■' - - . .. • ••: = ..•'•• «•<... *: : : 

•: v:' : • . .. • 

vritton notations 

;■: ■-■ Q2182 :•' : ' ' Sheet • of paper ■ baa ring : wr i fcten no tat ion a beg inning 
v/j . -A- %; ' m.d, - our two:;...* (§401 ~i,k-6b) '■. . .. 

■ Q2183 ' Groen spiral notebook tearing written notations ' 
(I 401 -LR- 46 ) . -, : 

Msm’:- ' Q2184 Snail rod address book bearing sokc written entries .;. 

^^5'. ;: (i40i-KT-6) * ;.. ^ ^ 


G roen spiral notebook bearing written notations /' ■ 
(H01'LR-40) ,. ' . ■ 

Snail rod address book bearing none written entries .;. 
(i401-KT-6) ^ -, 

Stub nunber 7213 bearing semo written notations -■- t 

(#401-11-1) -:-i •.••'^- rV'] 

.’ r _ ■ . a ■ . J ; ■ 1 . - ' '’'. r v 

• ' " . \ * j 

One 3 x 5 card bearing typewritten and handt/r ittgn.' ;' ; ; 

Q2W5;r : > ; .'.One '3 x 5 card bearing typewritten and handt/fittbri:;;‘;; : -(, 4 ,; 
; * '■ nota ^^ ons (fifOl'-KT- SlB) _. V '• ■;;/■' ' 4 ' ' ■- ; . 

•'•' - ••:••• ' :(over) 

.v3^c^75l0pi009.rp, ; ;; • ' " 

■ t r- 

■.'■ , ti. r ( ; ■ 'w. _ r '^a ■'.(''' , 

■;■' • f .-'l v. .., 

11 ' * ’ ■"' ' l! 

•, ;• ••■:. 


1 i ^ii> 4 *'^'r r, ''.'%r-' >V: .' -‘ 


I -j ' ; ^|^i : >:j- :^;-‘.;^ . r ; . ;■ ^ . ..:, . .■;. _ .. 4-05444465- .y. ,:.■. 

1 j (#40i*-H i3l 

rn ■-■'■ ■■■t:- , -•■■ •;•• - . :• "••,-• ' - -•• •-■ =■'-■■ • : ‘- ; - r v|4.P1-:H-1.3) 

■ Q2191 

m ' • ••- , ; - 

“t j '.I, t" *t ■ ■ ■ J- 

ji .'021927 .7 .. ,.; ..v- 

>; 7 7 .V--> ■ : 7 : :-:;.-; 

1^ ^ 02193 ■ 



*■ . i. » : 1 .' ' 1 

.4-05444 553 -y' 
4-05444695 .. > ; 

Charles ($401-lt-10)- 

: " -r- rr « ^ (4401^-1® 

V. r 

. — •“‘‘-“jyT: (f 4.0i-fHi3);’ 

Charles {#401-2-14} 
Barber . : .7 -7.. ^ v-rt;- 

.^,,7. ; \ : .\ ..'■v).'' : < : 3H 

7 Mrs. 

Barber -■ ‘ , .:'.y ■ v 7 ' jT,: • .• $ 

^■■k.- , ; r" r> 'S- K 

Charles^ (S401-K-16) 

.Barber ■ ■7 = -y . 7 t - .' 


t ■} .. ■ , 


'vr^s* ■ « 


^g. ; ;::|^Q?l95 Jr. 

• 7 'V 77 

' :-~V' 



?^r^id: s i; o « ^sw:***!* • «$£$ 

firs.' C. 


tas^jv 1 '-‘v 

-y ? 7 .”'■ 

<#402-H-17) 7 

. i i ji ^ v _ . .. M^i^ucn na£j<£ on ^ 

38 CMaItSSm*?' Cla J k# . Jr '" anfi a Smith & Vvossca' - -'^ 
.38 Chief, special revolver /.pamphlet (#4?l-LR-a) $ 

^^Ol-KT- IsFr^ ”^^'^^ be?ria? red 

tow * f 

-. L / 1 , :^ 1 I 




1noi-K?-22) bf p&par ' : tvo faring 'typbWittatf: 






(*So*!l5t^J«>' f »«»rin e . tyiiiwrltln? -O^W^ 

Copy of birth certificate of "iii^non Woh«" : ' ' - : 

(f 625 -n- 6 -i- 2 ) ... . "..; . .. H j-.i /•-- ■'■>;.$ 

. ■ - ■ \ ■ ‘ 1 " -■; ■' '■_ ► L * n ' , ■ . ', ' ■ ■ j. 

??25’? i e ? t Sf r notc J> ttd tearing written notation^ 

w F } L ■- '■ - J r ^ -::=r* ’£> 

, ■ . , 1 . ■’ ; ,v 7 ^" : . * , f ',' ■ . < ■ ■ 1 ■ v ; ( . .V*-- )>' nV -s'.' ir, : 

■ - ■: ■ „ s * +i . 'i 1 ". ’ ■ jn - ^ .; , ': r hr ^. . r . r ^ ■?: -■ -> V ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ a- 

»S7:5>?97 "u '■ ( j 7 ■;.■■■;. ; . ; ,. J 7.77::: 7:iLif 7777.77.7 ■;. 7 Jimatt'jTi 

|j ’’ ' ! ' '' ' "' f'' 7 ; 7.-rJ" 7^/ ^;7v7J'77" ■■ \ : r., , V J 

’7kj7' - ■ 

« j..--' . -' J'- . v ; ■ ■ ;, ■ ■:■ 

:?.. . •. v : P/inn n 

052 00 

'.v j. ' ' r ” 
+ . ■ ' 

■ J.v 

- Q2204 Sheet of -notebook paper bearing written’ notations ^ 
'' beginning ” charcol : 6 . fluid . . . v" = ( 6 2 5-E- 5 -CIO ) yAVi i 

; ■ i ■. L . *. 1 / - !■:. ,J k- l -■ . ■.■■!' . j- . ■ ’ . '■■; , ► v V:*,' * 

. ; • - ' ' - . ' *■ *" - ' ■' " 

Q2205 ; ; ■ Piece of paper bearing typewriting beginning - 

PI V pAMK/V r ,.;" (6 25-E-5-C 4 ) : 

v Jr ^ ^ . , L - ^ ** -r . -i . ■' , ■ r r . . "■ - L — . ' ■ j ' ■ ■>■■ * - " i' ■ ^ r ^ l t 

Q2206 :•• 

' , . 

■ t : - . ■ 

. Q22Q7 


■jifl- ^ ’ ? v . ■>■ -y- ■ i -V 

''■■■■ ' ’■ v ■ ■ 


Laminated Sacramento City College student ’ identification 
card signed "Sue L. Hendricks",(62 5-E C 3 ) . : ' . U “ - ^ i .; ^|r 

'' f ■’ L * ~ ^ ‘ J J : i ’ „ . , \ ' L ' ' 1 rK-\-y ■ <£'■ ■’ “ ^ ^ 

-Vr ■ - r L ' ■■ v * r ' f- ' ; J ' ^ v vV '£0 

Sacr amen to City College Registration and Library. - . 
card signed "Sue Hendricks" - (625-E-5-C2) \ v ; r 

Brown, folder containing writing tablet bearing 7 
■written notations (6 2 5-E- 5 -C 9) : . =; •• > ■- i- r + ; i 


j.- & 


, M.r ■■ -j* - ■ 

i f . ,* ;■ .■ v ?- 

L ^ /t - 

'-S : ' 4 ^ ^ i?[- /’ ■■' a ^ 

r-v r-A-; " -■. 

. ^ ■ V ■ ■■ ■ . ’ h - '■ 

One ; gray metal- file box (288-B-34) ; brown . 
bagcon tain ing miscellaneous trash (€25 -C-RBR- 1 j j - ^ 
black wallet (288-E-LR-7) ; five ten-cent U . S . 

Postage stamps (288-E-LR-7-L) ; business card 'of^-^^j;^^^ 
S h erwood Distributors Inc . (288- E-LR-7 -M ) ; PEA ~l ': ! .-i, 
ticket stub (288-C-RBR-44) ; green metal file 
(288-B-35) ; two California license plates #935 ’ ^ ; 

KVJV (288-B-35) ; manila envelope marked "Keys” and 

t IV'> 

T. ' . , . 

Page 13 

D-751001009 PF 



- - v „ 

i^-L-r 1 \r - 1, ■ ■ ■■!-■■* * T ‘ v f_ J . ■- r J lH ■ i - T lL .^* , r „ -. ■ * ' r V f t-' -,_v 

v ; y- M:; r '- : 5 ‘ ^ 

!<Vsc^ Afr , - . vr- t -*r ■_ : , j, ; . r . > ' : . . Th .„■ *■ ^ ■* i ; - h 1 * ^ r ' - 

■ v; . L . ' - ^ r ■' - . l ’ * L ■■_ * ■ ■ ■■ r H r ^ 

iV^lrV £ii f m l yj- i ■-■Ji r '-' k ; ;^ 

>>> VC ■: 


V "v > ‘ 

' T^->S^-s^6w5 

',V : - -V'-'- 


m : - 

■ v V> ' 'J' "*> ' . .j.^-.r ■ .V 1 

* ‘^Sf ’>V* */:>'* i r - v ‘ ■ 

iVV "i "V, ' V ’ _ ' r 

SltP' "'' V '" : ' '- V ' 

'•:.?r^i i ~ ; " i'. ■ ,■ ■■.' ■ ;'' . ■ 

fcS ; r".-' : '■; 

: i' 

' L .v'. 

: '-t "'*- : ‘ * ‘ , 

! ■_ X T _■ 

numerous keys (288-B-r35) j Florida Orchid; grape~<;V^v^ 
fruit box containingtpumerou3^jpamphlfsts ~, books ^ : -$}£p. 

■and literature (288-A-FBR-20) ; booklet 1 captioned 
"leaa' 1973" (288-C-RBR-29-A) ; two pamphlets entitled 
"Songs of Rage” ' (288-A-FBR-40) ;' large blue spiral - ; " V ’J% 
notebook (28 8-B-83) j' one message pad and one scratch T V 
pad (288-A-FBR-30) ; one Rogers , Texas , grapefruit / '~j‘ 
box containing numerous -publications, maps,and 
periodicals ;,(288-B-81) ; black handbag containing';^-: ;; V';j 
one inioplex 'strip printer, . book, entitled "Roget ; * 

- International '’ Thesaurus / -two file folders and V " 
publication "Seize the Time"' (288-A-FBR-42) ; brown^g^^ 
purse containing numerous papers and birth control ’_;V 
material ( 288 -A-FBR 7 I 3 ) ; three paperback books, 
pack of cigarettes, "two matchbooks, one thatch ; 
and box .of blank envelopes (625-B-K-19G) ; card-*' ' 
board: box containing briefcase various periodicals .»isfc££>,£ 
books and documents ' (62 5-C-RBR-8) ; map, card of 
thumbtacks , California Driver’s Handbook , tune-up V "J? 
guide and 19 t 64 Oldsmobile service manual (625-D-FBRjl2iS; 
portions of newspapers and periodicals , automobile 
forms, yellow pages of telephone directory ana Crocker,:'?^ 
National Bank -savings account book (625-D-FBR-21) "'j. H 
receipt #5023 (625-E-6-I-7) ; piece of paper -Vf 
. (625-E-5-C16) ; numerous notebooks, maps , , pamphlets -4 

> and documents (2 88-B-8 3) , ■ ■ . i V- .':• [ ■\ ,: £g$--£S^4s 

1 4 

maps , . pamphlets; 

Y” "-Y - " 

■ : ■ - v ^ v- 

V - - 's > r •* ■- ■ , - - r .■ ’<>" 

, - - ^ V ^ 

' ' ■ ’ ' r . ‘ r ' ■■'** ' 

. L jl ■ ; n ; . ; r\- ■; v> V- ^ 


Laboratory Transmittal Farm. 


j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 


skc f San Francisco (7-855) 

1 - Lab Files 
/T> Mr. Glllham 
^ (Rm 3238 JEH) 
1 - Mr. Furgersos 

From: Director, FBI 


(OO: San Francisco) 

October 23, 1975 

FBI FILE NO. 7-15200 

LAB. NO. CR- 14392 PL 

Examination requested by: SAC, San Francisco 

telephonic conver 
ce^andUnit Chief j 

Crypt analyels-Document-Fingerprlnt-Rodio Engineering 


The attached laboratory report sets forth decryptions of listed 
specimens developed to date. Any additional decryptions v/ill be furnished . 
as analysis continues. 

Specimens you submitted which ddnot Involve cryptanalysis will be 
described separately along with results of other examinations you have 
requested. Disposition of specimens described in the attached Laboratory 
report will be furnished separately. 

Enclosures (2) (2 Laboratory reports) 

1 - Mr. Gallagher (Attn: Mr. Anthony, Room 5048 JEH), sent direct with 
■ •• •' — enclosure ' 



VO. # 

■ ■ . J ^ V- 1 ?,' " . L ; 





To- I 

SAC, San Francisco (7-855) 

WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 

October 23, 1975 




CR-14392 PL 

(00:San Francisco) 

Specimens received 


Q2068 Blue portfolio containing numerous papers, pieces of 
identification and newspaper clippings (#288-B-5) 

Q2U1 Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "EDCC. . . " (#288-E-LR-7-Q) 

Q2U2 Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "1. DAMK. . 


Q2U7 Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "BLLC. . . " (4288-E-LR-7-T) 

Q2U9 Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "Peter. . . " (#288-C-RBR-40l) 

Q2176 Blue Cal Book spiral notebook containing written entries (#401-KT-19) 

Q2184 Small red address book bearing some written entries (#40i-KT-8) 

Q2201 . Piece of paper bearing twpewriting beginning ’*1* DAMKI. . 

Q2205 Piece of paper bearing typewriting beginning M l. DAMK. . (625-E-5-C4) 

. * . ^ L > 

Result of examination: 

The above-listed specimens, with the exception of Q2176, contain 
encrypted telephone numbers. The decryptions of these are listed below: 

* ». 

>"■ o ;' L v'^, '^2 

^Iv ^ -M '> ■ V- '*■ : .' ■ v. 

.• Q2068 - 


A) 848-9537 , . -,;^: M; 

-s : H , - + ‘': 

r rVTlVVt , .- . ._■ ? 

B) 526-9804 > ^ ■ '• 

. $25-9858 ■; - 

' ."Z'* i . ■ = 


C) 528-9805 (or may be 526-9807) 


f* w_V-: * . * 

- v <.- . 


D) 845-9304 . 

■ 845-9300 . . "" 

. . l\, ’ ■■ „ , - 

-- ■ -i - ^. 1 * 

v ■ 1 - 

Q2111 - 

381-9469 and 9440 

Vg:-, ■ 

933-0370 1 and 935-0086 1 

., : / 

V 1 ' /, 

Q2112 - 


■ .-5 ■ ■ ■ ■ 

'^vf. fj 

V-v ? 

j- C x ; <- - 




1. 239-9478 

2. 239-9923 

S. 826-9883 and 9948 

4. 826-9900 and 647-9736 

&T J - 

iPfh-; : , 
l -.-. ■ ■ ■ 


^ r| 

^ *.rv 

:■'■'■ ** 

- > - - . 

* / i "\ M -. ! ■ -■ ’ 

■'v[ ft* - r ■ 

1. 848-9537 

2. 526-9804 and 525-9858 

3. 526-9807 and 9894 

■ X 845-9304 and 9300 •; '■ 

fe> ? V 

"V ; '.\ : ' Q2117 - 

687-9034 Bank •'" 

965-9161 and 965-9353 - Court 

C.t^rr-; 1 . 

Q2119 - 

524-9981 ' . - ; 

VSvf, - ' ' 

-\=« " ■ 

' ? W; ^ 

Q2134 - 



* J V';' ■ ' * 

Ml ■* ■ 1 

if ;■ 


' 235-8704' ■ 

j^V ^ ■* '" ** ■ ' ■* 
'^- -- ■ ' 
/V^V'- . U ’ . . 

► fc'V. '■ .. :/' : ■ 

Gail Theodore ; . : X ;: - : ' ' ‘ 

664-8903 . .• 

rfei-V M /" ', 

mMM .... 

^ ix “ s - s 

Page 2 

CR- 14392 PL 

■v :'■■■ '■' . • ,...- ' ; ; '■ - ■ . '■' •... . M. '■ 

'^5^ ;’ y ? ;,; 9* 2 

Vj 7* : -f ■ "r ■'■ * '. ^ ■ -. J 

■ ViV V ■ ' / ■ r ' v '-■ -.- r ■, ,■ 

•#*■£•••• ."• • • . >■■ . 
v r ^ r > ■** ■ ' l ■ ► 

C - j \t . 

239-9478 ; , 


826-9883 and 9948 
826-9900 and 647-9736 


■ -p J * ' " 

P ti - 

h * I 

v ~;£\ 

e -; VT ' - 

H >.-1 ■■ 

A(d). 848-9537 ^ . 

Bid). 526-9804 and 525-9858 
Cld). 526-9807 and 9894 
Did). 845-9304 and 9300 

. i 

■' *\\ 

1 V ' V -*-:; * K 

.- • • : ; 

' i $- : . V 

B0>. 965-9164 
CO). 965-9348 


J ^ Jh , ■-' v * . ’■'-Ti ’ ■ '_ * *■ L ' L ; t J'V i . „ 

;; "+ .IV L — ; : ^ ''.-V / ’ \ V r . J 5 7^ r 

, 02205 •> Thie epeclman coniaine the some telephone 

. . . ■ . ‘ V ; number* ae specimen Q220 1 . / ■ "-7 ‘ ■ ■> v- -;;^; 

: .• - - V - ; ‘ ■ , • .-• ; ; - : .. - • :. • •• - . 

^ ' si* ' Mft»wwwnYifTT whlrK anrte^TS flt thfc D( 


' 1 - ft -; 

; x 

,r *> 
T - v 1 ' 

‘:V ■ : .: ., : r -. • " ■ ■* ■' “ ■■•■ r.J 

The notation "DTTmFUTIiOTP" which imM J f ; 5 

e pages of Q2176 is the ahbrevlaUon at "Death To The Fascist ; , ,•; 
DrAtTP UomThfi LUeiOf The People." - -,.w 

^ V - r . 

- V -- ' y .;.-: : 

: ’ - ^ -i '■ . ■ ■ .- iJ * 1 . ■ \ 5 

. ^ y ^; 

^ -. ' 

- - .< ' : ■ ■ ■' ... ■ .- 'i 

■ r 

■ ' '. ' .. 


->■'■■■ >^ yf > 

"f * ?■ 

^■- ■ ^ ■ -'je- V ^ ->■ V'.ir 

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" ■ -, L r J|1 ° ' --" ,Jx - r ' ' , L f ' 1 ” ^ - H ■ L " ^ ’^, 1 ' 

ATED Q2216 . Q2217 AND 0221 8 v RT7«!PirrniTTr^r 

rj rif#' 

; j . -■ r '^- .■ ' -'■; l V - *1 *-:_y ; 7. il 

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? s : : - 
...■■'-' iV; p 7 ;; ■ ■ . 

:m i -v. V- - t -, 
' 5 ^^ -"** ' 1 '■ 

t -* Mrv Mortimer' 
ll* Mr. Gillham ; . 

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OCTOBER 28 1975 , ' 

; < 91 - 14357 )." i:;, : : •; 

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SEPTEMBER. 29 * 1975 * 

sSJSte' ¥A 

g|| EVXT 3 EERGE; PQUND^ AT 2 88 \ PRECITAi v ;^ : V; : — 

KJ R°A D ' 'MW ' SUBMITTED TO LAB IN SF ITEM # 288 -B -81 BY ; Re ' 44 -" 



U | ; >' lrB AVENUE | SLASH D 


:■ , .-;r : -;■■ ■ : v.'? 

>F 47 TH AVENUE. 1 : AND^^f— 


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7-Ib" ■■■->- 

/S repoht 

® of the © 


WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 

SAC, San Francisco (7-855) 

October 23, 1875 

FBI FILE NO. 7-15200 

LAB. NO. CR- 14392 PL 


(00: San Francisco) 

Specimens received 9/29/75 

Q2068 * Blue portfolio containing numerous papers, pieces of 
identification and newspaper clippings (4288-B-5) 

Q21U Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "EDCC. . . ” (4288-E-LR-7-Q) 

Q2112 Piece of paper bearing writing beginning ”1. DAklSL ”■ 

Q2117 Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "ELLC. . . ” (#288-E- LR-7-Y) 

Q2119‘ Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "Peter. . . " (#288-C-RBR-401) 

Q2176 Blue Cal Book spiral notebook containing written entries (#401-KT-19) 

Q2184 Small red address book bearing some written entries (#401-KT-6) 

Q2201 ■ Piece of paper bearing typewriting beginning "1. DAMKI. . . 

Result of examination: 

■ ' ' .. .. ■ - ■ ■ ■. '■ . v'."- 

The above-listed specimens, with the exception of Q2176, contain 
. encrypted telephone numbers. The decryptions of these are listed below: 



%L^- ® ' W . 

: ^1. . 

■;.v ■ ■. - 

■. ^ - 

■*t- *^*" r ^ - ' , 
}&*'&. ,* 

■ASS? : V L 
‘ -. 


i ■> ■■ 1 j 

rt' vV" ' . 

■ ■■ 

ftvf *‘.v 

■■*£$ :- y ->\ L ' 


■ ■* 

fe" • " - 

■Ki&r- •?• 
4m • ■ 

Q2068 - A) 848-9537 

B) 526-9804 

525- 9858 

C) 526-9805 (or may be 526-9807) 

526- 9894 

D) 845-9304 

Q21U - 361-9469 and 9440 

033-0370 1 and 935-0086 1 
Q2112 - U 

1. 239-9478 

2. 239-9923 

3. 826-9883 and 9948 

4. 826-9900 and 647-9736 

■%\ K-, * 

X .J "^v,- - , ' 

*V' :> 

. ' . v ' ■ - * lT 

’ - t J ? , # 

* ^ " 

.rgs&ro , 



r> ' ■ 



•pgv ' 

ii& • ' : 
'• ■ 

’ V' 1 * - 

. r | '* M 

:■■■)■■'■' ■■ ■ 

• > .■>.■- 
V+Sr * '** JtJ 1 

" ^ " ■" * " 

llfec < 

Page 2 

CR- 14392 PL 

1 fl4R.ft>i^7 ■ 

2 ! 526-9804 and 525-9858 

3. 528-9807 and 9894 

4. 845-9304 and 9300 

- 687-9034 - Bank 

965-9161 and 965-9353 - Court 

- 524-9981 




Gall Theodore 

664-8903 : .••'./ ’ 




•;#v • 

nfh . 

; - 

V^'".. ■:■ 

?* ■“ 

* ) ,ir 

- "* f . 1 4’ -, r - ■ 

^Ar>S, . 
V5- ? > ■ 1 ' 

%«c> ■■■ 

Q2201 - 

Q2205 - 



863-1480 (H) 

Dr. Z 

1. 239-9478 X 

2. 239-9923 

3. 826-9883 and 9948 

4. 826-9900 and 647-9736 

A(d). 848-9537 
B(d). 526-9804 and 525-9858 
C(d). 526-9807 and 9894 
D(d). 845-9304 and 9300 





This specimen contains the same telephone 
-numbers as specimen Q2201. , 

■ W’tJv . 

r ■ ■ 


The notation "DTTFITPDTLOTP” which appears at the bottom 
of one of the pages of Q2176 is the abbreviation of "Death To The Fascist 
Insect That Preys Upon The Life Of The People." 

.A* ’ 

CR- 14392 PL 

' * w \ / 

i *; l 

s,y; A r- 

■- ■ .*■ 

Ti.j .v-\i ^-v;, 
'? ** f; ■ ' : .«i 


••• V-- ' .'• • :• • 

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, x . r _c . 

. t 1 1 


■ ■ ":-yy 

■'- ‘ ■ -: ■ , . ; Ai-:_ S -" 

:VsSP*f' V. ■ ' 

yo ’ i. DIRECTOR# PDI 


■' ■ latent fingerprint section 

' FROM-':' :'s ; ’.-\SAC#' SAN FRANCISCO (7-855) (P) ^ i:: 

:,'*.** ' r . : ■'-'■> ■>-' L "i ^ -■ - ; ^ \ ' -V - L ^.T ■ -.-. J. - ‘ 

■'? , ' T , v -, V-- V-^ L . r ■ /■} ^ ^ - 

W:- - 

">■ "-:■■( t ’■ ■ : ■- ■ 


00: SF 

i'rass-.- „ . ■■ _ ■ - ■■-. - 

t V ' •' ■ 


V - w- 


^ ■' 'i'** 

Latent examination of material frcsn 
401 Irvington Street# Daly City# CA. y_ 

R® San Francisco airtel dated 9/22/75 listing the _ ’ - 
?^§Cy^:r names of 15 individuals, for latent fingerprint comparison . - <r*3&J§&& 

• - The following evidence recovered from indicated 

^ \ location is being forwarded for appropriate examination * . ; 

l *v ■ 

■ :■ '..h ’■ v 


' • When listing specimens in the laboratory reports 

'3^Sf3 the San Francisco code ntlmber assigned to each item of - 

^ xne d<ui rjtauuiawu wuc inuuuci ™ — — — 

MM:lV ev idence should be indicated in addition to the laboratory . 

4 . ■: . , ■ ■. .' ^ ' ■ " j. - : 

specimen number. : ' ; -. ■ o . : -■■ y r . ■ 

^ -,' ■ 'X‘ r X^. ■- ^ 

401 LR 38*-;; One cardboard' box "labeled Michelob 5 
. . a ; ■'■■ ■- 4 cartons# six 12 oz. bottles.. ’ - ^ ; " 

jWT T H- , a 

401 BR 37 One portable Smith-Corona typewriter with 
case# serial 44C250443. 

■ )* 

401 KT 1 

One cardboard box containing the designation 
Coors# 12 quarts, 32 ounces. 

>-^\pu*eau (RM) 

_ ^Jri^Package ) 

2 - San Francisco 


tew < 5 >. S-3 


--V"' -•■*• ••••'•' • ' •' *■ ; ' 


+p ' A 

'••••- - 

h 1 -.. . '■ ^ rr V i: ' 

1 : ; - 1 JL V :' r ^ 

\v -^2,^ 

' 3-0 ‘ V.L;'3';' ; 

Id ■ 31 •■ 

i ^j J -■- L . ’* ■- '.’ '* . ' ■ \ ' ‘ / " ■ L ‘. ^ *■ i -'r.tZL-. n -,' '*>■?. -,t- E 

■: -■ f 1 "'i.-' l t- , " J ■ ‘ * ■ J “y *^- -"l- r^,- 

■ '■' '7 v V - ■ ~ :j ;r -Vi; 7J -'■>'*■' i- ; 7 . *■ '. - ' ^ V^iv Sr^- 1 ' 

f . 7- .1 “ ' - -f ^ - ^ - . 1‘ ■ V’ r 7 . ; F - \ ,‘t- r -, : 0?>- ‘ ?:*- r ' &S*' .7 &£■ 

: r„ : - 'y^i,y; : • . - ' r7*777l$g:- 

• • - W- ■ ■ •••'.'• •Ai'W-j ■•' " ; -^v-^-:'v^'^^ 

One cardboard box labeled Margarita 
12 quarts.; ; ;■ ' 7 ' ‘ ; .. 7 ' v -77 77 77 

a-', i a*.- -■ "' L r ^ ‘ L ~ * ■„ .■ » L - > iW^f j -T 

One cardboard box labeled Tareytori King 
Size Filter .Cigarettes..; . 

7 : ^: r ; Latent ; Fingerprint Section is requested; to process the'T^J 
' a * >ove evidence for latent; fingerprints and compare with all •• ~ '7^7 
other fingerprints developed in captlondd case and individuals 77:7 
^p^^-iHin' referenced air tel. Upon completion of latent examination 

Of 401 BR 37 Latent Fingerprint Section is requested to forward ; ^ 


$ .•'•'••• i,- •; ’ ' '■■■. •.'*•..••' •'•;*•;.• '.* 

■ . ^ . V* r . 

'v. *-'V- ■-? 

' T ; .7' ’ - ■ "•$: - 

; , T .’ ■ 7 . " 'A V> ' ■ Ty ' 't . '. ■ ' 

rt ■ ^ ^ ■ . - , - ,^ r ■_= ^ \ V v, ■■ l - L t ; . . ' - 

“ r\ J f m '' '- ■ i i p \ i ^ i - 4 - ■ ' ■ V 1 J 7 ^ - -7 

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WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 

TOi SAC, San Francisco (7-855) Dote: April 26, 197^ 

* FBI File No, 1^200 

"■< HEARWAP * LQb No ' M50A19098 PF 

Specimens received ^ ^ j|| ■ ■ 

K32 Journal of European trip bearing purported writing or 

Result of examination t 

The conclusion was reached that the majority 
of the questioned written notations on Q55, previously submitted, 
were prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL KEARST, purported writer 
of K32, 

A definite conclusion was not reached whether the 
rershlhing unidentified questioned writing on items submitted 
ill this case or in case captioned "SYMBICEESE LxBERATIQU ARMY 
(SLA) EM", was prepared by KEARST. Hovevar, nothing of 
particular significance was observed in comparing the majority 
of the comparable unidentified qu«3fcioned writing on items 
in these cases with the available writing of KEARST . 

K 32 , which has been photographed, la attached. 

BRQ :mcw 

( 8 ) 



of the 

WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 


SAC, San Francisco (7-855) 

March 31, 1975 

FBI FILE NO. ^ 5200 D— 750310056 PP 



Specimens received 


Resubmission of K32 

K92 Checkbook for Bank of America, account: number 5539-4348 
and thirty-seven (37) three bv five inch cards bearina 

Result of examinations 

The conclusion was reached that the majority of the 
questioned written notations on Q55 were preoared by PATRICIA 
CAMPBELL HEARST, writer of E32 and K92. Also, significant 
handwriting similarities wore observed in coomarin^ the available 
known writing of HEARST with the notation "Patria 6 lluerte 
Vencercmos Tania* appearing in the Q 0 IO 86 ohotograph and the Hearst 
signatures on 0175, 01387 and 01389 which indicate these 
wore probably prepared by HEARST. Additionally, soma similarities 
were observed In comparing the entry "Tania 1974" on the 0173 
photograph with the writing of HEARST, which indicate she may also 
have prepared this entry. 

Nothing of particular significance was observed in 
comparing the majority of the remaining questioned writing on 
the items submitted in this case and in case captioned "Synbionese 
Liberation Army ; (SLA) EM* with the writing of HEARST on K32 and 

K32 and K92, which have been photographed, are attached. 

brg 1 smk 



o' ths 


v. ■: 

WASHitt&TGH, D. C. £3500 

To: SAC, San Francisco (7-S55) 

October 24, 1975 



FBI FILE NO. 7-15200 

LAB. no. . D-751001009 PF 

Specimens received 10/1/75 


Q2165 Yellow spiral notebook containing written notations 
with enclosed typewritten and written sheets of 
paper and photocopies of documents (#625-D-FBR-21) 

Result of examination: 



The questioned typewriting on the page captioned 
•FASCISM" and page beginning " 7 . Supporters of ..." is 
the same size and style as the K118 typewriting* although, 
due to the lack of sxxfficient individual identifying 
characteristics a definite conclusion was not reached 
whether this questioned typewriting was prepared by the 
typewriter used in preparation of K118. 

,The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
typewriting on the pages beginning "A. To fully 
"to each other's "Because we still . "Tania 

decided . and "Q. XXXXXXXX You stated ..." was prepared 
by the typewriter used in preparation of K119* ■ 

. v / 

Page 1 . • (over) 

BRG:rma (12) 


The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwriting, on the Q2165 items, except the handwritten 
corrections on the four typewritten pages and on the five 
photocopies of typewritten pages , was prepared by 



A definite conclusion was not reached whether 
tho Remaining *unidentified questioned handwriting on 
Q2165 was prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL HEARST, K32 and 
K92; ‘EMILY HARRIS, X5, K6 r K8, K9 , K20 and K37; WILLIAM 
K486, \?hose writing wag previously outwitted in. this case, 
K3j or WILLIAM KILGORE, K2, whose writings were submitted 
in case captioned "UNSUSS (5) j CFOCKER BANK,' 5746 MARCONI 
AVENUE, CARMICHAEL, CALIFORNIA, 4/21/75; BR,” due to the 
limited amount of 3oraa written entries, the presence of 
unexplained handwriting characteristics and the lack of 
sufficiently comparable writing. However, similarities 
were observing in comparing the available writing of HEARST 
with portions of the script hand printing on Q2165. 

Q2165, which has been photographed, is being 
returned separately. 

. t: 

Page 2 

D-751001009 PF 

:fc» .jao 

of the 

r__ T LAU O H AT G KV 

lYASH!t;57C?J f D. C. 20S3S 

T o: SAC, San Francisco (7-055) 

December 9, 1975 

Re: hsaksap 



7-1 52 CO 

D-7510O1009 l‘F 

Specimens received 1 C/ 1/75 

C2QC4 Onfe. fila folof’i* anti tic cl r 'OPSC” cent-*' 7 numerous 

sheets of caper, cards, revsparcr and magazine 
clippings (»?r>&~p- 12 ) 

Q20G5 Manila er.vslonp marierd *"^a. film - book* containing 
typewritten .s->:c' 3 to of pacer captioned on first page 
"Tania Interview” 

Q206C .Manila envelope cost pining uirrerci" sheets of paper, 
photocouiee J’.r.d di .'irrnri !*?r5 -T -l?) 

020^7 Manila envelop labeled “'Bock 11 containing numerous 
photocopies of typewritten pages and two sheets of 
paper bearing writing (ij2a3-B-13) 

Q206G Blue portfolio contain lnq numerous paper 0 , pieces 

of identification and novoprroir clipringE (*233-8**5) 

Q20tJl l*iite envelope containing photocopies of various 
tfccwws-nfcs (* 2 ^ 8 -?-?) 

Page 1 










Green stenographic notebook bearing writing (“28S-B-1C) 

Manila envelope marked s, FG&E fl containing photocopies 
of various documents and newspaper clippings (#288-B-lS) 

File folder containing periodicals of miscellaneous 
papers (S288-B-11) 

White envelope containing photocopies of numerous 
documents (#288-B-lQ) 

Manila envelope containing handwritten and type- 
written pages" and photocopies of various documents > 

(#288-3-7) ■ ' . . 

Q2075 Fil© folder containing various periodicals (I288-B-3) 

Q2076 Section of Los Angeles Vines for June 15, 1975 

Q2077 Empty file folder entitled '’Book" (#288-3-14) 

Q2078 Photocopies of various documents U2S8-B-2) 

Q2079 Spiral notebook bearing written entries (#288-3-6) 
Q2030 One "northwest Cherries 0 box 

Result of examination % 


The K118 typewriting does not contain sufficient 
individual identifying characteristics to permit identifi- 
cation} therefore, in those instances described below where 

Page 2 ; 

D-751001009 PP 



questioned typewriting was found to be the same size and 
style as the K118 typewriter, a definite conclusion was not 
reached whether that questioned typewriting was prepared by 
the typewriter used in preparation of K118. 

02064 ' 

The questioned typewriting on the one Q2064 type- 
written page is the same size and style as the X118 typewriting 

Q20S5 , 

- The typewriting on the eight-page typewritten 
beginning on the first page “Q. Why did the 
SSfft'-i-*-: * ^and ending on the eighth page "in their rohetoric 
•S prepared by tho typewriter used in preparation of 
i£jA^s - _7- : S£fese pages have been marked with an asterisk in the 
towEt'-tl^ht corner of each page. 

The typewriting on the 02065 twenty-seven page 
typewritten document captioned "Tania Interview* is the 
same size and style as the X118 typewriting. 


Typewriting characteristics in common were 
observed in comparing the typewriting on the photocopies 
of the seven typewritten pages in 02066 with the K119 
typewriting, which indicate the typewriting on the pages 
from which these photocopies were made was probably 
prenared using the typewriter used in preparation of 


Typewriting characteristics in common were observed 
in comparing the photocopies of typewritten pages with the 
K119 typewriting, which indicate the typewriting on the pages 

Page 3 , . (over) 

D-751001009 PF ‘\ * i ‘ 

from which these Q2067 photocopies were matte was probably 
prepared using the typewriter used in preparation of K119. 


02071 , 

The conclusion was reached that the typewriting 
shown on the photocopy pages of Q2071 van not prepared using 
.the typewriters used in -preparation of K113 or K119 . 

The typewriting on these photccGpy pages correspond 
to Laboratory standards for a typo style manufactured by 
Brother Industries, Nagoya, Japan, probably spaced 231 ran per 
one hundred characters and used on typewriters manufactured 
under brand names including Signature, Wizard, Webstar, Bradford 
Typemastar and T.V.B. 


The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
typewriting on the three pages having typewriting on both 
sides of each page, with sides nurJbcred 6, 7, 8, 159, 160 
and 161, was prepared by the typewriter used to prepare 
K119. These pages were marked with an asterisk in the 
lover right corner of each page. 

The remaining questioned typewriting on the 
Q2074 items is the same size and style as the K118 



The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwriting beginning "When in fact ..." on pane six of 
the twenty-seven page typewritten document, captioned 

Page 4 ^ 

■ - .. 



D-751001009 PE 




- % -■ 

' 1 ' . •• • 

■ *' 

, * 

4 ' 

V * 

"Tania Interview" with typewriting on pane six beginning 
"business. He's a « » , B was prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL 
HEARST , K32, K92 and Kcl2S. 

Also# significant similarities were observed 
in comparing the handwritten notation "In th© evening 
news" on page four of the 02065 eight-page typewritten 
document with typewriting on this page beginning "A. 

Con trary to with the available writing of HEARST, 

which indicate she probably prepared this questioned 


The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwriting on the Q206S page with writing captioned 
"U.S. Gov't" except the notation "Supply Ag" was prepared 
by PATRICIA CAMPBELL HllARST, K32, K92 and Kcl25. 


Significant similarities were observed in 
comparing the written entry "political statement frem" 
on the photocopy of the typewritten page numbered eleven 
in a circle with typewriting beginning “organisation Of 
the with available writing of TATRICI/i CAMPBELL 

BEARST, K32 , K92 and Kcl25, which indicate oho probably 
prepared this questioned writing. 

The conclusion was reached that the majority 
of the green ink questioned writing on the Q20G7 sheets 
of stenographic notebook paper was prepared by EMILY 
HARRIS, K5, K6, K8, K9, K20 and K37. 

Pag© 5 

D-751001009 PF 

(over) were also observed in comparing 
other written entries on several of the Q20£7 photocopy 
pages with available writing of EMILY HARRIS, which 
indicate she nay have prepared those questioned 
written entries. 

Q2070 / , 

The conclusion was reached that the majority of the 
Questioned writing beginning with the entry K 19» Ex. Switchboard 
..." on page five of the Q2070 notebook and the majority of the 
questioned writing on the backside of the fifth page was 
prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL HEARS T I K32 1 K92 and Kcl25» 

Also, similarities were observed in comparing 
the questioned notations "A Gentleman * s Choice" and 
"Adelson's" on the fourth page of the Q2070 notebook and 
the notation “Answering ft Bus. Serv.“ on the backside of 
that page with available writing of PATRICIA CAMPBELL 
HFARST, which indicate she probably also prepared this 
questioned writing . 

The conclusion was reached that the majority of 
the remaining questioned writing in the Q2G70 notebook was 
prepared by EMILY HARRIS, K5, K6, KB, K9, S20 and K37. 


The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwriting on the sheet of paper bearing carbon copy 
typewriting beginning “empty materialism of ..." and the 
handwritten notation "women at same times 11 development" 
in the margin of the photocopy of the typewritten page 
numbered three in a circle with marked out typewriting 
beoinning "who havo brought ..." was prepared by PATRICIA 
CAMPBELL HEARST, K32, K92 and Kcl2S. 

- ■ ■ ■ * 

Page 6 * i (over) 

D-751001009 PF 

Also, s ini lari ties t;sre observed in comparing the 
following handwritten notations vith writing of LTARST, which 
indicate she may also have prepared these notations t 

The handwritten notations "(like Gloria Stinham & 
Jane Alport) “ and devastating" on the typewritten page 
numbered seven with typewriting beginning "truely powerful **«“ 

The handwritten notations on the page of carbon 
copy typewriting beginning “exhausted and, to...** 

The handwritten notations on the page of carbon 
copy typewriting beginning "for oppression and ..." 

The handwritten notation “not strong enough" on 
the page of carbon copy typewriting beginning “preconceptions 
of ..." 

A definite conclusion was not reached whether the 
remaining unidentified questioned writing on the items 
described in this report was prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL 
HEARS?, K32, K92 and Kcl25, EMILY HARRIS , K5, K6, XS, K9, 

K20 and K37, WILLIAM HARRIS, K45, STEVES. SOLIAH, X120, or 
PAT JEAN MC CARTHY, X436, whose writings were previously 
submitted in this case, or by JOSEPHINE H. SOLIAH, Kcl and 
writings were submitted in case captioned "DNSUBS (3) ; CROCKER 
BR," due to the limited amount of soma written entries, the 
presence of unexplained handwriting characteristics or the 
lack of sufficiently comparable writing. 

Page 7 (over) 

D-751Q01009 PF 


• ' 1 ' 
. i 

V . _ ’ , 


The documentary evidence described in this report 
was compared insofar* as possible with documentary material 
previously submitted to the Laboratory in bombing matters 
wherein the Weather Underground organisation, the New World 
Liberation Front or the Red Guerrilla Families claimed 
responsibility, but nothing of particular significance was 
noted nor were any associations made. 

The evidence described in this report, which has ‘ 
been photographed, io being returned separately. 


Fage 8 

D *-751001009 PF 




To: SAC, San Francisco (7-855) 

October 24, 107 

-Re: .HEARS** 



D-7510C1G09 Fr 

Specimens received 10/1/75 




The following described items O20S1 through Q2093 were contained 
In the gray metal file box (*J288-B~34) t 

Q20S1 Manila envelope narked * : OTI’ER COMM." containing 
numerous documents (42S8-B-34) 

Q2082 Manila envelope narked “N.VJ.L.F** containing 
numerous documents (3 2 £J 8 -B- 34) 

Q2083 Manila envelope marked "FAIRCHILD" containing saver a 1 
documents (#285-3-34) 

Q2084 Manila envelope marked "TRAPS.VffiAICA" containing 
several documents (#2S8-B-34> 

02085 Manila envelope marked *’BLA" containing numerous 
documents (#288-3-34) 

Page 1 (over) 

BUG i sink 
( 12 ) 


Q 203C 



Kanila envelope itarhed ‘ Mi:;!';:; 
numerous maps and a public at i o 

r-Utr-ila envelope: marked "i'GME.i: " 
documents (v 2 ii 8 - 3 - 34 ) 

OATS'* con tailing 
> a balle t in ( 5 2 3 S -IV 

containing nevcral 

File folder cautioned ‘"SOUTLLAE 
■SO’;nA" containing several 

its (^288-3-34) 







File folder captioned = ; ovepk: "ut - fed. local si. at i;" 
containing several newspaper clippings and piece of 
paper bearing written notatir?is. (t'2f?8-E"34) 

File folder captioned ‘''TAPIAL0 - hVA n containing 
several newspaper clippings U 2l ; ?i-S-34) 

File folder captioned ‘LilLITA"!’*' containing three 
newspaper clippings (-i;2S£-B-.?.*1) 

File folder captioned ''PRESS RELEASES - OIL COS'* 
containing nurrorcas documents .( S238-B-34) 

File folder captioned OIL CO’S." containing 
cuprous documents and newspaper clippings (f238-£ 


File folder captioned ’.-CCD IdAbSTR’i - hCRl PCS." 
containing nover-ao-tr clippings and docuraorits 



File folder captioned ’OIL - FOE - FTC.” containing 
numerous newspaper clippings and three note booh 
pegs s bearing writing (iitfS-B-34) 

File folder captioned "LA'? E'iFOPCE'-'EL'T - PL ISONS 
nuaerc«3 documents ($2t3-3p34) 

Page 2 (ever) 

D-731Q0IC39 PF ' i 




[' II ■> folder captioned "HEW - 
dccur^-nts (^2^S-^~34) 

WiLEA T?.E P0 n J, I C HE 'XT H 

cor.tai nir.g several 

£2093 Manila envelope captioned ’'FCTURE. ACS'ICHS* - MI SC." 

containing nevs-'aner clippings and documents 

1’CGUlt Of eza?:i;ia tion: — . . 


Q20S3 /:■ 

The cone lua Ion was reached that the typewriting on 
the two-page typewritten. document captioned “VAIeCHIM)" was 
prepared by the typewriter used in preparation .of X119. ■— 


the two 

The con 
-age i'.yyr 
by the t 

clu3icn was reached that the typewriting on 
written document captioned "TnAriSAiCESICA*’ v 
ypewriter used in pruparation o? X119. 


The co n cl us ion was readied that the 
the two- page document captioned ,! E7- KITTY * was 
typewriter used in preparation of X119. 

typewriting on' 
prepared by the 


It was concluded that the two pages cf typewriting 
beginning ’pOHXI) AIRWAYS ...“ and ‘Flying Tiger Ccrg. 
was prepared by the typewriter used to prepare K11S. 

Pace 3 : ; 

D-7510010C9 PF ■ 

■ ; ... . -E ■ i 



P 203 £ 

The cniesticned tvp-evr itinq on the peers beginning 
"FLAN . . . , ' *1." Catc.opcns .../ ‘'Key . . - , * tin- 1,1V J. 

..." end 'cjic electric . . . ’ vas prepared hr the typewriter used 
to prepare K119 . 

conclusion ves reached that the typn - r i t it:o on 
the three *ces beginning t :;GTES * iflEV . . . f "■ "KCTi-js ■- FCbUOATIOt 
and' “conduct pop . is the sar-io size and style as tha 
typewriting cn 7 . 1 1 C , previously &u::r.'ittod; however, duo to the 
lack of sufficient individual identifying char act ori sties , a 
definite conclusion was not reached whether these i terse were 
prepared by the typewriter used to prepare hllS . the type- 
writing on these three pages was not prepared by the type- 
writer used to prepare i'119. 

The cuostlcnsd typewriting cn the typewritten pa go 
beginning r ACTIONS Hi SUPPORT .. . K is the sawo' sis© and style 
as tfia K11S typewriting ; however, duo to t‘-.o lack of sucficiord 
individual identifying characteristics, a definite conclusion 
vas not reached whether this typewriting was prepared h-v the 
typewriter used to prepare KX13. This questioned typewriting, 
vs 3 not prepared by the typewriter used in preparation of Y- 119 



The conclusion vet res 
handwriting on both sides of the 
*B of A Marysville, ‘ escape tho 

ched that the questioned 
: ptige vith writ in-.;; beginning 
tve lir.arf of writing at the 

bottom of tho front side beginning "sew 7 
prepared by iMIJ/i HARRIS, K5,. K 6 , K 8 , AS, 

cco levies ♦ 

K20 and P37 

Page 4 

b-7 51001009' ?F 

, (over) 

’■ \ "■ ■ - , ' i 

The conclusion was reached that, the questioned 
handwriting consisting of the botton two lines beginning 
"saw 7 employees . . . ° on the above-mentioned pace vas,7-., 7 :-mm ^ 
prepared by F&TRXCXA CAMTBELL «EARSY # K32 and 

The conclusion was reached that the questioned ^77^^^ 
writing on the page beginning "Cavings 4 Loan - . and the X- 

questioned 'writing on 'the page 'beginning "Wells Fargo La v , 
Sierra . . . the blue ink crjestioricc writing on the 
backside fcecihniiig "Possible Switches ' . . . *' was prepared by 
EMILY HARRIS, K5, JC6,-_K 8, K9, K20 and K37._l.. A C- V 

02 088 ■ : • r 7 7 v "■ -7 ; ' ’-'J - 

"~7 It was concluded that the majority of the questioned -.Tr 

writing on the tvo oages captioned "S s P 197 3 K was prepared ■'-■ 
by E*1ILY KAURIS, X5, K6 f SS, £9, X20 and K37. /.••. — 

02094 ■ ■ ■_ _ . ■ > _ ^ -- ; ^ ,- \ .. ’ y ' „ v ' ^ J' _ - . ■ . • r ' y- : - ^ y '\ 

The conclusion was reached that the guest lenod : • 
writing on the two sheets of paper beginning "Castle - Cooke - 
..." and ‘Safeway ...‘ and the questioned writing on the 
enclosed yellow card vs» prepared by EMILY HARRIS, K5, K5, • •' •• 

K8, K9, K20 and K37. . •_.... . . . . . .. __ . . . 

02995 ' . '.’’’'I... ... /T V.^./ ' ...... V 

The conclusion was reached that the majority of 7. 7:7777 
the questioned writing on the throe 02095 shoots of paoor . 
was prepared by EMILY KARRIS, K5, K6, E8, X9, K20 and •p7^7~ i 77 ; 77'77 

Q2 09 6 . .. „ 7 „ 7.:.; 77 ' •'■ 7 • . ;• : • '■ •■' ■•■'-- 7 _■ ; ' 7. . 

. The conclusion was reached that portions of the 7 
questioned writing on tho pages beginning x s F Police Dept 

“4009 people visit ..." and "Evil Younger ..." wore ; «■ 

prepared !*y EMILY HARRIS, KS, £C, K3, K9, K2D and K37. Also; 

Page 5 

D-7510G1GQ9 PF 

^ (over) 

• ! 



'£ * i 

' 1 

^ ■ 

i ■■ 

similarities vet? ebsnrvcd in ■ ccrar-crino the available writing 
of Kh?.F;I5 vita portions of tho questioned writing on other 
pieces of pawr with writing beginning "Criminal Research . . . , " 
“Pcnald G, Pouliot ‘Tyrone Guyton . “tough Sketch .*•' 

and the blue anti green ink entrier? on the? paem tccinnina "■* I it 
956 ...' 

The conclusion vns reached that the black ink entry 
■■ 30S-DRJ Robert Edvard Kicrhey 1513 v-’e stover Or. Pleasant Fiill' 
on the above-sent ioned page fceuinniru" I !t -SS6 was 

prepared by PATRICIA CAHPUELL HEAPS y , K32 and S3 2. 

-h definite coijclusicn vss not r sacked whether the 
rcKair-iner unic-enti l ied/quc-sfcioned writing on the Items 
described in this rorort vs?" prepared by PATRICIA CV IP BELL 
REAPS?, K32 and K02/ LM~LY PARRIS, K5, K6, KB, K9 , KBO and 
y.37, VILLIA* Ki!i, STEVE?! SOLIMi, El 2 (3, or PAT JIM 
EiC C&SiTisY. vheke writing was previously submitted in 

this case, or by JOSSPHISSF, H. 501.1'!!, Eel and K4, KSTliLEEM 
AMK SOLXAJi, K3, or VILLIAtf KILGORE , K2, whose vri tines 
were submitted in case captioned E'h'3' ES' (5) ; CEOCKEE. BA N‘K , 

hue to the lir-ited ar.our-t of sr«n written entries, the 
presence of unexplained handwriting e’ - . nracteri'it lcs or the 
lag?, of sufficiently coiaparah-le writing. 

iho doc uo-un ta ry evidence desoritnd in this report 
was cod: pa red insofar a*f -possible with documentary material * 
previously submitted to the Laboratory in boohing mattery 
wherein the heather Underground organisation, the >tw World 
Liberation Trent or trie hoe. Guerrilla homilies ela ir.od 
responsibility, but nothing of particular significance was 
noted nor were any associations pade. 

The evidence described in this report, ' which has 
bean photeersy/nc-d , is being returnee separately. 


Pane 6 

D-7S1031C03 PF 


» ; 

11 J 

F"" ' " i 


: ' J__ n 

■'" r ':'^^'" : i 

cf the 



To: SAC, Sun Francisco (7*255) 




December 9, 1975 


D-7M0010C9 PF 

v Sl 



Specime ns received 10/1/75 

Q2099 One package o£ fillers Palls Ercrase paper 

Q2100 Seven -page handwritten letter on yellow paper 

beginning "Dearest Brother, It is very . . . “ and 
signed "eio* (f 625-B-K-19-F) 

02101 Sight-page handwritten latter on four sheets of 

yellow paper beginning “Dearest Brother, It is 
very (#625-C-RBR-lA) 

02102 White envelope containing two receipts signed 
"Mrs, D» A- Male* (8288-D-17A) 

02103 One Lease-Rental Agreement and Deposit Receipt 
form signed “Ban Carswell" (#2S8-D-17) 

Q2104 Piece of white paper bearing written name and 
address "Audrey B. Farnsworth 410 Coronado 
Ter, 413-1537“ (C288-D-17B) 

Page 1 

BRG 1 smk 




• 0-103 £-icra;rwinto city Collcq^ atudent identif ication 
c;sr;i eigne:! "Stephen Rroedy* {S238-E-LH-7-B) 

02X05 Seerar.ento City College registration and library 
card signed "Stephen IJ. Erondy" (§28E-E“LK-7-C) 

Q21Q7 Photocopy of ?oirth certificate In the narsc 
phan .’■'at.h-a.rt .S.rc-.udy' 1 ($28 B-E-LR-7-B} 

Q2103 Pi C'-'C of trhite paper bearing notations beginning 
"CAP" ($22S-2-LP.~7-0) 


Q2105 ' tfoit.e oiecn of panor bearing written notation 

“25 Soigcl 922-1SSO’* ($ 26Q-E-I,P.-7-«) 

021X0 Piece of paper bearing written notations beginning 
"E-1.00 or*n" {v 228*-E-I ! P“7*'P) 

02111 Piece of papar bearing writing beginning *EDCC . ..* 

(f 288-S-1P.-7-Q) 

Q2112 Piece of p&ner bearing writing beginning **1. DAMK 

Q2113 Piece of tsaoer boaring writing beginning "opi 
{ “223-2-LR-7-S) 

Q2114 Piece of paper bearing writino beginning *h ood •••* 

Q2115 Piece of paoor bearing writing beginning "Wra/a . ..* 

Q2116 Three blank piecos of paper (f 288-E-LR-7-V,WSX) 

02117 Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "BELC 


Page 2 

D-751001009 PF 



White piece of paoer bearing writing beginning 
"C.A.S.A. ..." (t2S3-E-LR-7-Z) 

Q2119 Piece of paper bearing writing beginning "Peter ..." 

288-0 RBR-401) 


Q2120 Yellow spiral notebook bearing numerous pages of 
writing (42B8-A-FBR-13) 

Q2133 Brown file folder containing the following i tenet 
man i la envelope Containing photocopies of various 
documents, box of checks on printed forms "Kathleen A 
Soliah,* book entitled "Guerrilla Warfare,* book 
entitled **San Francisco Bay Area Report** containing 
photocopies of article, manila envelope captioned 
"General Info** containing two maps, pamphlet, and 
receipt from Johnson and Johnson Locksmith signed 
"Steve Cosgrove,* green spiral notebook containing 
numerous writings (#28S-B-4) 

Q2134 Small red spiral notebook containing several pages 
of writing (4288-D-5A) 

Q2135 Small black millet containing Sacramento City 
College Identification and copy of birth 
certificate in the name "Suzanne Lanphear," 
three pages of paper bearing random written 
notations and one piece of paper bearing type- 
written notations (32S8-B-21) 

Q2136 U.S. Treasury check 451,536,008, coy able to 
"Bert R. 8 Helen Smith* (G2B8-E-KW-1) 

Page 3 

» (over) 

D-751001009 PF 


The following described items, 02137 through Q2139 and 
ALSO SUBMITTED items, are contained in Florida Orchid 
Grapefruit box (5238-A-FBR-20) t 

Cm 39 





Purple spiral notebook containing some written 
notations (S288-A-FBR-20) 

Benchmark letter Ruled tablet containing sort* 
written notations (g2ES-A"FBE-20) 

Pad of McCormick Ambulanca and Sick Room Service 
paper, one page bearing written notations 

Book entitled "Joy of Cooking" with the written 
name "Kathleen Arm Soliah* on the inside cover and 
containing sever::! white cards with written recipes 

One pack of X-PEUT carbon paper of which some 
sheets have been used (5 238-3-83) 

Three white sheets of paper vith one sheet bearing 
writing beginning "Charlie Howard and 

miscellaneous items (i233-ii-ol) 

White niece of papa; 
’'526-9304 525-SC5C 

bearing written numerals 

Tho following described item, Q2144 and ALSO KVUMITTED 
items are contained in Rogers, Texas, Grapefruit box 
(C2S3-B-S1) : 


Q2144 Shell map of Orange County, California, bearing 
written notation beginning ^Ecll to Euclid . . • " 

Page 4 * (over) 

0-7 51001009 PF ' . . . 



Manila envelope captioned “Piss* (£288-B-83) 

One personal directory (telephone) bearing 
written notations, slip of paper, card and , 

envelope and written message addressed to 
“Ms. Bonnie Wilder ..." and blank personal 
directory (telephone) (I233-A.-FBR-27) 

Q2147 U.S. Passport in the name "Bonnie Jean Wilder" 
and international certificate of vaccination . 
form ($ 2G8-A-FBR-26) 

Q2148 ' Manila envelope addressed to "Bonnie J. wilder" 

containing a sheet of paper bearing writing beginning 
"1. A SQUARE - HONESTY . • ♦ B and numerous photographs 

Q2149 Wells Fargo Bank Gold Account card signed "Edmond R. 
Ergut" U283-A-FBR-11) 

Result of examination* 



The questioned typewriting on the Q2135 piece of 
paper is the same size and style and bears characteristics 
in common with the K119 typewriting, which indicate the 
typewriter used to prepare K119 may have been used to 
prepare this questioned typewriting. 


Q2100 and Q2101 

Characteristics observed Indicate that the 
questioned writing on Q2100 and Q2101 was prepared by 
one person. 

Page 5 

n (over) 

0-751001009 PF 

Sontr similarities wore observed in ccrapf.rincr 
the q\i< 33 ti& writing on Q21G4 with tho available writing 
of Emily uKvjirs, f f , K20 K37 , Vi^ixclt in^^icn ts 

she may have prepared this; questioned writing. . 


Similarities wsre observed in comparing the 
questioned handwritten caption ‘’’General Info" cn the 
02133 jnanila envelope with available writing of PATRICIA 
CAMPBELL HEAFST, K32, K92 nrxl Eel 25, which indicate she 
nay have prepared this questioned writing. 


Similarities wore observed in comparing the 
Lar.phear signatures or. the C2135 Sacranento City College 
Student Identification Card and tho Sacramento City 
College Registration ar.d Library Card and tha writing 
of EMILY HARRIS, E5, X6, KC, K$, K20 and K37, which 
Indicate she may have prepared these signatures. 



Photographs of the used shoots of carbon paper 
contained in Q2141 were made and are enclosed. 


The Q2144 nap of Orange County, California, bears 
written notations "Ball Euclid loft Chris" on the cover. 
"Pacific Ave" is circled in the map's street index and the 

Page t 

D-7 5100 1009 PF 


notation *8.00 €9989^* Is marked on the map in tho area of 
Stanton* California T Also* markings were observed in the 
area of Stanton* California. Two markings were 
found in the area of Fullerton* California. . 

A definite conclusion was not reached whether the 
remaining unidentified questioned writing on the itevss 
described in this rcnort was .prepared -by PATRICIA CAMPBELL 
HEAR3T* K32, K92 and Kcl25, EF.ILY KARRIS, KS, KG, Ko * K9, 
K20 and K37 * WILLIAM HARRIS* X45, ETEVFN SOLI AH, K12C, or 
PAT J SAN KC CARTKY, K486, whose writings were previously 
submitted in this case* or by JOSEPHINE M. SCLIAH, Kcl and 
writings ware submitted in case captioned ■ "UNSUBS (5) j 
4/21/75; SR," duo to the limited amount of some written 
entries, the presence of unexplained handwriting charac- 
teristics or the lack of sufficiently comparable writing. 

The documentary evidence described in this report 
was compared insofar as rossible with documentary material 
previously submitted to the Laboratory in bombing matters 
wherein the Weather Underground organisation, the Now World 
Liberation Front or the Red Guerrilla ' Families claimed 
responsibility, but nothing of particular significance was 
noted nor ware any associations made* 

The evidence described in this report, which has 
boon photographed, is being returned separately. 

rage 7 

L-751001009 FF 

. 0 

! ■ 




WASHINGTON, D. C. £3535 

To: SAC, San Francisco (7-855) October 24, 1975 

FBI FILE NO. 7-15200 

lab. no. D-751001009 PF 

_ HEARNAP * ' 


Specimens received ■ 10/1/75 


The following described items , Q2121 through Q2132 and 

ALSO SUBMITTED items, were contained in the green metal 

file box (#288-B-35) i 

Q2121 Seven cassette recording tapes (#288-B-35) 

Q2122 Manila envelope captioned "Political Study" 
containing numerous documents (#288-B-35) 

Q2123 Manila envelope captioned "Document" containing 
numerous documents (#288-B-35) 

Q2124 Manila envelope captioned "Book Info" containing 
numerous documents (#238-B-35) 

Q2125 File folder containing numerous documents (82B8-B-35) 

Q2126 Manila envelope containing numerous documents 

Page 1 '(over) / i 

BRGismk t!2) 







Manila envelope with cbl iterated caption*: 
containing numerous document a (?2£3-B*3S) 

Manila envelope captioned “SLA Cor^ur. . 
rarcuB documents ead bock, captioned 

contain ‘ 

HJ7: CV^li 

t. i » t> X . 

I5L3ATXOH ABMY* by Robert Brainard Pearsall 

Manila envelope captioned *'t.D.** containing 
miscellaneous checkbooks and pieces of idcr.ti 
fication (1263-3-35) 

Manila envelope captioned ’"Oeneral Cell Info c 
containing numerous documents and newspaper 
clippings (42S8-B-35) 

Tvo white envelopes hearing return address 
“3LKB SftY;?£R JR." on captioned ''Mr. w B sr.d one. 
captioned ^HOMEK" each containing cards 
bearing names and addresses (£233-3-35) 

Large brown envelope captioned * Birth Certificate*" 
containing two white envelopes with copies of 
birth certificates (S268-B-35) 

Result of examination: 


The known typewriting, K113, does not contain 
sufficient individual identifying character in tics to 
permit identification; therefore, where questioned type- 
writing W3 found to be the same size and style as the 
£118 typewriting, a definite conclusion was rot nosaibla 
whether that questioned typewriting was prepared by the 
typewriter used to prepare K113. 

. * 

Page 2 i: (over) 

0-751001009 T'P. 

I = 

. r 

H M rv 


The conclusion was ranched that the questioned 
typewriting on Q2122 was prepared by the typewriter used 
in preparation of K119. 


The questioned original and carbon copy typewriting 
was prepared by the typewriter used to prepare K119. 

The six-page typewritten document (photocopies) 
SYKBIONK5E PROGRAM* 1 was not prepared by the typewriters 
used in preparation of K118 or K119. The rc&alning photo- _ 
copies in 02123 were made from other Q2123 typewritten 
pages . 


The questioned typewriting was prepared by the 
typewriter used to prepare K119. 


The questioned typewriting on pages numbered in circles 
in the upper left-hand corners 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 respectively/ 
and beginning "U.S. imperialism' is . "Strategy For Victory 
In . "revolutionary movement “betv?een class solidarity 

..." and "Mass Front and the ..." is the same size and style as 
the typewriting on K118. 

The remaining questioned typewriting on the 02125 
items was prepared by the typewriter used in preparation of 


A: \ 

Page 3 

D-751001009 PF , (over) 

The guostioned typewriting on the Q2126 items was 
prepared by the typewriter used to prepare K119. 


Thirty-three (33) typewritten pages included in 
Q2127 were prepared by the typewriter used to prepare X'119. 
These pages have been marked with an asterisk in the lower 
right corner of each page. 

Six of the Q2127 typewritten pages contain 
some typewriting prepared by the typewriter used to prepare 
K119. Xt was noted that portions of the typewriting on 
these pages were typed directly onto the page and portions 
onto other pages which were cut out and attached to the 
Q2127 pages. Other portions of these six (6) pages are 
the same size and style as the K113 typewriting. These six 
(6) pages have been marked by placing* an asterisk in the 
lower loft corner of each page. 

The typewriting on the remaining twenty-six (26) 
Q2127 pages of typewriting is the same size and stvle as 
the K118 typewriting. 


The typewriting on twenty-eight (28) typewritten 
.pages was prepared by the typewriter used to orepare K119. 
These pages were marked with an asterisk in the lower right 
corner of each page, 


The typewriting on the remaining Q2128 typewritten 
pages is the same size and style as the typewriter used to 
prepare K118. 

Pago 4 \ * 

D-751001009 PF\ (over) 


The questioned typewriting on the pages cautioned 


with typewriting beginning “My life really ..." were prepared 
by the typewriter used to prepare K119. 

The questioned typewriting on the remaining Q2130 
pages is the same size and style as tile K118 typewriting. 


The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
typewriting on the Q2131 items was prepared by the type- 
writer used in preparation o£ K119. 



The conclusion was reached that the majority of the 
questioned handwriting on the two pages with typewriting 
beginning "Q. Going in and "these drawers are was 

prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL HEARS? , K32 and K92. 

The conclusion was reached that the majority of 
the remaining questioned handwriting on items in Q2124 was 
prepared by EMILY HARRIS, K5, K6, K8, K9, K20 and K37. 


Significant similarities were observed in comparing 
the written notation "political statement from*’ on the Q2125 
typewritten page numbered in black ink "23“ in the upper left 
corner and containing typewriting beginning "organization of 
the ..." with the available writing of PATRICIA CAMPBELL HEARST 
which indicate she probably prepared this notation. 

. t; 

Page 5 - 

D-751001009 PF .(over) 


The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwriting on the back of the typewritten page numbered 
in black ink in the upper left-hand corner "13 ,f with 
typewriting beginning "Clearly we are not ..." and blue 
ink questioned handwriting on the back of the typewritten 
piece of paper attached to a typewritten piece of paper 
numbered in black ink in the upper left-hand comer "12" 
with typewriting beginning "and confidence and ...” were 
prepared by EMILY HARRIS, K5, K6, K3, K9, K20 and K37. 

Also, similarities were observed in comparing 
the written entries on some typewritten pages, especially . 
pages numbered in black ink in the upper left-hand corners 
"10,* "11" and “12" respectively, with typewriting beginning 
"Q. The media of "Clandestine urban ..." and "and 

confidence and ..." with the writing of EMILY HARRIS which 
indicate she may also have prepared these entries. 


The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwritten notation on the typewritten page with type- 
writing beginning 11 Q. \7hat about the individual ..." and 
the questioned blue ink written entry beginning "wanted 
to ..." on the back side of the typewritten page numbered 
*4” with typewriting beginning “of a pig assault ..." 
were prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL IIEARST, K32 and K92. 

The conclusion was reached that the majority of 
the questioned handwriting on the following described pages 
was prepared by EMILY HARRIS: 

1 The typewritten page numbered "T/p. 1“ 'with type- 

writing beginning ”Q. Since you ..." 

Page 6 

D-751001009 PF (over) 


Typewritten page numbered “114" with typewriting 
beginning "looking for you ..." 

Typewritten page numbered "117" with typewriting 
beginning "took whatever , 

Typewritten page numbered "IS* with typewriting 
beginning "above ground on ..." 

Typewritten page numbered "19" with typewriting 
beginning "from the local ..." 

Typewritten piece of paper with typewriting 
beginning "ence between ..." 

Handwriting on a piece of paper with writing 
beginning "date for Fahizah's ..." 

Significant similarities observed .indicate 
that the handwritten natations on the typewritten pages 
numbered 104 through 113, 115 and 116 were probably pre— 
pared by EMILY HARRIS, K5, K6, X3, K9, K20 and K37. 


The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwriting cn the back side of the two typewritten pages 
numbered "6“ and "17" with typewriting beginning "started 
to understand ... n and “Glina was a beautiful ..." was 
prepared by EMILY HARRIS, K5, K6, K8, K5, K20 and K37. 

. AI 30 , significant similarities were observed in 

comparing the majority of the questioned handwritten entries 
on the remaining 02127 items with writing of EMILY HARRIS, 
which indicate she probably prepared the majority of this 
questioned handwriting. 

-t: ' 

Page 7 

D-751001009 PF 


... \ 

. ' 1 

T ’C 


The conclusion was reached the handwritten notation 
beginning "To The People. If you -" on the Photocopy of a 
newspaper page with article captioned SLA ^ Wi *0 

HEARST" was prepared by PJtTRICIA CAMPBELL Hi*AR* - , K32 and K92, 


The conclusion was reached that the majority of the 
questioned handwriting on the sheet of stenographic notebook 
Daoer was prepared by EMILY HARRIS , K:>, K6, K8, K9 # K20 ana 
f;3?! However! similarities were observed in comparing the 
handwritten notation beginning "2) 146 Peralta ;*• 
bottoiu of this sheet of stenographic notebook h 

writing of FATRICIA CAMPBELL HEARS T , which indicate she 
probably prepared this notation. 

The conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwriting on the back side of the sheet of notebook paper 
with handwriting beginning "Sierra Club was prepared y 

The conclusion was reached that the majority of 
the questioned handwriting on the remaining sheets r>f 
notebook paper, except the sheet captioned ?ins wag pre 
pared by EMILY HARRIS, X5, K6, K8, X9, K*0 and K JJ* ^ lso ' 
similarities were observed in comparing the questione 
handwritinq on the sheet of noteboox paper captioned 
with the writing of EMILY HARRIS which indicate this questioned 
handwriting was probably prepared by her. 

* A definite conclusion was not reached whether the 

remaining unidentified questioned £” ^cl'iPBELL 
described in this report was preparec. b £ “5 
HEARST, K32 and K92, EMILY HARRIS, KS, K6, R8, K9, K20 and 

Page 8 : 

D-75X001009 PF 

i : 



MC CARTHY, K486, whose writing vas previously submitted in 
this case, or by JOSEPHINE M. SOLIAH, Kcl and K4, KATHLEEN 
ANH SOLIAH, K3 , or WILLIAM KILGORE, K2, whose v. T riting 3 were 
submitted in case captioned "UNSUBS (5); CROCKER BANK, 5746 
to the limited amount of some written entries, the presence 
of unexplained handwriting characteristics or the lack of 
sufficiently comparable writing. 


The documentary evidence described in this report 
was compared insofar as possible with documentary material 
previously submitted to the Laboratory in bombing matters 
wherein the Weather Underground organization, the New World 
Liberation Front or the Red Guerrilla Families claimed 
responsibility, but nothing of particular significance was 
noted nor were any associations made. 

The evidence described in this report, which has 
been photographed, is being returned separately* 

Page 9 -*■ • 

D-751001009 PF 

To: SAC, San 


Specimens received 







WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 

Francisco (7-855) 

December 9, 1975 



D-751001009 FF 


Envelope addressed to "Miss B. Wilder •••" 
containing written letter and numerous photo- 
graphs U2S8-A-FBR-25) 

Red theme book containing various pages of hand- 
writing from the black handbag which is described 
as an ALSO SUBMITTED item (4288-A-FBR -42) 

Spiral bound index cards bearing writing (I288-A-FBR-13) 


File folder bearing photocopies of documents 

"The Korean War" publication bearing written notations 
(S28S-C-RBR-35 QG) 

Photocopy of article and documents bearing hand- 
writing and typewriting <#28S-C-RBR-24A, 288-C-RBR-24B, 
288-C-RBRE and 288-C-RBRD) 


Page 1 









Red spiral notebook bearing .one writing U258-B-31) 

Book entitled -BM IS «> BE by V. X. Eenin 

bearing oone written notations (5C2-* D TEH ^3 i 

book entitled -the ^CTIC «P 6=*- “ An 9 S ° me 
written notations U625-D-FBR-13 +16) 

Book ontilted -EXBLOSWSS «»»*’ beatil ' S 

written notations (§625-0 FBR 13 + a J 

Spiral note pad containing written 'notations 

SUB^la^fSO iterss are oontainec *- J J- 








vT^’Tri "4 INC * containing email slipn of 

S55S iriitS notations irking several page. 


Sheet of paper bearing written notations (I62S-C-RBR-8) 

npir?l note pad containing written nctatlonr,, photo- 
TOpiis of documents and Kleenex wrapper l»«2u D PBR 13) 

Bed spiral notebook containing written notations 



Page 2 r 
15-751001009 PF 













rrwo L fi S Property Management Ce. checks 0199 and 
§217 both payable to "Steven Soliah," pieces of 
torn white envelope with written notations, white 
envelope addressed to “Steven Eoliah,* white envelope 
bearing written nans “Stave* and torn piece a of 
form (S625-D-FBR-13) 

-Sheet ..of paper . bear ing written notations beginning 
“History of Oil ..." (S625-D-FBR-21) 

Three sheets of paper bearing writing (f625-D-FBR-21) 

Small spiral notebook, slip of paper, business 
card and note pad bearing written notations 

Sheet of paper bearing diagram and writing beginning 
•Pat t Bob ..." (4625-B-K-25) 

Copy of three-page "X Communique* dated 9/4/75 

Dog License Canvass - Notice form and piece of 
note paper bearing writing beginning * (clean up 
front ..." (§625— 3-K-17) 

Red spiral notebook containing writing <$625-C-RER-10) 

Blue Cal Book spiral notebook containing written 
entries (#401-KT-19> 

Small spiral notebook bearing written entries 

Pago 3 

D-751001009 P F 




Piece of vhite note paper on letterhead "GranTree** 
bearing written notations |j401-KT-28A) 

Carbon copy of rental agreement dated 5/15/75 signed 
•Charles Barber" (S401-K-9) _ 

Several pages .of typewriting with written notations 

Small aoiral notebook bearing written notations 

Q2182 Sheet of paper bearing written notations beginning 
•J.D. - Our two ..." (S401-LR-6B) 

Q2183 Greon spiral notebook bearing written notations 

Q2184 Small red address book bearing some written entries 

Q2185 Stub number 7213 bearing some written notations 

Q2186 One 3x5 card bearing typewritten and handwritten 
notations (4401-KT-31B) 

Eight customer 1 s record copies of Pederal Home loan Bank of 

San Francisco coney orders further described below i 





Q2187 4-05444372 

Q2188 4-05444417 

i. ... 

Pago 4 

D-751001009 PF 


Charles (1401-H— 10) 
Barber . 

-- (1401-11-11) 













* ' 










■ Barber : 

Mrs* C* 

Barber ~ 

Mrs. C. 







"■■■' -shooting" bearing written name on 

Book entitled snooting „ smith 4 Wesson 

inside "Herbert E. Clark# Jr. ana * » 

730 Chief special revolver pamphlet IM01 LR 2) 

Piece of spiral notebook paper bearing red vxLtLng 
(S401-KT-28F) ... . • •. . 

Four sheets of paper, two bearing typewriting 
(C401-KT-22) •; 

Ten sheets of paper# eight bearing typewriting 
<§40 i-kt-i 6> -- v 

copy of birth certificate of ‘Mlgnon Wong" 
r*noH-F-6-I-9) ' ■■ • / • •• W- 

page 5 

D-751001009 PF 

- • • - . t: V 



Brown nemo pad bearin 9 written notations 



* Vpartno written notations § 

ss ^ ' hefx - 



Three pieces of pap- ^^Sf 08 ' 
first beginning "EIIX .../ 7 ®„ “ r «.jr Z ' • and 

tr.trwv ■ .r if* third beginning GE* : i •*■ 

-MBFX ... * n<s vLviL in plastic holder 
Oriental language booklet in pia&t 



Sheet of note paper bearin, bitten notations 
beginning “charcol & fluid ... 


Piece of paper bearing typewriting beginning 
" 1 * DAMK ..." ( 62 j-r.- 5 -C 4 ) 


1 * Vnrm * * * ' 

. r4i-v College student identif icatio 

^s^-ruT 9 (H5 - E -C3, 


. „ ritv College Registration and Library 
®KgSd ^ HandiicKa^ (62S-E-5-C2) 



writing tablet bearing 
Brown folder containing writing 

written notations (625-E 5 taj 


One gray p®^ ^eliwMns"^^^' (CZS-C-La-l) i 

bag containing misceiian ton - 0 ent U.S. 

black wallet 1288 

Page 6 * 

D-7 510010 09 PF 


i ’ ; ■ ■■ 


postage stamps t 2E8 " E ^' 7 "Hs*3-?-LR-7-K?t r rSA 

£htn ,ood Di3tributor3 lnc (283^ ^ ) 

ticket stub p o3 ^.7 f ‘ I,' i* C pnse plates 5935 

(28S-Ii-35>> tyo ^'^^nvelooe marked -Keys* and 

KWV (268-B-35) * r i 0 rida Orchid grape- 

numerous keys UCS C - ^ £ Pallets, books 

fruit box containing > ^ bcoi ;1 et captioned 

loaa l l» foea-A-FBR-40)i large blue spiral 

onoLssigo pad and cao acratch 

“y^s-MTO-SO)! one Rogers, Te*«». « t ® po ‘fS lt 

pad (2C5*~A ^atioriG * E&aps# anfl 

box containing numerou P * ff ndbsa containing 

periodicals ^egaf. 

one mioplex strip prin » file folders ana 

International Thesaurus, (28G-A-FBR-42) i brown 

publication Eoiro tno Ti _ nd birth control 

purse ^ontalningnenerounpape'a^^r c 

jaaterlal (23S .* Fl > R •* '/ .^frhhooks, one watch 
pack of cigarettes, V„„~ B <625-3''K-19G) j card- 
and box of blank ®^ e , ‘ i<sfC( | ser various periodicals, 
board bex containing " ^.gj . Rn o, card of 
books and docvycnts jfi , a Handbook , tune-up 

thu^tack., California B-ivcr^B^ (S25-D-PW.-12) 

nulde and 1964 Oicsnon r'ala , automobile 

portions of newspapers ‘ a I roCt ory and Crocker 

forms, ysllo w pac*s ° C fl ^ount book (625-D-FSR-21) I 
National Sank ^vings account^boo^ ^ p#pe r 

W25-E-5™«> n^erous notebboks, maps, pamphlets 
and documents (238-B-83) 

- (over) 

Page 7 

D-7 51001009 PF 


Result of examination t 



Portions of the typewriting on Q2153 correspond 
to Laboratory standards for an Olympia elite style of type. 
Other portions of the typewriting on Q2153 correspond to 
Laboratory standards for a Smith-Corona (SCM) elite style 
of type. The remaining portions of the typewriting on 
Q2153 correspond to Laboratory standards for an Underwood 
pica style of type. The Q2153 typewritings worn not 
associated with the typewriting on K118 and K119. 


Portions of the typewriting on 02155 correspond 
to Laboratory standards for a Hermes or Halda/Facit elite 
style of type. Other portions of the typewriting on Q2155 
correspond to Laboratory standards for a Smith-Corona (SCM) 
or Remington elite style of type. The remaining typewriting 
on Q2155 corresponds to Laboratory standards for an IBM 
stylo of type. The conclusion was reached that the type- 
writing on Q2155 was not prepared by the typewriters used 
in preparation of K118 or K119. 


The typewriting on the six photocopy Q2163 type- 
written pages is the same size and style and bears 
characteristics in common with the typewriting on K113, 
which indicate that the typewriting on those Q2103 pages 
was probably prepared by the typewriter used in preparation 
of K119. 

Page 8 (over) 

D-751001009 PF 



The conclusion was reached that the typewriting 
appearing on Q2163 was not prepared by the typewriters 
used to prepare K118 or K119. 

02173 . 

The conclusion was reached that the typewriting 
on Q2173 was not prepared by the typewriters used in 
preparation of K11S or K113. 

The typewriting on Q2173 corresponds to Laboratory 
standards for an IBM elite style of type. - 


The typewriting appearing on Q2180 is the same 
size and style as the K113 typewriting; although, due to 
the lack, of sufficient individual identifying characteristics# 
a definite conclusion was not reached whether the 02180 type- 
writing was prepared by the typewriter used in preparation* of 


The conclusion was reached that the typewriting on 
02186 was not prepared by the typewriter® used to prepare 
K118 or K119. 


The questioned typewriting on the two Q2197 type- 
written pages except the typewritten caption on one page 
reading "mapxism*lki:imISH-kao tse-TCMG thought" was prepared 
by the typewriter used in preparation of K119. 

Page .9 (over) 

D-751001009 PF 

The . typewritten caption on Q2197 quoted above on 
one typewritten page is the name size and style as the K118 
typewriting; although, due to the lack of sufficient - , 

individual identifying characteristics, a definite conclusion 
was not reached whether this typewritten caption was prepared 
by the typewriter used to prepare K118* " . 7 : 7 . 


"T\ it was concluded that the questioned, typewriting 
on the two Q2193 typewritten pages bearing typewritten - 
captions in the upper left comers "MARXISM" and "LENINISM 
was prepared by the typewriter used to prepare K119.- 

_ . The questioned typewriting on the r eina i n i ng . -- 

five Q2198 typewritten pages is the same size and style 

as the K118 typewriting; although, due to the lack of ; 

sufficient individual identifying characteristics, a. . . 
definite conclusion was not reached whether these itens 
were prepared by the typewriter used to prepare K118. 


' The questioned typewriting on Q2201 is the same . 

oizo and style and boars some characteristics in coremon 
with the X113 typewriting, which indicate this questioned 
typewriting may have been prepared by the typewriter used 
in preparation of K119. ' ; i.7’'7"7 . ^7777: '" 


The questioned typewriting on Q2205 is the same / 
si 2 e and style and bears some characteristics in common ■ ■ 
with the K119 typewriting, which indicate this questioned 
typewriting may have been prepared by the typewriter used y 
to prepare K119. . • • • • _ ••• • • /• •- •’ 

Page 10 '• ‘ -TV''-. V.. (over)' 

D-751001009 PP " ’ • ••• .‘.V. 

*- 7 . 7 - 

Q2175 . • 

similarities observed indicate that the questioned 
writing cn S Q2173 and the questioned writing on Q2100 and Q2101 
wag p^opaxod l>y tixo s«uuo person* 


Q2192 ana 02194 

similarities were observed in cowpairing the 
■firs C. Berber' signatures »» 02192 and Q2194 with writing 
of liTMCIA CAKPBExi HEARST, which Indicate she nay have 
prepared these signatures. ' 

Q2204 ... 

Similarities vere observed in ^>***"3 S? C ia 


jaay have prepared this questioned writing. 

Q2206 and Q2207 

Similarities were observed in canparing the 

questioned writing on Q22 0 «a nd 02207 withwritlngof 
SSSS Stas may have prepared this questioned writing. 


"* rt Ai conclusion was reached that the questioned 
handwriting on SS20Bw« prepared by PATRICIA CAMPBELL 

Sr*«“»2 *=«*• iaso * siniiaritic3 vsro 

Page 12 

0-7 51001009 ?F 

'■A':' .. 





observed in collaring the questioned hand printing on 
02208 with available writing of HEARS?, whic.i indicate 
she may have prepared this questioned writing. 

A do finite conclusion was not reached vhether 
tho remaining unidentified questioned writing °£ . 

Siofi/wSSli* SJSS ^tr^ne'«itin^v=re 

previously submitted in this case, or oj * M 

rTiro^’T i {5 whess writings were submitted in c&so 
captioned "UN3CBS (5); CROCKER BANK, ^ 574 G KARCO^ AVEH^' 
CARMICHAEL, CALIFORNIA, 4/21/75? BR, duo to the . . 

Siilnt of some written entries, presence o* unexplain 

handwriting charactcrin ties or the lack of sufficiently 
comparable writing * 

Th* documentary evidence described in this report 
was concared insofar as possible with documentary ”“£““1 
previously submitted to the Laboratory in boobing ^tters 

wherein the Weather Underground clai“d 

t (K erafinn Front or the Red Guerrilla Families ciax.^c 

responsibility, but nothing of particular significance was 

noted nor were any associations made. 

The evidence described in this report, which has 
been photographed, is being returned separately. 

Fage 13 

D *'751001009 PF 

i: * 


*' \ 



To: SAC, San Francisco (7-855) December 10, 1975 

FBI FILE NO. 7-15200 

LAB. NO. D— 751006011 PF 

Rp . ' D— 751C20010 PF 

HEARNAP D-751103011 PF 

Specimens received 


K120 Invoice #6157 dated 9/12/75 bearing purported writing 

Specimen received 10/17/75 

K123 Application for Rental and Agreement to Rent form dated 
5/30/73, bearing writing of JAMES KILGORE 

Specimen received 10/31/75 

Kcl25 Photocopy of personnel file from Carswell* s 

Department Store, Oakland, California , bearing 

Page 1 (over) 

BRG : Sink 
( 10 ) 

1 : 


Result of oiuTninationt * ■ " 

Appropriate comparisons of X120, K123 and Kcl25 
are being reported separately. 

K120, K123 and Kcl25 are attached. Photographs 
were made. ! ? 

Page 2 

D-7510C6011 PF 

■ M 

\ : 



# tow- //oo 


J j 1 7-15200 Q1106 PF j (,.J 

If JO {2} 
i MtJYS 



CrlvEB <•»- , _ 

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/'EM ERW1U.E/ -. - / 
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FRC^lfe^* ^ 

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gl^ndale. , r ; ’ 
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... «ACMMJ9ra-.«ytSt r . ,. s . >r , ,; . >V- * V ' Tj?! jfmtlrVWi T '*>' '“V- -Vt' <k>V. 

; SAN CLEMENTE , - ^ ., IDAHO #T V-'-> \ v/ : f 7 f 

'*M* oieeo ■*>■ ■ • '■- v 1 f.. f . -.- 

SO. SAT* FRANCISCO PNP - - •’":/' ' ' J r ^ ^ X 1 I li - v 

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Va^ta ROSA m 


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0: t orTForr r .:. , * auuny */. -j* ’>£! . *anoluui / '*:'■ 

. .■■-^,T.rt TV - S y^ ^ V .'- : PWNYS M«'CP 

rr. rW* ^ ***** 5^7 ... . «*!«**'*“* *:<■•■ . r wcoo> 


WAiSAC«U«. ?. _ KUMfcT M falls ,. ,v- • co 0> 

tif * MSHPF***»I ■%'<» c M&&* *-'• ■}"?+* “ E SfS, w ; ’"•'* esiadooe mctico 

.: ' A *•>. . i .,. Lr-X" \ fc\ . / JpL--., »fcCMlNSTfc» v , . PO ?Iht,^ * ■ ■ CUAOALAJ*W^_^.. 

.*'1.::*:. .4 ., -v:' '*.... A..^.-.- ' : fTf-1 .'.\^P \,/ ■ A> ■- '^^AvKis^-flOJ** . ... j IWJSEBURfr . ; :_. uFXtCO CX^-yi^T-. . 

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ON, D 

ft ihr -Wfff^iil mu i ilrtawi n rt r 1 1 

I I ilinrtti 

■15200 01100 W 


1 7-15200 Q1096d PJ 

W Q 

7-15200 Q1096d 


j Lw isi 

■ ^ 

cXv ifiXirtf U*ZJL 





7*15200 510)6 PF 

— Ul-OKATO \tY , . it . 

r .,i-r * 

1 7-15200 Q1094qq PF 

.• J 

: •-••- vv -,;3 

■ ■ v^>Vf ;V^ £■ : ' 



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■ rf '< • /^-^rv:'-':::- -1^ ' -'H ,'i i r >y A. . ^ililvl'-, .. .:. . r, ;| 

-15200 Q1094nn Pf 

-15200 Q1094mm PF;